All Bluray Moonwalker discs


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I have already heard there are a lot of countries which release Moonwalker BluRay Disc soon.

Japan (box with T-shirt & 16 page booklet) (new cover artwork)

Please if you know more details about other releases post here.
Moonwalker in Steelbook ltd. by German Amazon It's been already released.


It looks really cool. Booklet with photos from the movie included.
I have the PAL & NTSC version of Moonwalker on Blu Ray and apart from having no extras, I was annoyed they edited out the scene where Mr Big threatens Katty with the needle.
I rewachted the scene tomorrow:

Mr Big says: '' I wanna get everybody high''
But as far as I can remember the movie every single person who get's to Mr Big will transform into a spider or am I wrong??? Still it is UNBELIEVABLE they cut it out.

I have bought a copy which has the numbers:

100012775 (above barcode)
5000079522 (under barcode)

It has no DUTCH subtitles (but that's not important)

Any of you know if there is a BLURAY disc with the COMPLETE MOVIE ???!!!!
Any of you know if there is a BLURAY disc with the COMPLETE MOVIE ???!!!!

There isnt one. Its been universally cut out. It would have happened at the source = Warner Bros. probably at the request of the Estate.......or Dileo who is the other Executive Producer apart from Michael.
I don't know about everywhere else in Australia but they have the Blu ray dvd on Moonwalker for sale @ JbHiFi in Brisbane

It's on sale on also for $15.95

Available also at and :)
Annoys me how EVERY Michael Jackson release has got to have 100 different versions............
So one the most important scenes cut out ???? I think because MJ passed away because of drug.... maybe

We don't know if Michael passed away because of drug , l'm Michael fans for a years now since my childhood and the most important thing that l learnt from him that l should not trust what the media says about him.

With the Love.
i received the steelbook Bluray German version... its just amaizing!!! such great quality!!!
We don't know if Michael passed away because of drug , l'm Michael fans for a years now since my childhood and the most important thing that l learnt from him that l should not trust what the media says about him.

With the Love.

Mhh, Mehdi, I really do think Michael died of drugs of a direct cause, I think that's rather clear, as the authorities (not the press) let us know that. But it's important we look at the indirect causes like: why did he take the drugs? The things that lead him to that, are responsible a great deal for his dead, for example the bashir interview, and the trial (and alot of his life not to mention). Maybe another more direct cause, and probably the most serious one, is the negligence of Dr. Murray, that's the worst one. if you look at it that way it's not the drugs that killed michael, but late response by Dr. Murray. Michael could've been alive if it wasn't for him.
I have been told there is also one BLURAY release with ORIGINAL cover artwork...... If all releases has cut the scene I will go for the original artwork BLURAY .... I don;'t know which country it has released.
Mhh, Mehdi, I really do think Michael died of drugs of a direct cause, I think that's rather clear, as the authorities (not the press) let us know that. But it's important we look at the indirect causes like: why did he take the drugs? The things that lead him to that, are responsible a great deal for his dead, for example the bashir interview, and the trial (and alot of his life not to mention). Maybe another more direct cause, and probably the most serious one, is the negligence of Dr. Murray, that's the worst one. if you look at it that way it's not the drugs that killed michael, but late response by Dr. Murray. Michael could've been alive if it wasn't for him.

In my point of view ,we killed him not Drugs ,we want him to come back to the stage and this is what we get ,we put him under the pression and many of us forget that he is human being like us.
In my point of view ,we killed him not Drugs ,we want him to come back to the stage and this is what we get ,we put him under the pression and many of us forget that he is human being like us.

True Mehdi, in a way we did...
I have the PAL & NTSC version of Moonwalker on Blu Ray and apart from having no extras, I was annoyed they edited out the scene where Mr Big threatens Katty with the needle.

Thank you sincerely Dangerous Incorporated for sharing information about the Blu-Ray versions you have, I really appreciate the information.

I am a little confused though, as for some reason I did not know there actually was such thing as a PAL Blu-Ray and NTSC Blu-Ray (like there are with DVDs), I thought all Blu-Rays discs run at 24fps, screen resolutions were universal with HD / Blu-Ray film, and Blu-Rays movies were distinguished only by the region coding of the disc (like Region A, B, or C). Have I been totally incorrect about this all this time? What other differences are there between the 2 versions? If this is the case, then this is really very good and important information to know before I go to buy a copy now, as I want to make sure I get the best version I can.

Dangerous Incorporated, if you have time and don't mind - I have some questions about the Moonwalker Blu-Ray versions you have. Are there any other differences between the versions that you can see or that you have found so far?
1) What Countries did each of the Blu-Rays you have come from and/or where did you order them?
2) Film Runtime (is it the runtime the same on both versions? Is there a 4% speed-up the PAL version)
3) The Overall Quality (Is it the same exact transfer quality for both versions?)
4) Are both Blu-Ray versions identical? (like Menu, Sound Options, Extras, etc..)
5) Where would you recommend I buy my copy from? I am in the United States and use PS3 to watch my Blu-Ray movies.

Back to the topic of the Moonwalker edit real quick --- I don't understand why Warner Brothers edited the scene on ALL of the Blu-Ray versions that have been released so far, because that same scene was not edited on ALL of the DVD versions that were released - so why change it now with the Blu-Ray upgrade (here is a good comparison example of the DVD versions / note: see the bottom of the page under "CUTS").

Was this edit done mainly because Mr. Big was trying to inject Katie with the needle?? If so, it is kind of strange because I guess Warner Brothers felt it was totally fine to show Mr. Big slapping and hitting Katie in the head like a dozen or so times for no real reason, BUT do not dare show the needle near her neck? To me that is kind of unusual logic.

It also seems like they edited the scene more than they actually needed too, I mean they did not have to cut out one of my favorite lines from the movie in the process too! You know, when MJ say's "Do it and You're Dead!!" to Mr. Big. Why couldn't they have just trimmed the needle scene a little bit and still left that awesome line in the film, at least in my opinion.

Dangerous Incorporated, Thank you so much in advance for any info you can help me with.

Thank you sincerely Dangerous Incorporated for sharing information about the Blu-Ray versions you have, I really appreciate the information.

I am a little confused though, as for some reason I did not know there actually was such thing as a PAL Blu-Ray and NTSC Blu-Ray (like there are with DVDs), I thought all Blu-Rays discs run at 24fps, screen resolutions were universal with HD / Blu-Ray film, and Blu-Rays movies were distinguished only by the region coding of the disc (like Region A, B, or C). Have I been totally incorrect about this all this time? What other differences are there between the 2 versions? If this is the case, then this is really very good and important information to know before I go to buy a copy now, as I want to make sure I get the best version I can.

Dangerous Incorporated, if you have time and don't mind - I have some questions about the Moonwalker Blu-Ray versions you have. Are there any other differences between the versions that you can see or that you have found so far?
1) What Countries did each of the Blu-Rays you have come from and/or where did you order them?
2) Film Runtime (is it the runtime the same on both versions? Is there a 4% speed-up the PAL version)
3) The Overall Quality (Is it the same exact transfer quality for both versions?)
4) Are both Blu-Ray versions identical? (like Menu, Sound Options, Extras, etc..)
5) Where would you recommend I buy my copy from? I am in the United States and use PS3 to watch my Blu-Ray movies.
I had checked both for edits but not run time and theyre both the same being theyre both PAL. One I ordered, the other was given to me (and that person claimed it was NTSC). Sorry for that error. So there is no NTSC, which sux!
Back to the topic of the Moonwalker edit real quick --- I don't understand why Warner Brothers edited the scene on ALL of the Blu-Ray versions that have been released so far, because that same scene was not edited on ALL of the DVD versions that were released - so why change it now with the Blu-Ray upgrade (here is a good comparison example of the DVD versions / note: see the bottom of the page under "CUTS").
I assume because this is the first release of Moonwalker since MJs death therefore leading to believe that it was taken out because of MJs death.
I'll betcha they only cut it out, so they later will be able to release an UNCUT UNCENSORED VERSION of the blu-ray in a hundred more editions, haha!
I reieved a Italian package with BLURAY & NORMAL DVD. The normal DVD is 4x3 and it does not have the cut. the bluray does.
I'll betcha they only cut it out, so they later will be able to release an UNCUT UNCENSORED VERSION of the blu-ray in a hundred more editions, haha!

NOT FAIR!!!!!!!...........

Good thing I decided not to buy the BluRay!!!!!!!!!.......

........Now we'll just need to wait!!!!!
Finally I got my copy today, what a experience, this is soooooooo cool.
I wish they did this with every VHS release like: The Making Of Thriller, The Legend Continues etc.