ALERT! Disgusting Thriller article in Time 100 best Albums List


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello guys and all fans

I posting this in hope all of you will find it important to have a look at the article I am referring to. It is from Time magazine 100 greatest albums list and pertains to what they wrote about MJ/ Thriller. True, it was written in 2006 when everyone was having a field day with MJ but that is not a permit to say whatever they feel like. It is extremely disrespectful to MJ and above all inaccurate factually.

Please see,27693,Thriller,00.html

And you will see what I mean. Read any articles about other albums before MJ or after and no one is THAT disrespectful to the artist. Secondly when will they finally understand that US does NOT equal the entire world.

Biggest selling in US vs biggest selling in the world is not the same thing! If Eagles greatest hits album outsold MJ in US that does NOT make it the biggest selling in the world and even the US part is no longer true.

And what is this "and there's no whining about celebrity, no messiah complex” and ...the most frightening public image of the late 20th century melts away.

"no messiah complex" WTF??? So according to these a$$-holes when MJ is singing "Man In the Mirror", "Heal The World" or "Earth Song" he is likely under a psychological complex. Shame on them for writing that.

I honestly think we need to do something about this. I hope you find what I am referring to similarly repulsive and upsetting.


P.S. Now, never mind their full list which is highly questionable due to the choices, as in they have placed Elvis having most influential albums in 90s and 2000s! Here see this

Of course there has to be quadruple albums from Elvis and Beatles in there otherwise how would the world spin? Not to mention all the "usual suspcts" of safe names. They have 1 MJ album in the list, which makes me say why even bother with that? Oh and they did left out Pink Floyd completely!!!

P.P.S I have NEVER been a fan of time magzine and that is why don't give a hoot about their man of the year B.S
Why did I had to read it on Christmas day :(
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Time Magazine now considers the world to be part of the planet. not.

we won't forget.
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Not too sure if I should ignore this or find an e-mail to complain to or something.

We can't possibly fight against EVERY SINGLE article/press coverage or whatever but we can and should stand against the majority of the inaccuracy.

The thing is, it's about the music and whilst people might not admit, everyone knows deep down he's one of the greatest artists in history or if they have read their fact, he is the biggest selling recording artist. A lot of people do diss Michael based on media junk however, I have yet to meet someone to deny his genius.

That's one magazine, go to the street and the majority of people (fans and non-fans alike) will choose Thriller as one of the best or the best album of all time.

It's one magazine in America, every nation knows of Michael and his success.

I tend to fight against articles which feed in to the typical image of Michael in the media or something that invades the privacy of his children too much.

Do not upset yourselves. Merry Christmas and L.O.V.E.
I think you are really over reacting. Why do you think it is "disgusting"?
Have a lovely Christmas.
Madonna's like a prayer better than U2's the joshua tree? No beatles and they left pink floyd out?
don't pay too much attention...
It's sad that this magazine and others are just not credible any longer. They have turned themselves into Tabloid Trash in desperation to get people to buy their magazine. I think complaining would be nice but the very best thing is to pass along the message that this magazine is now a Tabloid and never purchase it again.

It is now so apparant to the whole world and the US especially that MJ was and still is the best of the best always. Many may not want to acknowledge it, but they know it, we know it and MJ knows it. He is the KING and no one can take that title away from him ever...not even his critics. They continue to bombarge MJ with negative things but love never ceases therefore MJ never ceases. Let the trash (Diane Diamone, tabloids & other magazines and news people and etc.) sit there and spew their lies....they have all begun to stink really bad.
Yeah it is disgusting, but then again - ITS TIME MAGAZINE. What a pathetic dishrag it is. Don't listen to what they publish, they write crap and they will continue to do so.
I really never understand the point of starting threads like this (or the whole 'Enough Is Enough' section). It's just giving free promotion (and views) to whatever it is that is being complained about. Negativity sells I guess. :p And no I didn't read the article, lol.

Not too sure if I should ignore this or find an e-mail to complain to or something.

We can't possibly fight against EVERY SINGLE article/press coverage or whatever but we can and should stand against the majority of the inaccuracy.

The thing is, it's about the music and whilst people might not admit, everyone knows deep down he's one of the greatest artists in history or if they have read their fact, he is the biggest selling recording artist. A lot of people do diss Michael based on media junk however, I have yet to meet someone to deny his genius.

That's one magazine, go to the street and the majority of people (fans and non-fans alike) will choose Thriller as one of the best or the best album of all time.

It's one magazine in America, every nation knows of Michael and his success.

I tend to fight against articles which feed in to the typical image of Michael in the media or something that invades the privacy of his children too much.

Do not upset yourselves. Merry Christmas and L.O.V.E.

:yes: That is how i felt just reading that..
Let's not dig up articles from almost FIVE years ago now (woo hoo. 2010 HAS to be better). Let's look at the future and remember the past fondly. All of those a-holes who wrote that ish then are the one's looked down upon now and for the rest of HIStory. Enjoy the holidays and let it go. Michael wouldn't want us obsessing on this crap. Trust me. L.O.V.E.
I don't see how an "ALERT!" to an article from 2006 is relevant to the news section. . . . I take these 'best of' lists w/ a grain of salt anyway.
Time Magazine Is Garbage

I wouldn't bother sending any emails. Time Magazine was once an honorable and well-respected publication. Now it has fallen the wayside of so many written media outlets. Instead of unbiased facts, we get distorted opinions that are often untrue. Judging by the people that have been posted on it's cover in the past 12 months, you can tell to whom which persons they support. And to whom they despise. I'll be glad when most of them just go away.
I really never understand the point of starting threads like this (or the whole 'Enough Is Enough' section). It's just giving free promotion (and views) to whatever it is that is being complained about. Negativity sells I guess. :p And no I didn't read the article, lol.

Very true. I like your pic of Michelle Yeoh, by the way.
Good points ppl

I do take your points on the fact that it is indeed a 4 year old article so not pay much attention to it however, I DO think it was written very disrespectfully towards MJ.

and to prove that they still have MJ articles being wriiten by idiots see the Time 2009 Year in Review book (in US at least) and they have a full page pic of MJ on one page from Dangerous tour performing Jam and is wearing is usual armbrace

the caption reads like "Michael Jackson entertain his fans in Brazil despite having a bandaged arm"

what kind of an idiot person writes these things? I mean you look at any pic of dangerous tour opening and he is wearing that armbrace not to mention countless other occasions :)
Good points ppl

I do take your points on the fact that it is indeed a 4 year old article so not pay much attention to it however, I DO think it was written very disrespectfully towards MJ.

and to prove that they still have MJ articles being wriiten by idiots see the Time 2009 Year in Review book (in US at least) and they have a full page pic of MJ on one page from Dangerous tour performing Jam and is wearing is usual armbrace

the caption reads like "Michael Jackson entertain his fans in Brazil despite having a bandaged arm"

what kind of an idiot person writes these things? I mean you look at any pic of dangerous tour opening and he is wearing that armbrace not to mention countless other occasions

I have seen some article writers who do not know many things about MJ make that mistake and tons others. :(
In the US for years there has been an effort to make sure that Michael does not eclipse Elvis in any way. Michael's accomplishments have been minimized, marginalized and overlooked, and turned into jokes, in an attempt to keep Elvis' legacy as the true "King" of music.

There has also been an effort to make sure that Michael is never considered more successful than the Beatles. Rarely do you read an article about Michael's success without a negative comment being thrown in just to neutralized whatever he was praised for in the rest of the article. This does not happen to Elvis or the Beatles.

There was a time when some negative comments were made about Elvis being fat, etc., but that stopped when a portion of the population/media realized that Michael was a serious threat to his place in history and then that stopped. You seldom if ever hear a derrogatory comment about Elvis today...

I wonder why????