Album Sales Up SIGNIFICANTLY This Week in US

Holy crap! That's quite a jump. It'll continue to increase due to This Is It and Halloween next week. :)
Yeah, wasn't Britney Spear's seen buying it, couple of days before MJ passed.

Britney is always seen buying it. Last month they again had pics of her at Target buying it again.
Britney is always seen buying it. Last month they again had pics of her at Target buying it again.

Mabye she has one for each car or house (like to keep & play it in)? I hope she hasn't lost them.
Such a large increase is great to see, and it means Number Ones sold more than 'Fearless' by Taylor Swift, which is currently the 2nd best selling album of the year (behind Ones). Currently Ones is ahead by about 100,000 copies.

BUT soon "This Is It" album will be released, which could kill sales of Ones and allow 'Fearless' to become the biggest selling album of the year. It's a shame Sony couldn't have released a 'Number Ones: This Is It Edition' or something to maintain sales of that album until the end of the year.