Air France jet with 228 aboard missing over the Atlantic Ocean


Proud Member
Sep 19, 2004
I wish Narnia exists...
I was searching something on the net and I found this! :no: This is so sad! I am so sorry for them and their family and friends! I hope everybody from here is ok!

"An Air France official says the airline has lost contact with a plane carrying 228 people from Brazil to Paris.
Air France spokeswoman Brigitte Barrand says, "Air France regrets to announce that it is without news from Air France flight 447 flying from Rio to Paris."
She said Monday the flight was carrying 216 passengers and 12 crew members.
Brazil's air force said a search began Monday morning near the Brazilian archipelago of Fernando de Noronha.
The plane disappeared about 186 miles (300 kilometers) northeast of the coastal Brazilian city of Natal and near Fernando de Noronha, the spokesman said.
He spoke on condition of anonymity, in keeping with Air Force policy.
Barrand says "Air France shares the emotion and worry of the families concerned."
She says the airline has installed an information center at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport for the families of those aboard.
The flight was scheduled to arrive in Paris at 0915 GMT (5:15 a.m. EDT), according to the airport."

Source: startribune
Yes, this has been on MSNBC, CNN and Radio stations off and on all day. I heard in one report earlier today something about someone suspected 'lightning" and "turbelence" to have been a possible facture? So sad.
This is so horrifically sad and tragic. At this point still absolutely nothing in r/t the whereabouts of the entire airplane and it's 200+ passengers and crew. Can you imagine the anxiety and complete disbelief of the families/friends of those on board this flight?

One of the worst airplane disasters of the recent years, absolutely nothing to report to anyone because even the exact whereabouts of where the plane went down is still unknown at this time. Can you imagine if a family member or loved one was on that plane?

Just too horrendous to think about in detail-
Well, now I read in some Brazilian sites, which in fact are 58 Brazilians in the plane and so far they have not found anything, because it is looking a bit complicated. They said that the fall of the plane was caused by failure of the electrical part. We know that there will be no survivors... :( And you will be a great miracle.​
This is so tragic and sad!:no: I can't believe that they didn't found anything yet! I think they must ask some help from NASA, they have the possibility of imaging from satelites!
I am so sorry for the families and friends! Really sad...I don't think there will be any survivors!:no:
That is so sad :( Yeah it's very strange they haven't found anything yet.. Strength to the families and friends.. my prayers go out to you.

It lookes like they found the plane.
The Brazilian navy have found airplane chairs and other things belonging to the airplane
650 kilometers northeast of the Brazilian coast.

so sad.
I read just now in some Brazilian sites that have already found wreckage of the plane. :( But they still have not found exactly where the plane crashed because it is an area that lies in a region of difficult access and the search will be complicated.

I die of fear of riding a plane. :( Here in Brazil we have had several serious accidents of falling plane and no survivors. In January I will once again have to overcome my fear of flying from Brazil to London. But Michael is worth the experience this fear.​
I heard about this yesterday. I hope they aren't in danger. I hope nothing happened and they all survived. And if they didn't, I hope their families will be OK.
I heard about this yesterday. I hope they aren't in danger. I hope nothing happened and they all survived. And if they didn't, I hope their families will be OK.

There is the possibility of survivors. The plane disappeared on Sunday night. They found wreckage, but not really know whether the plane. And what I read they changed the path to the searches. If survivors will be a great miracle.​
There is the possibility of survivors. :( The plane disappeared on Sunday night. They found wreckage, but not really know whether the plane. And what I read they changed the path to the searches. If survivors will be a great miracle.​
horrible thing to happen. i dont like flying for that reason. every little nosie has me worried
I saw this on the news yesterday morning, it was such a shock!

Seems like it was an electrical thing and maybe it has sad... in the age of such high technology how does this happen?

Im so scared to get into a plane to London now...just hope the plane doesnt go through any turbulence or i'll go crazy...
Yesterday, there was a woman who knew someone who was on that flight. She said she called him & normally his phone is off, but this time it was on each time she called. It's strange how it just disappeared off the radar without anyone noticing for hours.
It seems that there was a great technical failure that cost the lives of many people. From what I have read, they found the wreckage of the aircraft and will use a submarine that was used to rescue the wreck of the Titanic, to find the black box of the aircraft at sea. God bless the families of the victims.​
This is so strange, why they haven't found anything? I hope this doesn't become one of those mysteries that are never solved..
I would imagine that those whos' loved ones where on the plane wants even the bodies to be found so they don't have to be clueless about what happened..
The have found wreckage but since its in the water they may never find everything or everybody.
I read in a Brazilian site that they will use a submarine (the same that was used to redeem the wreckage the Titanic) to rescue the victims. It really is strange they have not found the bodies now. Why not have anything floating in the sea? But one of those responsible for the rescue team said the place is a place of difficult access and very complicated to get so take time. The plane disappeared on Sunday, so there is no chance of surviving. I hope this is resolved soon, even though France and Air France that took the front on the issue, that if left on behalf of Brazil, but there would be a big problem. Things do not work right here... unfortunately. :(
horrific story, theyve just mentioned on the news that theyve recovered some bodies :(
They found only 2 male bodies to 900 meters from the island of Fernando de Noronha, some wreckage of the plane: a seat and some objects of passengers. I think they are close to finding more bodies, but the distance that the two were found, they must be over the island, well away from each other. I still can not believe this happened. It is very sad... :(
I heard about that! :(
This morning at the tv they said that they found 17 bodies!
A french submarine will come in help for the research!