Ahhh.... im falling apart ...i need some advice


Proud Member
Dec 15, 2008
Hey people,

My name is Boris and im Croatian number 1. Michael Jackson impersonator .

I need your help and advice with maybe ridicules thing but im really sensitive to it so please spare 5 minutes of your precious time and give me advice or just comment it ...
Thank you.

Ok here it goes.

Last week i was at party .I was dancing and my friend was watching me .Than one girl camed to me and started to dance with me ...and i was like WOW .... i saw that girl first time than ....

She aksed me for age and my name and i did same to her...
After that I asked her if she want go and have drink with me and she accepted .

We continue to dance after that for 3 hours together ...
When party was over i follower her to her home.She gaved me her cellphone and facebook and i asked her if she wants to go out with me on coffee or similar .
She sayed yea gladly :) And i was like wow ....

Tomorrow ?? Hmm ... she sayed : im busy but hmm ... im taking dog for a walk in 4 pm so you can join me .I sayed : Gladly ....

Tomorrow i went to her and spend from 4pm to 8pm with her ...I followed her to her home and i told her : I don't want to force you on anything , if you want go out with me sometimes or on pizza or anything similar give me call and we will go.She sayed : Yea sure !

Tomorrow in the evening she pmed me and asked me if i want go out with her and i accepted .We where dancing etc ...but nothing special ....I wanted to tell her what i feel but i haven't had opportunity ...

Day after that evening , in morning i send her message and i told her what i feel and does she wants to have something more with me beside friendship .I also told i like her very much so im interested what she thinks about it ....

She responded me and told me ... She is to busy at the moment and she isnt for some girl - boyfriend relationship ....she wants me like friend ...

Why she done that to me ...going out etc .... You don't come to guy like that and just start dace with him and you want be only friend ....plus she went for drink etc ...

Maybe its just me ...maybe its normal....

Now ....there is problem .... i really have many many friends and people generally love me very much .... but problem is that i feel more than friendship in this case and she doesn't ....

If we would be friends i would care more than she would for me ....in other words...
i would always want something more and i wouldn't get it back which would make me feel bad from day to day ....

Im feeling bad now ...LOL

Tomorrow im going with her on coffee and im thinking about telling her about this and friendship about what i feel and how i feel to her ....

Its just i don't believe she don't have time for boyfriend or relationship and she definitively doesn't want something from me ....why the heck would she call me dance with me etc.....

Please people your comments advices etc....

I am having really bad time .....Michael died , my friends seriously ill , im ill , now this problems ....

I just cant take it anymore .....

Please once again think good and write something and maybe it helps ....

Love ,
I'm sorry you are feeling bad. :-( At times I have been the one who's wanted a romantic relationship when the other person didn't feel the same way, and vice versa (the other way around). Eventually you will meet someone who wants the same kind of relationship, but it depends on it being the right person, the right timing, etc. I know how frustrating it can be when you meet someone cool but they are just in a different place. Please don't take this one girl's comment too personally -- I'm sure you are great and just need to find the right match who will recognize that! :)
delete her number, delete her facebook do not see her again, the sooner you get over it. Just my advice

Many thanks both for your advices .I really appriciate it .

One problem with this deletion of everything that has connection to her is that im not that kind of person .... i would feel guilty and it would keep buzzing me every day .... I just couldn't stand it .....

Thats my main problem ....when people find out how i work they start using me ....

Sometimes i compare myself with MJ and i see that he and his fan have lots in common ...
He gave everything to everybody and what he get ..... he got knife in back ....

I feel that im getting same .....
Unfortunately, there are always going to be people who take advantage of kind, giving, unselfish people. You are only responsible for your own behavior, not others. As long as you are true to youself, that is what is important. Stay the way you are and just be you. As far as the female you mentioned, I don't think she means any harm or means to hurt you in any way, but obviously she said she only wants to be friends, and you can't change that. Just be friendly to her but remember that she has nothing but friendship to offer you. There are surely many more females who, if given the chance, would love to get to know you. Give them a chance, but always be you.
she may already be seeing someone, and likes dancing with you as a friend just chill out and carry on seeing her as a friend u never know she may change her mind.
but you need to chill out and take a step back.
thas my opinion :)
maybe she does like you but she doesn't want to get into a proper relationship just yet. maybe she thinks you're coming on a bit strong. if you can, stay friends, give her time, in time she might change her mind. But DON'T hang around 'waiting' for her... still get on with your life. i think the best relationships are built on friendship.
but you barely know her...if you want to get into a relationship you have to know each other for at least a few months
I know some people like to date and form couples right away but I think that's wrong...I think people should get to know each other really well and only after they've seen all the good and bad sides of a person only then you can venture into a serious relationship - but that's just my view on things, I know not everybody feels the same
that's why I never flirt with men because someone might get the wrong impression and then I'm in trouble, and I'm not the kind of person that likes to play with people's minds. but in your case I'm sure you were really nice with her, it's just that you barely know each other