After seeing this I know Michael is in a better place


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Skellefteå, Sweden

I have just come home from a four day trip to northen sweden with my class at school. we are taking a course calles 'outdoor life' and as an examination we went on this trip. we have been hiking in the swedish mountains and i have had a lot of time for myself and alot of time to think while we were walking.

after seeing what a beautiful country i live in i have realised that michael is in a much better place now. i have had such a hard time accepting that he is gone, but after this trip it is alot better. when i saw the beautiful nature, the clouds, the sky, the mountains, i realised that this is something michael sees every day now. i believe that his spirit is free and can go wherever it wants, just to see the world. and to imagine that michael sees these beautiful landscapes and sunsets every day makes it easier for me beacuse then i know he is in a better place. he has always said how much he loves nature and the magic its creates. and now i really understand what he feels. just look at this:


this is the wiew of our starting point, a little village calles Ammarnäs. it was so beautiful with its little lakes and the mounains around it.


this is what got me the most. the sunset. i mean, can there be anything more beautiful than this? i took a little walk for myself from our camp just to sit on a big rock and talk to michael. i told him i envy him beacuse he could see these sunsets every night and that i was so struck by our nature. i felt a connection to michael at that time, just like he was there on the rock to experience the sunset with me. it was so beautiful, and i will cherish that moment forever.

I hope that all of you look up in the sky sometimes and really think about how lucky we are to live on this planet. it is so beautiful, and it tears my heart apart that we are destroying it. we know michael cared alot about our planet, and i feel it is our duty to do that too. so i just wanted to say that small things can really make a difference, like turning off the lights when you go out, or to turn off the tv instead of putting it on stand by. lets continue what michael started, and lets heal the world.

take care,

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Re: After seeing this I know Michael is peaceful

Those pictures are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing them! :)
Re: After seeing this I know Michael is peaceful

wow stunning pictures and i agree we must look after our planet
Re: After seeing this I know Michael is peaceful



this is the wiew of our starting point, a little village calles Ammarnäs. it was so beautiful with its little lakes and the mounains around it.


I hope that all of you look up in the sky sometimes and really think about how lucky we are to live on this planet. it is so beautiful, and it tears my heart apart that we are destroying it. we know michael cared alot about our planet, and i feel it is our duty to do that too. so i just wanted to say that small things can really make a difference, like turning off the lights when you go out, or to turn off the tv instead of putting it on stand by. lets continue what michael started, and lets heal the world.

take care,


i look up to the sky every day, don't know what i'm looking for ... but i look. i like to think i do my bit for our planet, re-cycling etc and teaching my kids to think about our home (earth) and what we need to do. its only a small contribution but it all helps eh!
your pics are just beautiful, i wish i lived in such a place.
btw, i talk to MJ too.
Re: After seeing this I know Michael is peaceful

wow, nice pic :yes: they look like them default desktop pictures! very nice :flowers:
Re: After seeing this I know Michael is peaceful

i look up to the sky every day, don't know what i'm looking for ... but i look.
your pics are just beautiful, i wish i lived in such a place.
btw, i talk to MJ too.

i feel some kind of comfort to look up to the sky. i dont know if i see anything, but i know michael is upp there somewhere. and i talk to him, just beacuse it feels better, like he is still around. and he still is in a way. i know he's listening to me, and even if i cant hear his answer i feel better when i talk to him. i can just tell him what i want, beacuse he wont judge me.
Those pictures are really beautiful thanks for posting them. I also had felt deep connection to nature ever since Michael died. I always did had a love for nature. But I love nature even more now. Especially at night time. Cause I happen to have a passion for Astronomy. What I like to do least a few times a day is that I love to go look out the window. And just spend some time just looking at the clouds. And just stand there and wonder what Michael is doing up there today. I feel kind of better doing that. And so is when I talk to him. I'm glad I am not the only fan that does this now.
JENNY damn girl I am jealous :( im coming to sweden so we can go hiking together okay? LOL I wish! Maybe someday!!
Underbar Jenny :D

That first picture reminds me so much of the Scottish Highlands. EVERY picture I've taken of countryside there is almost like that one!
Underbar Jenny :D

That first picture reminds me so much of the Scottish Highlands. EVERY picture I've taken of countryside there is almost like that one!

tack :D

yeah i think that our nature are quite similar, we dont have those really dramatic mountains, we have a more soft coutryside. its so beautiful up north here, its amazing to see these landscapes. i have more pictures like these, and every single one of them makes me think of michael. i love to just take a walk in the forest and talk to michael, beacuse thats when i feel closest to him.
We don't have many great things here in Sweden, but the fresh air and landscapes are wonderful :)
WOW so beautiful photos
thanks for sharing them,,
oh and ,,brucewayne,,
my uncle's living in sweden
and tehy're sayin' it's WONDERFUL :)

And yes the pictures are beautiful. I'M not there yet (he's in a beautiful place etc...) but if I look at the sky, it's always for Michael.

I also do all I can for the planet.
WOW so beautiful photos
thanks for sharing them,,
oh and ,,brucewayne,,
my uncle's living in sweden
and tehy're sayin' it's WONDERFUL :)

thank you so much :) and yes i think that our landscape is wonderful, it is something i'm very proud of as a swede. and just the thought that michaels spirit might be here to see all the magic that our nature creates makes me happy and it makes everything i little bit easier to handle.
Wao, this is beautiful! I also know that Michael is watching this everyday. :)
Thank u very much for sharing.
Beautiful pictures!

thank you so much. I've taken so many pictures of just trees and stuff now. the colours outside are beautiful now when its fall. orange, red and yellow, plus the amazing sunlight makes great pictures. fall is now my favourite season, just beacuse it makes the nature look so beautiful. :D