After 10 years who would have believed...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
For years I've been trying find this one particular document made of how they got Michael to Finland on HIStory Tour. It was showed here on tv after the concerts and I taped it, but my dear dad went and taped a movie on it :eek:

I even emailed the TV company who broadcasted it on tv, if they would still have it and is there any ways to get it. I got no responses.

Then yesterday I nearly fell off of my chair when I noticed the document was uploaded and posted on 2000 Watts :shock2: I literally screamed! Thank you nikos! :thankyou: :flowers:

I even bought 48 hours account to Rapidshare to get the files downloaded as quickly as possible :laugh: There was no way I'd have waited days to get the document.

And so I watched it.. and the thing I wasn't expecting to happen was this huge surge of emotions while watching it. I burst into tears.. :girl_cry: it was like a time jump back to those days. Seeing all the footage of us queueing outside the stadium, seeing all the people I knew back then... Also seeing the trucks on film, which I also saw there coming and going bringing the last stuff for the stage. One very emotional moment was when I saw a footage of us running, when they finally let us inside the stadium. But the final thing was when Michael said on that document "thank you for watching Jyrki, MTV3" :girl_aww: I have no idea how they got that as Michael didn't give any interviews here and no one else except his own crew was in contacts with him.

So after 10 years who'd have believed one document would bring so much memories and get one so emotional :cloud9: I was just crying and shaking afterwards...
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YEAH that's the same for me ;

I come from Gabon in Africa and i fearly search the long document they broadcated on tv in 1993 when michael went to Gabon , i even e-mailed the channel which braodcasted the document "michael Jackson in Gabon" (RTG 1) a 45 min document where i can see a lot of my friends , as the airport is near a high school a lot of them went and skipped the school this day to see michael , i just wanted to see again the frenzy around his arrival , banners with "welcome home michael" ect...the reporters folloewed him over all his stay in Gabon i just wanted to see it again , it has been 15 years now i search it maybe one day a magician would help me .

thank you .
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I would like to see these tapes too. This is Michaels History that the media cannot erase. No matter how hard they try.
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One funny thing I noticed.. In Finland only the president and higher level of goverment person's are allowed to have a police escort. But Michael was escorted from the airport to the stadium by police :laugh: 50Cent wanted to have a police escort when he did a concert here, but his request was denied.

One funny thing I noticed.. In Finland only the president and higher level of goverment person's are allowed to have a police escort. But Michael was escorted from the airport to the stadium by police :laugh: 50Cent wanted to have a police escort when he did a concert here, but his request was denied.

This is why I made my thread about MJ's influence and power. I am still amazed that he manager to get whole army running with him in videos. Incedentally, MJ gets police escort from time to time in the USA too.
I want to see this too! I'm still bitter about not seeing the concerts though :rolleyes:
For years I've been trying find this one particular document made of how they got Michael to Finland on HIStory Tour. It was showed here on tv after the concerts and I taped it, but my dear dad went and taped a movie on it :eek:

I even emailed the TV company who broadcasted it on tv, if they would still have it and is there any ways to get it. I got no responses.

Then yesterday I nearly fell off of my chair when I noticed the document was uploaded and posted on 2000 Watts :shock2: I literally screamed! Thank you nikos! :thankyou: :flowers:

I even bought 48 hours account to Rapidshare to get the files downloaded as quickly as possible :laugh: There was no way I'd have waited days to get the document.

And so I watched it.. and the thing I wasn't expecting to happen was this huge surge of emotions while watching it. I burst into tears.. :girl_cry: it was like a time jump back to those days. Seeing all the footage of us queueing outside the stadium, seeing all the people I knew back then... Also seeing the trucks on film, which I also saw there coming and going bringing the last stuff for the stage. One very emotional moment was when I saw a footage of us running, when they finally let us inside the stadium. But the final thing was when Michael said on that document "thank you for watching Jyrki, MTV3" :girl_aww: I have no idea how they got that as Michael didn't give any interviews here and no one else except his own crew was in contacts with him.

So after 10 years who'd have believed one document would bring so much memories and get one so emotional :cloud9: I was just crying and shaking afterwards...

I absolutely feel you!!! :yes:

I had a footage about Michael from 1996 I think where he was here to see the stadium before his HIStory concert and it was on one of my ooold VHSs. Not long ago I decided to put them onto DVD to save them and finally I got to see this unremembered footage and I was in total shock. I didn't even remember that he said in Hungarian "I love you" (Szeretlek titeket) with his cute accent. I was in tears and I was at the same time very happy, my heart melted.... :wub: I love him.
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For years I've been trying find this one particular document made of how they got Michael to Finland on HIStory Tour. It was showed here on tv after the concerts and I taped it, but my dear dad went and taped a movie on it :eek:

I even emailed the TV company who broadcasted it on tv, if they would still have it and is there any ways to get it. I got no responses.

Then yesterday I nearly fell off of my chair when I noticed the document was uploaded and posted on 2000 Watts :shock2: I literally screamed! Thank you nikos! :thankyou: :flowers:

I even bought 48 hours account to Rapidshare to get the files downloaded as quickly as possible :laugh: There was no way I'd have waited days to get the document.

And so I watched it.. and the thing I wasn't expecting to happen was this huge surge of emotions while watching it. I burst into tears.. :girl_cry: it was like a time jump back to those days. Seeing all the footage of us queueing outside the stadium, seeing all the people I knew back then... Also seeing the trucks on film, which I also saw there coming and going bringing the last stuff for the stage. One very emotional moment was when I saw a footage of us running, when they finally let us inside the stadium. But the final thing was when Michael said on that document "thank you for watching Jyrki, MTV3" :girl_aww: I have no idea how they got that as Michael didn't give any interviews here and no one else except his own crew was in contacts with him.

So after 10 years who'd have believed one document would bring so much memories and get one so emotional :cloud9: I was just crying and shaking afterwards...
I want it too. I should visit 2000watts more often ....(found it myself)
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You know what... :D things are coming back to my mind now. I have this on a tape, so I'm not gonna start downloading it'll take hours.. but I'm gonna have to watch it now and put it on a DVD. I need to do that to all my MJ tapes, that will take for ever... luckily (? ) I'm out of job now so I should have the time for it. :p
Yeah it was shown on tv after the concerts :)

I've been thinking did they let the two girls in before everyone else, so they could interview them again when they were in front of the stage? How unfair.
You know what... :D things are coming back to my mind now. I have this on a tape, so I'm not gonna start downloading it'll take hours.. but I'm gonna have to watch it now and put it on a DVD. I need to do that to all my MJ tapes, that will take for ever... luckily (? ) I'm out of job now so I should have the time for it. :p

I've put my VHSs on DVDs. It took me ages, believe me. I don't know how many cassettes you have, but for me it was months... But it was worth to do.
OK, now I have this craving to see 'Victory Tour' footage :rolleyes: Thanks Alot !!

Hope your little trip down memory lane was worth it ... ima be looking through Beta Max tapes for the rest of the day :ranting
that's funny, indeed:lol:
thanks for sharing:)

Yeah.. They just told him Finland isn't a wild wild west and there's no need for police escort :lol:

OK, now I have this craving to see 'Victory Tour' footage :rolleyes: Thanks Alot !!

Hope your little trip down memory lane was worth it ... ima be looking through Beta Max tapes for the rest of the day :ranting

You're welcome! :thankyou:

And yes it was a worth it! :wub:
these Beta Max tapes are big and bulky UGHHHHHH !!
I've put my VHSs on DVDs. It took me ages, believe me. I don't know how many cassettes you have, but for me it was months... But it was worth to do.
I have around 30 tapes they're 3-4h. Plus short recordings on different tapes and a few on a dvd ...I think. I'm not sure if I'm gonna put them all on a dvd, maybe juts some.
I wish I could remember my time at the Dangerous tour, but I was only 7 :( I did have some stuff taped from around then but lost the tapes, but watching the 2 dangerous tour vids (jam & Black or white) and knowing I was in that crowd was good!

And wow betamax tapes :eek: old stuff........nice