AFL!!! (all you need to know about the best game ever)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
I want to make a thread about my most favouritest sport to watch :D Australian Rules Football.

This sport started in Melbourne, Australia and is very awesome

It's a complex game to understand if you've never seen it before, but I'll try to give the basics.

The aim of the game is to get the most points/goals as possible during the match.

The team is made up of 22 players of which 18 are on the field and 4 are on the bench.
There are defensive and attack players but there is no limitations or restrictions to where they are allowed to be on the field.

The ball is shaped sort of like a gridiron or rugby ball but without the real pointy ends:


The field is known as an oval, as it's not quite circular.

The goals are defined by 4 sticks (goal posts)


If you kick the ball between the middle 2 sticks (a goal) you earn 6 points for your team if you miss but get it between one of the middle sticks and the outer sticks, it's only one point earned. If anyone carries it through or punches it through, it is also 1 point.

Players move the ball around by either kicking it to each other (this is done by holding it and then dropping it down onto the foot, usually in stride with walking or running).
Or Handballing it (which is similar to a volleyball serve, the ball is rested upon one open hand and then punched with the other hand which should be made into a fist).
Players are allowed to run with the ball for 15 metres (usually counted in strides). after that distance they must either:
- dispose of the ball (handball/kick it)
- bounce it
- bend down and touch the ground with it.

As you can see it requires a lot ability. You need to be able to kick the ball, carry it on the run, bounce it, handball it and catch it.

If you catch a ball that has been kicked and has yet to touch ground... it's called a "mark"
If you mark the ball no one may tackle you.

That's right this is a full body on body contact sport. Any tackle below the shoulders and above the knees is allowed. You can only tackle the person with the ball and if they don't try to dispose of it they are penalised.

Any rules broken/penalities results in the opposition being given the ball.

Oh did I mention there's no protective gear worn, unlike in soccer and NFL?

This game is incredibly fast

Check out this video which has highlights from the 2007 season, mainly highlighting great marks, tackles and some amazing goals.

(p.s I barrack (cheer for) the team in red and white
known as the Sydney Swans )

The history is long and proud wikipedia offers a good summary:

a handball action:

A kicking action:


Ask questions :)

Any Aussies here who follow this great game? :D who do you go for?
Well, you know you've already won me over! I gotta make some space in my rugby-watching schedule to fit some Aussie Rules in:)
I love football. That's right, football doesn't mean soccer here, it means AFL.

I barrack for Brisbane. Greatest team ever. And I'm not just saying that as a fan.

The 2003 lineup (which I personally trained with) was the best AFL team ever assembled. I will never forget it. They won the 2001 and 2002 premiership, but went into the 2003 Grand Final as underdogs. But they absolutely trashed Collingwood, the favourites. They were 80 points up at one point and won the game with 50 points. Massive margin for a Grand Final. I will never forget it. First team since 1957 to win three premierships in a row.

They continued to be a good side, making it into the Grand Final again in 2004. But they slowly declined, losing some great players. But they also gained some new young talent and the team is getting their form back. Even just a couple of nights ago they had a massive win over West Coast. They are sixth on the ladder. Definitely in the finals this year. Who says they can't take out the whole premiership?

They may not be the most talented players, but it's never really been about that with Brisbane. They just have a lot of heart and a lot of guts. They are so good at coming back from behind. They are so good at kicking really gutsy goals when other teams would just play it safe in the same situation. They are so good at winning when they're the underdogs. And they's always been the underdogs. Even when they won back-to-back premierships and made it to their third Grand Final in a row. That's what I love about them. Underdogs with the hearts of lions. How can you not?

Some great Brisbane Lions moments....
(never mind the end, it's a bit silly)
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^ there were some great players in that line up I agree :yes: Voss was a good player and I always liked Richard Champion

I thought it was a shame that Fitzroy had to move up and merge with Brisbane though was a shame for both clubs but I guess that's the way things go sometimes.
Will be interesting to see what happens when the new teams are added to the league
i like the shorty shorts they wear **whistles**

any gay AFL players

I don't think I know of any that have come out of the closet :scratch:

There's a lot of good looking ones though Chichi :p
i like the shorty shorts they wear **whistles**

any gay AFL players

hehe. Chichi, you're funny.
I agree that Aussie Rules football is a very impressive game to watch.
I have to admit though, that when I was younger I tended to watch it more to ogle the guys than because of an appreciation of the game itself. They do look pretty good out there throwing themselves around. And yes, I noticed the short shorts too, LOL.
I guess I'd have to say that I barrack for the Crows (one of the two South Australian teams), though I don't tend to get all that excited about it (beyond the magnificent thighs...)
well, i was more asking if there was a gay league :lol: