AEG & DiLeo: MJ's Best Interest --- I Believe Not!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I need to say this as a means to vent. If mods wish to delete or move to another location I understand. It's just that I feel that TOO MUCH credit is being given to AEG and Dileo for wanting to make MJ's return to the public stage a success.

Sorry, if my above post is quite long. The real purpose was to lead to a recent video interview by Mr. Gerald Posner who has done his own investigation as to why Michael is no longer with us.

If possible, please share your feedback. I would appreciate everyone's input.

You won't get too far in here with these theories, I posted at the time the 50 shows were announced that I thought AEG were manipulating MJ and was shot down by all the people here who reckoned Michael was doing it 'for the fans'!
You won't get too far in here with these theories, I posted at the time the 50 shows were announced that I thought AEG were manipulating MJ and was shot down by all the people here who reckoned Michael was doing it 'for the fans'!

I wish to personally "thank you" for at least making a comment within this thread. You know, originally, I was planning to place this topic in the main area under "News and Discussion". But then, something told me what I had to say would not be welcomed so I decided to post here. I needed to vent and with all that I have stated I stand by it 100%.

Also, I am sorry that I missed your post regarding the 50 shows and the manipulation of AEG. It took a very close personal friend of mind to mention the shadiness of AEG to open my eyes. Then, I started doing research. We stay in contact every day.

Please feel free to share your views and, if you feel uncomfortable send me a pm. We can keep in touch that way.

Again, many thanks for taking out the time from your busy schedule to drop me a few lines.:)
I for one appreciate theory with some backup. Thanks for this Mystrygrl. Now that MJ is gone, I don't trust ANY of his handlers to tell you the truth.

He looked so vibrant and in command the last few hours before he died. He looked truly happy as he rehearsed.

Something happened and we have a right to try and piece it together if not but for our own peace of mind. ( and this can be done privately if forum admin feel it too inappropriate for others or causing too much unsettling feelings for some). my opinion.
I for one appreciate theory with some backup. Thanks for this Mystrygrl. Now that MJ is gone, I don't trust ANY of his handlers to tell you the truth.

He looked so vibrant and in command the last few hours before he died. He looked truly happy as he rehearsed.

Something happened and we have a right to try and piece it together if not but for our own peace of mind. ( and this can be done privately if forum admin feel it too inappropriate for others or causing too much unsettling feelings for some). my opinion.

Awww, Moddie777, when I saw your post "tears of joy" ran down my face. Still now, as I am typing this you don't know how very happy I am to see you. *Hugs* This is such a difficult time and I cannot imagine a world without our "Beloved Michael."

On another note, I do agree with the fact that "something" went TERRIBLY WRONG! And, every time I do research with, my friend, AEG keeps grabbing the spotlight as they are doing now during the mourning of his passing.

Anyway, I just discovered something very interesting. I will work on getting what I have found, together, and share this with you as well as caleb20003 in pm. However, do forgive me, if you find the wait of my response too long because I am trying my best to remain strong, first, for myself; second, for other fans and last, but not least, in support of the Jackson Family.

Again, with teary-eyes, thank you for coming to my thread!!! Love You Much!!!!
I love you too and you are most welcome!

I love a Good theory with sound backup. Can't wait in future to recieve your findings.
Frank Dileo is a greedy, slime-ball...he knows what happened. I believe it with all of my heart, he was there at the house that morning along with the sheisty doctor..and the stupid security guard!
Frank Dileo is a greedy, slime-ball...he knows what happened. I believe it with all of my heart, he was there at the house that morning along with the sheisty doctor..and the stupid security guard!

I agree TOTALLY!!!!
To caleb20003, Moddie777 and lovealways I have sent all of you pm's. Hope to hear from all of you whenever you get opportunity. Until that time, I hope ALL OF YOU are feeling better and getting stronger while we are facing such a difficult period in our lives.
It's not compelling to me. First of all, it underestimates MJ. He was a shrewd business man. I doubt he would have gotten into a deal that he didn't want, and if he did I highly doubt he would resort to attempted suicide in order to get out of it. He could have renegotiated the contract, sued for impracticability, or just breached the contract. It was his voice and his body; they couldn't make him do anything he didn't want to do.

The Frank Dileo contract thing seems overstated to me. Dileo could have had the authority to sign such contracts for MJ. If he didn't, MJ could go to court to prove that Dileo did not have a right to enter into the contract for him. And since Dileo was Michael's manager and not the Jacksons', there is no way that anyone could even think he had the authority to sign for the whole family. No one would hold them to such a contract, and I am sure Dileo and the company are smart enough to know that.
Thanks for that article mystrygrl! The more I read about AEG the more I cringe and have an uneasy feeling.

I'll pm you soon.
I don't trust AEG either. What worries me is that at the moment they seem to have a hand in everything that is MJ related - even the memorial. After charging us for our 'Souvenir Tickets' there are now rumors of a tribute concert coming up at the O2 on Michael's Birthday. What's the betting they charge £75 a ticket and we have to jump through hoops all over again to get one? It's starting to look like we have to go through them for anything we want to be a part of.
Why is this thread at Michael mania?
Btw, AEG live is a bloodsucker. Now I started to believe the suns' article about MJ not having any idea of the other 40s shows which were added without his permissions and was later talked into doing it.
I don't trust AEG either. What worries me is that at the moment they seem to have a hand in everything that is MJ related - even the memorial. After charging us for our 'Souvenir Tickets' there are now rumors of a tribute concert coming up at the O2 on Michael's Birthday. What's the betting they charge £75 a ticket and we have to jump through hoops all over again to get one? It's starting to look like we have to go through them for anything we want to be a part of.

Yeah! It seems really creepy to me that AEG had such a huge involvement in memorial and everything.
I for one appreciate theory with some backup. Thanks for this Mystrygrl. Now that MJ is gone, I don't trust ANY of his handlers to tell you the truth.

He looked so vibrant and in command the last few hours before he died. He looked truly happy as he rehearsed.

Something happened and we have a right to try and piece it together if not but for our own peace of mind. ( and this can be done privately if forum admin feel it too inappropriate for others or causing too much unsettling feelings for some). my opinion.

Seeing the footage just hours before..... Well, with what you said:

"He looked so vibrant and in command the last few hours before he died. He looked truly happy as he rehearsed."

Just sums it all up.