AEG CEO: Michael Jackson Concert Concerns 'Not True'


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
AEG Live president and CEO Randy Phillips has rejected U.K. tabloid reports that Michael Jackson told fans that he only wanted to play 10 London O2 Arena shows rather than the 50 that have been scheduled.

The Sun reported that Jackson told fans outside his L.A. rehearsal space that he wanted to play 10 O2 shows and then go on tour.

In a statement, Randy Phillips, president & CEO, AEG Live, commented: "This is not true; Michael Jackson was thrilled at selling 50 shows. The size and scale of this show would not be possible without an extended run, which Michael has been fully on board with from the very beginning. He has not agreed to a world tour at this point, however, he can at any time."

The first four dates of the concert were recently pushed back in order that the show will be completely ready. The first night is now July 13.

thank you, just had a big disagreement with a girl who reckons she saw a video of Michael saying he's going to cancel 40 dates
thank you, just had a big disagreement with a girl who reckons she saw a video of Michael saying he's going to cancel 40 dates

hahah when I read the story about MJ getting angry I laughed so loud my stomach hurt :hysterical:
this girl is making out she saw a video of michael saying he's going to speak to his agent and cancel 40 then go on a world tour. she is a MJ fan, but can't find the video. apparently she saw it on E! news. an actual video of MJ saying this stuff...
there is no such thing! right?
this girl is making out she saw a video of michael saying he's going to speak to his agent and cancel 40 then go on a world tour. she is a MJ fan, but can't find the video. apparently she saw it on E! news. an actual video of MJ saying this stuff...
there is no such thing! right?

Sound very very weird. I mean, I think that would be all over the news. Plus, noone here has posted a thread about it. IF he had said that, Im sure it would be on every Mj-board.

Im on their site now, and there's nothing there about it. Dont believe it, plus Randy Phillips has just relesead that statement.
To my knowledge there is no such video at least one hasn't presented its self. I would steer clear of tabloid bs and fans that are promoting it for now.
of course it's not true.
like Michael says " to buy it is too feed why do we keep foolin ourselves"

media bS
AEG Live president and CEO Randy Phillips has rejected U.K. tabloid reports that Michael Jackson told fans that he only wanted to play 10 London O2 Arena shows rather than the 50 that have been scheduled.

The Sun reported that Jackson told fans outside his L.A. rehearsal space that he wanted to play 10 O2 shows and then go on tour.

In a statement, Randy Phillips, president & CEO, AEG Live, commented: "This is not true; Michael Jackson was thrilled at selling 50 shows. The size and scale of this show would not be possible without an extended run, which Michael has been fully on board with from the very beginning. He has not agreed to a world tour at this point, however, he can at any time."

The first four dates of the concert were recently pushed back in order that the show will be completely ready. The first night is now July 13.


WOW! Interesting :popcorn::timer:
Good to read indeed.

I would have preferred a message from MJ over a message from AEG though...
So some of you know the girl that started all this place in the first place?

Thanks to OP and Randy Philips :)
I'm still talking to that girl on msn and she went and now shes saying it was her sister who said that because she hates him.... tbh i don't really believe her but oh well - at least it isn't truee
People say anything to get a headline for themselves. It's called 15, ehm... 5 minutes of fame.
I also heard a rumour that MJ is finnally gonna wear high heels and challenge prince to a dance off, is this true?
He has not agreed to a world tour at this point, however, he can at any time.
waiting for you,michael
If he does decide to World Tour I dont think we'll hear anything about it/or he'll make his mind up until after the 30 2009 shows in London.
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