Advice/Insight from someone who's been to MJ concerts in the past


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

THIS IS NOT the last time dates will be postponed or pushed IMO (I'm talking about ALL the dates in general, not a particular date). We are ALL at risk for dates being postponed (for a variety of reasons).

This is Michael Jackson -- not some movie showing down at your local theater.

Those of us who have been with him through the other tours know how this works. MJ is a perfectionist. He's cancelled dates before (in almost all of his previous tours). Heck, his sister (who is younger than he is) cancelled her shows.

THERE IS NOTHING sinister or abnormal with a push back with a show of this magnitude. It is BOUND to happen.

If you're coming in from out of the country (like I am), you're taking a chance. You may not get to see Mike. You may have to adjust travel plans. You may get to the venue and he may call in sick (it could happen TO YOU). It's a given. There are no guarantees. Don't go putting your house up for sale or selling all of your belongings to go see Mike on ONE date cause you might get disappointed and/or you might end up having to pay to change your travel plans.

This is also not unique to MJ. This happens with ALL major artists. MJ is the diamond standard in the biz. He's not takin' the stage with some half a..s sh...
Also, if he's sick, he's sick. If something happens that causes a major pushback -- it happens. You can't control it. Heck, even AEG Live can't control it.

So, hope for the best, but PLAN for the worst.

This is a LIVE SHOW. Mike needs all the support he can get. Can you imagine what pressure he's under for these shows? It doesn't get any higher than him. He knows this. The last thing you want is Mike to take the stage and then the press to report that he wasn't "as good as" _______ (fill in the blank).

So, chill out. Take a deep breath. Relax. And enjoy the Journey.

Some of the people who've been around the block with Mike, please jump in and let the rest of the fanbase know it's cool. You're not gonna gain anything by getting emotional or writing "hate mail" to AEG. These guys have a lot on the line, so trust me, they feel the pain when the push something like this.

BTW, stuff like this is the nature of show business. Crap happens and shows get pushed back. I hope it doesn't happen to you, but if it does, understand this is a "LIVE" performance, not an animatronic show. It's but natural that things will happen which may affect YOUR show.

Paging the Leadership: We need you.
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I like that you tell us that after the shows get pushed back. Ha-ha-ha. It's to late, I can't get my house back! Sorry, I'm trying to lighten the mood. I'm flying from Vancouver Canada, my plans got totally buggered up. But I'll be there, in March, come Hell or high water.
Come on now, is this really neccesary?? you wanna put more salt in the wounds already? Anyone with 80+ IQ and common sence will know that there is a POSSIBILITY that shows will either get postponed or cancelled. Why you wanna give poeple heart attacks...? Let's just wait and see... OK?
To leave out all the necessary stuff and to kind of sum up what I think frustrates people...

I think that why people are mad right now, in this moment, is because we are in a state where tickets has been rushed out before a concert has even been planned.
Meaning that they have sold tickets to a series of concerts that don't exist - Which in this case makes people mad because it has been unprofessionally planned and rushed together.

No one would blame MJ to push back dates if he's sick, or if the O2 arena would collapse during the "concert series".

It's kind of like selling tickets to the cinema to a movie that hasn't even been finished filming - However this is obviously of a larger nature since people are coming from all over the world.

I'm glad I hadn't booked a flight or hotel yet, but I really feel for those who have and will not get their money back.
Come on now, is this really neccesary?? you wanna put more salt in the wounds already? Anyone with 80+ IQ and common sence will know that there is a POSSIBILITY that shows will either get postponed or cancelled. Why you wanna give poeple heart attacks...? Let's just wait and see... OK?

When I see people in other threads advocating violence, I felt it was my moral duty to say something. I see irrational people all over the boards jumping off bridges (figuratively speaking of course).

People need to calm down and they do need a dose of reality. It's showbiz. I'm in showbiz and I feel I can relate to the necessity of the push back. I've got travel plans, tickets, etc. at stake, too. I'm in the same boat. I feel the pain. I don't feel the irrational behavior or the bad mouthing that's being displayed. MJJC is about unity and mutual respect, not the advocating of "riots" -- like what someone had suggested in another thread. :doh:
To leave out all the necessary stuff and to kind of sum up what I think frustrates people...

I think that why people are mad right now, in this moment, is because we are in a state where tickets has been rushed out before a concert has even been planned.
Meaning that they have sold tickets to a series of concerts that don't exist - Which in this case makes people mad because it has been unprofessionally planned and rushed together.

No one would blame MJ to push back dates if he's sick, or if the O2 arena would collapse during the "concert series".

It's kind of like selling tickets to the cinema to a movie that hasn't even been finished filming - However this is obviously of a larger nature since people are coming from all over the world.

I'm glad I hadn't booked a flight or hotel yet, but I really feel for those who have and will not get their money back.

I'll agree to some of what you've said, BUT, all of show business sells tickets and/or plans releases way before work is completed. I worked on a film that had to be pushed back a few times during production. We pissed off the distributor who promised it to theaters who promised it to movie fans, but we had to push it. That is the nature of the beast.

The entire movie industry is built on this model. Start work, plan a release date, promote it and work hard as hell to get it out on the date that was promised. People work right up until the last minute on their projects. Ask George Lucas. Ask Tyler Perry. Ask anybody who works in the business.

I don't see any wrongdoing on the part of MJ or AEG (quite frankly). It doesn't appear to be intentional or sinister. It appears to be a run-of-the-mill show biz push back. It happens to all of us. When the "diamond standard" in the business wants a perfect set, what are you going to do if your supplier or set builder can't get it to you on time? Push it back.
i think they should of prepared for everything before the concerty tickets went on sell things should have already been organized and planned out loooooooong before
I'll agree to some of what you've said, BUT, all of show business sells tickets and/or plans releases way before work is completed. I worked on a film that had to be pushed back a few times during production. We pissed off the distributor who promised it to theaters who promised it to movie fans, but we had to push it. That is the nature of the beast.

The entire movie industry is built on this model. Start work, plan a release date, promote it and work hard as hell to get it out on the date that was promised. People work right up until the last minute on their projects. Ask George Lucas. Ask Tyler Perry. Ask anybody who works in the business.

I don't see any wrongdoing on the part of MJ or AEG (quite frankly). It doesn't appear to be intentional or sinister. It appears to be a run-of-the-mill show biz push back. It happens to all of us. When the "diamond standard" in the business wants a perfect set, what are you going to do if your supplier or set builder can't get it to you on time? Push it back.

I have to tell you, absolutely I love posts like this!
Because instead of doing like 99% of most people and just go "I don't agree with you, fuck off" - You tell me a back story, you make me wiser by sharing your knowledge, and you made me see clearer about some things.
I wish more people would contribute to this forum in the same way as you just did! :)

This is a good example how you can change a person's mind without doing a rant.

Thank you!
I understand, you always take a risk when it comes to live performances.

I guess what makes me mad (And if you can explain the reasoning behind it to me, please do!) is that July 8th can be moved to the 13th.. but the 10/12/14 are moved all the way to March because they need more rehearsal time? I mean, if they need more time for those dates, wouldn't they need more time for the 13th as well? =/

Maybe I'm just not understanding things right, IDK.
because they need more rehearsal time?
Maybe I'm just not understanding things right, IDK.

Naw, if I understood right it's because it takes extra time to transform The O2 to the area it has to become for the Michael Jackson concerts, and they can't cancel shows before the 8th to have time to put it up in time.

[url][/url] said:
Due to the sheer magnitude of the "This Is It" concerts at The O2 arena promoters and producers AEG Live and Kenny Ortega, Michael's directorial partner and creative collaborator have elected to move back a few of the opening shows in order to meet the challenges presented by such a massive and technically complex show.
I'll agree to some of what you've said, BUT, all of show business sells tickets and/or plans releases way before work is completed. I worked on a film that had to be pushed back a few times during production. We pissed off the distributor who promised it to theaters who promised it to movie fans, but we had to push it. That is the nature of the beast.

The entire movie industry is built on this model. Start work, plan a release date, promote it and work hard as hell to get it out on the date that was promised. People work right up until the last minute on their projects. Ask George Lucas. Ask Tyler Perry. Ask anybody who works in the business.

I don't see any wrongdoing on the part of MJ or AEG (quite frankly). It doesn't appear to be intentional or sinister. It appears to be a run-of-the-mill show biz push back. It happens to all of us. When the "diamond standard" in the business wants a perfect set, what are you going to do if your supplier or set builder can't get it to you on time? Push it back.
You do not seriously want to compare the pushing back of the release date of a movie to people flying in from all around the world to a concert (and a residency at that... if it would be a regular tour you could say, people who travel somewhere other than where they live are on their own, should something happen to their show, but this is different)??

Of course it can happen that Michael can get sick... everyone can get sick... but this has to do with poor planning, nothing else... making everyone rush to buy tickets without even knowing whether they got their logistics in place!
Naw, if I understood right it's because it takes extra time to transform The O2 to the area it has to become for the Michael Jackson concerts, and they can't cancel shows before the 8th to have time to put it up in time.

No, they pushed it back because they want to have some days to rehearse at the O2...
I understand, you always take a risk when it comes to live performances.

I guess what makes me mad (And if you can explain the reasoning behind it to me, please do!) is that July 8th can be moved to the 13th.. but the 10/12/14 are moved all the way to March because they need more rehearsal time? I mean, if they need more time for those dates, wouldn't they need more time for the 13th as well? =/

Maybe I'm just not understanding things right, IDK.

Believe me, I feel your pain. The sheer disappointment on the forum is overwhelming.

In television/film, we pad the production schedule so that if we have to push something, it doesn't really affect the audience (it's basically adding extra time to the production schedule without explicitly telling people it's in there). I'm not sure if AEG or the team did that in this case and then blew through their "pad" but based on the fact they only pushed it back by like 5 days, it looks like they may have eaten up all their 'extra' time. I'm just guessing. "padding" the schedule only works up to a certain point. Sometimes no padding on earth can stop you from missing the release date/street date.

I hope AEG does come up with an alternative to the current plan (of moving some of the dates back to next year). Let's hope they come up with something.
I understand, you always take a risk when it comes to live performances.

I guess what makes me mad (And if you can explain the reasoning behind it to me, please do!) is that July 8th can be moved to the 13th.. but the 10/12/14 are moved all the way to March because they need more rehearsal time? I mean, if they need more time for those dates, wouldn't they need more time for the 13th as well? =/

Maybe I'm just not understanding things right, IDK.
Huh?? They wanted 5 extra days to rehearse at the venue, so they had to remove the scheduled shows for the 8/10/12 as obviously they couldn't really rehearse, if the show starts already... and obviously they wanted to give the opening night ticket holders the chance to see the opening night, that's why they added the show on the 13th... but that creates the problem, that Michael doesn't want to do back to back shows, so they had to postpone the show on the 14th as well... and since within the run there is now space, either due to the venue being occupied or Michael wanting rest they pushed it right to the back, which looks good on paper but is totally fucked up for people who only had tickets for those 3 shows!
concert dates get cancelled and rescheduled all the time. this is not something unique to Michael :doh:
You do not seriously want to compare the pushing back of the release date of a movie to people flying in from all around the world to a concert (and a residency at that... if it would be a regular tour you could say, people who travel somewhere other than where they live are on their own, should something happen to their show, but this is different)??

Yes, I can compare it cause that's the closest thing to compare it to in my "world". MJ just happens to be the biggest artist on the planet which is why it affects people on a broader scale. A live show is MUCH more difficult to pull off than a film or tv show. When it's live -- IT's LIVE!

I'm not saying it's right that people from all over the world are now going to incur costs to rebook or reschedule their trips, I'm just saying this postponement is not as "irregular" as some may think it to be. It could have happened to anyone else. It's unfortunate that it happened in this instance. We do not know what took place behind the scenes (outside of what they are telling us). Maybe they did have enough time. Maybe something Mike requested was so out of this world that it blew the set builders out of the water and they said: NO WAY. WE NEED MORE TIME. :timer: Who knows?

I agree that more thought should have gone into this before tickets went on sale, but hindsight is always 20/20.

Either way, I hope they do come up with a better arrangement than the one currently in place.
I have to tell you, absolutely I love posts like this!
Because instead of doing like 99% of most people and just go "I don't agree with you, fuck off" - You tell me a back story, you make me wiser by sharing your knowledge, and you made me see clearer about some things.
I wish more people would contribute to this forum in the same way as you just did! :)

This is a good example how you can change a person's mind without doing a rant.

Thank you!

Thank you. Anytime. :D

This board has been there for me back in the day (those were some tough times), so I hope I can be there for others in need of support. This place is unique. Not many places like it on the net.

Anyway, let's hope AEG does right by the fans and gives those who are affected a better alternative than 2010 dates.

Common, they can do better than that.
Thanks for the answers, guys.

I DO understand the reasoning now, I guess it's just a hard pill to swallow that out of all the dates, mine had to be 1 of the 3 affected by all this.

vstreet, I really DO hope as well that AEG is still brainstorming other possible ideas and doesn't just end it here. I'm not trying to whine or anything, but I just feel sad that I bought tickets the moment they went on sale and had a date in the beginning of all the excitement, only to be moved to the last couple shows... it just makes me sad :(
i think they should of prepared for everything before the concerty tickets went on sell things should have already been organized and planned out loooooooong before

in that case you might not be getting a concert series until 2013, if at all. the thousands of people that are working with Michael need an incentive to work to get this off the ground, or they may treat Michael like many of the people that worked for him before. they may not get sincere. so a 'deadline' is created. and that's where the catch 22 comes in.
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If it was cancelled/re sceduled do to illness, some one dying in this family, etc i would not be angry.
I was in Ostende that got canceleld due to the death of princess Diana, i was not mad at MJ then.

I am angry now because this should not have happened.
They should have started the preparations earlier and now we have to pay for their lack of being proffesional planners.
Now my tickets have been pushed back by MONTHS.....this is unfair and i feel that i have a right to be anry at this point.

Dont worry, i'll be over it somdeday, but not today.
Specheless for the re-scheduled show. i know how it feels to prepare everything then suddenly everything messed up especially for people who travel all the way to London.

But...lets think positively, Michael loves us very much and he wants to give us perfect experience of the concert. and if he said,it is not good enough...that's mean he has some more and he wants us to have that.

if its any other artists,i'm sure they'll just do...coz they don't really care about us,all they care just about money, they will give us 99.9% while MJ won't just give us 99.9% if he knows he can give us 101%

we all excited....yes. and its really bad to know that some dates even change to next year...but...c'mon,we love him aren't we?why dont we just send prayers and hope and all good lucks for him instead of hating it and nagging bout it?
we said we love him....why don't we love him all the way?
my heart goes out to those who are impacted....very very sad for them...
I did prepare for the worst..I have 1 ticket for the 10th AUG and 1 for FEB10....just in case...I am hoping I cant be that unlucky to have sg happening to both of them will go ahead..

Nevertheless I think for the ones impacted here, this is really tragic..I feel for you all..
I have been to many MJ concerts in the past. One that really sticks out is a show at Wembley London during Dangerous. I travelled down from the North of Scotland, went to the show, then a night at a hotel. Sounds great so far? Only to find that after sitting/standing in line all night, gates opened at 4.30pm I think the next day, ran to the very front, saw the warm-up acts, finally when MJ was was due to appear on stage at 8.10pm his tour manager came out on stage instead to annouce that MJ was ill and would not be appearing!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh.

Their were many angry fans, but you get over it, it's the nature of the business. You just look forward to the next time I guess. I for one am really looking forward to 'This Is It', reminds me of the 'Dangerous' times, the good old days.
I have been to many MJ concerts in the past. One that really sticks out is a show at Wembley London during Dangerous. I travelled down from the North of Scotland, went to the show, then a night at a hotel. Sounds great so far? Only to find that after sitting/standing in line all night, gates opened at 4.30pm I think the next day, ran to the very front, saw the warm-up acts, finally when MJ was was due to appear on stage at 8.10pm his tour manager came out on stage instead to annouce that MJ was ill and would not be appearing!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh.

Their were many angry fans, but you get over it, it's the nature of the business. You just look forward to the next time I guess. I for one am really looking forward to 'This Is It', reminds me of the 'Dangerous' times, the good old days.

Thank you so much for posting your past experience.

and you're right, it is the "nature of the business".

This is exactly the scenario I was hinting at in my other posts on the forum. This "could" happen and we should remain calm and not incite other fans to do something uncool.

I hope and pray all of the shows are performed without a hitch, but I also know that something could occur that could prevent that.
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I'll believe that I'm seeing MJ when he is physically there in front of me on the stage. Up until that moment I can't be sure. Not even being in the O2, thinking the concert will start in a few minutes will have me 100% convinced, lol. Not until I actually SEE him.

You never know what could happen between now and the date(s) you have tickets for. Let's face it... you don't know what's going to happen to you before then, let alone the world and MJ. I know that sounds negative, but I think it's unfortunately realistic. I'm having a health scare right now and am having fears like... what if I need chemo in August (when we have tickets to two shows) and it's a choice between MJ and treatment? It's made me consider things like... what if my plane crashes... what if there's some kind of an attack that shuts everything down... what if I arrive in London fine and then get some strange attack of appendicitis and need emergency surgery? Like I said... you never know!

Of course things can get rescheduled. Or, worse, missed entirely. It's a frustrating fact of life. It just sucks when it happens to something so special you've waited years for!
I'll believe that I'm seeing MJ when he is physically there in front of me on the stage. Up until that moment I can't be sure. Not even being in the O2, thinking the concert will start in a few minutes will have me 100% convinced, lol. Not until I actually SEE him.

You never know what could happen between now and the date(s) you have tickets for. Let's face it... you don't know what's going to happen to you before then, let alone the world and MJ. I know that sounds negative, but I think it's unfortunately realistic. I'm having a health scare right now and am having fears like... what if I need chemo in August (when we have tickets to two shows) and it's a choice between MJ and treatment? It's made me consider things like... what if my plane crashes... what if there's some kind of an attack that shuts everything down... what if I arrive in London fine and then get some strange attack of appendicitis and need emergency surgery? Like I said... you never know!

Of course things can get rescheduled. Or, worse, missed entirely. It's a frustrating fact of life. It just sucks when it happens to something so special you've waited years for!

Agreed. I've thought about things like that.. and some "little" things here and there. Expect the unexpected?

Vstreet as i stated on other boards as well, your thread has great logic here, i have not encountered a cancelled concert by Mj but i have other artists and although it is disheartening, and in general not very nice, it is human ! and everyone should remember Michael is just THAT! would you! work if you was throwing up, had flu, etc etc? most ppl wouldnt and carnt even!

But what michael and team decided here was to reschedule to give us a show that will open we the wow factor of a true Michael Jackson feeling THE GREATEST and THE BEST!

This has to be IT!! These shows are so important , not just for the concerts but for his future! He wants to go into Films, he wants to do more music and get people to want his products again, look! im not talking about Fans like us, but General Public, Michael has become and IS becoming more and more approachable, i bet that when the shows are on, and he is in Uk you wil see lots of interviews, possible meet and greets, etc etc, Michael needs this, not just for his present Future but so his children can take on the Jackson mantal. So they can grow up with pride fot there Father and above all full financial stability.

Im sure these shows will excite and amaze you people , i have great faith in Michael , i know he has that hunger still, he has the fire of wanting everything to be a success and to achieve the best, and greatest thing ever done. Do not forget he has never done a Arena show like the o2 , what we are going to ge is a much more intimate experience, its only 20,000 tops , instead of 75-100,000 . Thats some difference!

I think Michael wanted this to get close to his fans, he didnt reshedule to alienate us, i think you will see a new Michael for 2009/2010 someone who wants to listen and interact more with us, but still the ole faithful , i love you all Michael too.

The time is now to be proud of your fandom to your Idol , and soon this will be recipricted ten fold! For this time the BEST IS TO COME!!
