Advantages and Disadvantages of being short...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
I've listed a few....anyone got any others? LOL!


The ADVANTAGES of being SHORT!!!

Short people can fit in to a lot of stuff like a locker to hide from bullies granted you are also small enough to get stuffed in one
Short people can go under houses to clean for a lot of money
Short people can get tossed up in the air in cheerleading
Guys and girls love snuggling with a short person
Short people are better dancers
Short people can run between tall peoples legs
Short people are able to do the limbo without breaking your back.
Short people are able to run under a sign and hide, while someone taller is chasing them, then laugh hysterically when they WATCH that person smack into it.
Short people can pick something up off the floor without bending too much

Short people can make themselves taller by wearing stack shoes
If newly purchased slacks are too long, short people can shorten them, then use the extra material to make a bag or a pocketbook….
Short people may be able to fit in a toddler bed, if you’re short enough

The DISADVANTAGES of being short!!

Roller coasters like tall people
Short people can’t slam-dunk a basketball
Short people are more afraid of heights
Short people don't have feet hanging over the bed when we are asleep
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Is that u in that pic, Linda?? :eek:

"If newly purchased slacks are too long, short people can shorten them, then use the extra material to make a bag or a pocketbook…."
Fact! Been there, done that, several times! :p
Hmm, I agree with some but disagree with most of them :lol:

Being short myself, I'll share a few opinions:

- people are very likely to find you cute (for girls: beware of those bearing a Lolita complex! :bugeyed )
- you can sneak around more easily, especially in crowded places
- you can wear high-heels B)
- you can sometimes pretend to be younger than you really are (lol)

- you are more exposed to acts of violence (and, if untrained, there are good chances you won't be able to defend yourself either)
- people can underestimate you (hmm, or is that a good thing? :scratch: )
- people can think you're younger than you really are (so it's both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on the situation :lol: )
- hugging/kissing someone can be a real pain - you have to stretch alllll the way up to them :bugeyed :(

That's all I can come up with for now :p
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Hmm, I agree with some but disagree with most of them :lol:

Being short myself, I'll share a few opinions:

- people are very likely to find you cute (for girls: beware of those bearing a Lolita complex! :bugeyed )
- you can sneak around more easily, especially in crowded places
- you can wear high-heels B)
- you can sometimes pretend to be younger than you really are (lol)

- you are more exposed to acts of violence (and, if untrained, there are good chances you won't be able to defend yourself either)
- people can underestimate you (hmm, or is that a good thing? :scratch )
- people can think you're younger than you really are (so it's both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on the situation :lol: )
- hugging/kissing someone can be a real pain - you have to stretch alllll the way up to them :bugeyed :(

That's all I can come up with for now :p

Yes! :bugeyed

People always tend to think that Im much younger than I am - Im 21 (almost 22) and most people think Im 16/17, sometimes its good, sometimes i get tired of it!
And just because Im so little and skinny, to all Im defenseless (thats why I really look forward to having lessons on self-defense). People are always thinking Im too weak, too fragile, or not capable of doing sth in specific...
For instance, Ive been training bow and arrow, and people get all surprised about me having strength to pull that cord to shoot. :doh: Like Im gonna break in half because of it...
And also they get surprised because I have interests on army training and learning to shoot with all kinds of guns - I dont think I'll ever join the army, I dont have endurance for that, but I do wanna learn to shoot.
People tend to think Im a little porcelain doll... :tease:

About hugging and kissing tall boyfriend got used to bending over to kiss me, and still I have to stand on tip toes! :p
I don't know about the advantages of being short. I am 5' 2" tall and I had have nothing but disadvantages of being short. Like:

You can't reach for something that you need off of a high shelf or cabinet.

You can't reach the bottom of a deep washing machine or anything else that is deep.

Now for that last one some years ago my mother had to buy a new washing machine because the old one was starting to go. Well this new one that she bought is deep. And because of that washing machine I really can't do the wash like I use to. Because I can't reach the bottom of the machine. My mother doesn't have a problem reaching the bottom of the machine like I do. Because of the fact she is an inch taller than me. And being an inch taller makes a big difference. When we had the old washing machine I used to do wash all of the time. Because of the fact it was easy for me to reach the bottom of the machine. Now if I need something wash now my mother has to do it for me. Since I can no longer do it.

BTW Linda not all short people are afraid of heights. I'm a short person and I love heights. In fact I love heights so much. That when we still had the World Trade Center. I used to always imagine myself being on top of those buildings. And looking to see how far I can see standing on top of top of them. That was the very first thing I had wanted to do if I ever got to see New York City. Of course now that is something I am never going to get to experience.

And not all short people are better dancers. I can't dance at all nor do I really want to learn how to. Because of the fact that dancing is totally not my thing. The only way you will ever get me to dance if you told me I was going to be one of the dancing extras in a Bollywood movie. Mainly a Bollywood movie staring Shahruhk Khan. OMG I would so love to dance in one of his movies. Preferly getting to dance with him. OMG I would so totally love that.
There are no real disadvantages to being short because you can always get others to help out.

Since I never grew UP past 5'0, I find it a pleasure to be short. When I need something on the top shelf of a grocery aisle, I just get the first taller person I see and ask them to reach for it for me. This gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment and perhaps something to talk about over dinner. LOL

I tell them thank you and we laugh about it. Once I asked this woman if her over 6' husband/boyfriend could get something for thing to do...never ask the man when he's with a woman...always ask her first. She thought it was funny and said that he was good for something. The man got what I wanted and it was a great day. LOL

Of course, being short makes me appear younger than my age, but you have to look good to appear younger than your age and I'm happy and blessed to say that I look good for my age and always shock people when I tell them. Literally, shake them up physically. A new friend was driving when I told my age and the car wobbled. I laughed and said don't kill me because I look younger.

I've actually lost potential friends because I was older than them and they were shocked so embarrassingly that it felt awkward to maintain the association. I have found that to be very interesting.

I fit into small spaces, I'm very strong physically and mentally and I'm much healthier than all my friends closer to my age or older, my being short doesn't help my health though, I have to work at keeping a strict diet to maintain cholesterol levels to keep my heart strong, thus my doctors are a bit amazed that they don't have anything to check when I go to get check-ups. I pray that this scene continues because I haven't lived a full life yet. LOL

Being short is a privilege, because anybody can be tall, but being short is magnificent. Can't get a modelling job though, LOL. A small disadvantage.
Yes! :bugeyed

People always tend to think that Im much younger than I am - Im 21 (almost 22) and most people think Im 16/17, sometimes its good, sometimes i get tired of it!
And just because Im so little and skinny, to all Im defenseless (thats why I really look forward to having lessons on self-defense). People are always thinking Im too weak, too fragile, or not capable of doing sth in specific...
For instance, Ive been training bow and arrow, and people get all surprised about me having strength to pull that cord to shoot. :doh: Like Im gonna break in half because of it...
And also they get surprised because I have interests on army training and learning to shoot with all kinds of guns - I dont think I'll ever join the army, I dont have endurance for that, but I do wanna learn to shoot.
People tend to think Im a little porcelain doll... :tease:

About hugging and kissing tall boyfriend got used to bending over to kiss me, and still I have to stand on tip toes! :p

Lol, same here :lol: I'm 17 and some people take me for a 14 year-old :doh: :rofl:

And I know what you mean about being considered a porcelain doll, it's sooooo annoying! It's best when you surprise people with what you're capable of :devil: :lol:
I also wanna take lessons of self-defense after I finish highschool, cause frankly, I do need them :ermm: Not in the sense that I'm defenseless, but I'm not a violent person at all, and if something happens, I just lose myself and don't know how to react :( I need to build some instincts, lol. :D
Yeah, but you young ladies forget - TALL GUYS LOVE SHORT WOMEN!! Believe me, I KNOW this for a fact! They feel the need to protect them....and think they are really cute...AND you can always use that excuse "Excuse me sir - could you get that carton of milk for me" in the grocery store....and they are more than willing to help you! Take it from ME...just bat your eyes and try to struggle - gets em EVERY TIME...!! LOL!!
If that is the case Linda then how come my mother's husband who is quite tall. Got on my mother a good couple of times because she is so short. My mother is 5' 3" and her husband is close to 6 feet tall. And there has also been times my mother needed something that she couldn't reach. And she asked her husband to get it down for her. And he didn't because he didn't feel like getting up to help her. So she had to go stand on the chair to get it herself. And by the time he came upstairs it was too late for him to get that item she needed. Because she had already gotten it herself.