Adults only

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Im sorry but if you want to talk to the fans your going to have to talk to everyone. Opinions are not limited by age.
Im sorry but if you want to talk to the fans your going to have to talk to everyone. Opinions are not limited by age.

I respect your opinion,can you respect my request to only talk to people old enough to shave?

You have the whole board to run about in.
aww says the noob! lol so cute!

lol if you care to know i am 29 yrs old you can look it up if you like. My problem with you is you do not respect people here hence your threads and calling them "idiots" these people believe something different and that doesn't make them children. You believe the tabloids and thats your thing but its wrong. And no i am not afraid to disagree with you.

all the above said with nothing but L.O.V.E.
so it's men only? :laugh:

That's perfect, with your user name being Nivea! :lol:

But to get back on topic, I'm game for this, as long as it's not a discussion that could get all of us in trouble.
My understanding is that the entire board is PG-13 (with the exception of the "Manhood" thread), and further, that age does not necessarily correlate with maturity. Intelligent conversations can be possible with people of any age. IMHO.
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