Adults bullying eachother


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm taking classes at a school for adults. It's a place to graduate in a single course like english or math, if you need it for your further education.

I'm VERY suprised, that I actually find myself being ignored for no other reason than being a little different than the rest. I'm just the type of person who doesent do a whole lot to fit in, because in my own heart I respect and welcome ALL sorts of persons, and do not ignore anyone, on any basis..

It's actually shocking me that adults (ages ranging from 19 to 40+) are behaving like this. Ignoring people because they feel like their "group" think its "the thing to do". I think it's comming forth as a very weak and immature characteristic, and I simply dont get why this "bullying" is conteniuing throughout peoples lifes.

Note: Just stop it! In reallity, NOONE THINK ITS COOL. Bullying is based on anxiety.. It's all an imagination - noone think its cool!
I agree whole-heartedly with what you're saying. My neighbour is studying on an adult course and says that more bullying goes on there than it seems to at the school that her children go to! It's ridiculous and childish, but unfortunately there are a heck of a lot of adults who are uncomfortable in themselves and so will take it out on others.