Admiration for MJ and his Fans


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So I've been stalking you guys for a little while to be honest..
Since March when i find out he was going to do his comeback tour i been keeping my eye on this forum as it was the best place for any info regarding him.
Well i'm new and i've finally decided to join..
I'm only 18 and i can't say "I've grown up with with MJ" but in a way i still have hits and stuff i wasn't even alive when they were at they peak yet when i was young i still knew of them? Its amazing how it his music it can be realsed at any time and you can't really dub it as 80s music its music forever.
My baby sis whos 6 has heard "your not alone" on my ipod and was like thats good and due to the news shes been asking me so many questions about MJ and his death and it hurts me that i have to explain his death to her as well as the music...

I wouldn't say i'm a bandwagon fan you no become a fan of MJ since his death cuz i have always admired him since i was young his music and everything... but at the same time i'm not that hardcore as you guys... i admire you lot for the loyalty and everything.. no wonder Michael loved his fans.

Its over a week now but it still hasn't really sunk in his gone.
I also had tickets to see him in August it was my high light of the summer holidays if anyone use to ask me before i use to say " MJ concert in the summer can't wait!"
Now i don't really have a summer as such?
I don't think i'll get over it for a while.. i was so looking forward to it and just the day before me and my sis in law were talking about how we going to go for the whole rock chic look and then the next day his death it was shocking. Until uni starts in September and my mind i engaged in other things i don't think i'll get over my new found obsession..
my facebook is full of all these links i have found and nobody really bothers to see them i bet a lot of people think i'm weird how upset i am over a celebs death its not like me i'm never really phased by it tbh but with him its something else.

Last night i had a dream about MJ.. all it was is i saw him and i go "Michael i can't believe your gone" He looked at me and goes "yeah i am..." and i think that was it cuz i woke up ..
it was so weird that i'm even dreaming MJ now, maybe its cuz i've been reading a lot on him before going to bed....

I went to the 02 last monday.. i just had to, i left my own message there and saw the flowers the tributes its so heartbreaking to see that instead of attending the concerts where going to pay our respects.

I think the biggest thing i admire about him apart from the music that shall live on
is well just the charity work his done.. he achieved so much by my age that its like i should to.. i should work hard and give back to the world. The world may be evil but you have to carry on his legacy and "heal the world" make it a better place.. cuz i do fear when i have children in the future its not going to be a nice place to live in so it really is up to us to make it a better place even without Michael in this world.

Anyways sorry about this random outburst..
Hi guys :)
wow this is a good read. Michael sucked me in too. Once I became a fan it was not turning back. lol Its just something about him.

Thanks for the post about us.
Hello Cheeko. Good to see you and and welcome to MJJC.

If you need any help/advice, please feel free to PM me. I love turning people onto what I love about Michael. You're right. There is something special there that goes beyond being a 'fan of a celebrity'.
wow this is a good read. Michael sucked me in too. Once I became a fan it was not turning back. lol Its just something about him.

Thanks for the post about us.
thank you guys to :)
Its fine..
Its the truth to be honest
Does anyone no what happen to the official MJ forum on the website? its gone for good isn't it? cuz i did join that for a while...
Such a shame though i hope those fans migrate to here...

Hello Cheeko. Good to see you and and welcome to MJJC.

If you need any help/advice, please feel free to PM me. I love turning people onto what I love about Michael. You're right. There is something special there that goes beyond being a 'fan of a celebrity'.

Thanks i wish i joined this forum during his life but hey better late then never right?
And i'll take you on that offer if i ever need any help!

Thank you :)
hello cheeko and welcome to the community !!

thank you for sharing the story of your journey as a michael jackson fan. It is a testiment to his positive influence that you have the ambitions that you voiced.

stay strong and keep the legacy alive ;)
hello cheeko and welcome to the community !!

thank you for sharing the story of your journey as a michael jackson fan. It is a testiment to his positive influence that you have the ambitions that you voiced.

stay strong and keep the legacy alive ;)

I will do thanks :)
welcome to the family cheeko .:heart:
cool sn ,
Welcome welcome :) So glad to have you here. Once you get sucked in, there's no turning back :)

I know, some of my family thought that I was crazy too for being upset, but he's not JUST a celebrity.. he is a mentor, an inspiration, a 'friend', someone who was always "there".

I will miss him for the rest of my life, and wish to see him in Heaven one day :)
Hi there Cheeko! ^^ I can relate a bit to you after reading what you wrote~ For a while I've just been lurking around the forum for news of MJ, some months ago.

I'm not very active in the fandom but I've always, always admired him and for me he was the best human being in the whole world. He was more than just a celeb, he was simply.. I don't even know how to put it into words because he was just amazing and brilliant like that!

I'm also glad I was around during his Dangerous era (I was only 4/5 yo)~ I could experience the huge sensation it was and live the moment when he was shining like no other. He played a huge part in my childhood and teenage days and it's certainly something I will always remember for the rest of my life. It's not something you forget, far from that. And THAT is how much he affects you. He just leaves his unique and powerful impression! :D
Welcome to our family Cheeko. hope you enjoy it here as much as I do :)
Welcome to the forum and thank you for the nice post. I really enjoyed reading it :)

No problems
Thank you :)

welcome to the family cheeko .:heart:
cool sn ,
Hah thanks :D

Welcome welcome :) So glad to have you here. Once you get sucked in, there's no turning back :)

I know, some of my family thought that I was crazy too for being upset, but he's not JUST a celebrity.. he is a mentor, an inspiration, a 'friend', someone who was always "there".

I will miss him for the rest of my life, and wish to see him in Heaven one day :)

Yeah thats for sure!
Yeah your right he is not Just a celeb fam can't understand but its nice to no you guys can!

Thanks for sharing your story
thank you :)
Welcome. Enjoy your stay here :)

I will do thanks :)

Welcome to our family Cheeko. hope you enjoy it here as much as I do :)

Thanks i hope i do to!