Adele's 21 is the 109th Best Selling Album Of All Time


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Its no end in sight, Adele's '21' moved another 309.000 copies in its 50th week on the tally (down 22% compared to the previous week) and leads the global chart for a 29th week. The gap between no.1 and no.2 is huge, Exile's 'Exile Japan' holds the second place with 152.000 sales (down 56%). With total sales of 16,01 million copies '21' reaches no.109 on the global ALL TIME CHART. In one or two weeks it will enter the Top 100. With the upcoming Grammy- & Brit-Awards, the sales of '21' will remain high in the next weeks.

Source: Mediatraffic

there are 108 other albums..., anyway..., I think her 21 album will reach 20 mill. copies..., but still... its absolutely overrated... and I dont get why people buy this album...., there are hundrads of better albums..., really I dont get it.
there are 108 other albums..., anyway..., I think her 21 album will reach 20 mill. copies..., but still... its absolutely overrated... and I dont get why people buy this album...., there are hundrads of better albums..., really I dont get it.

But these days.....most of the mainstream artists only have success with singles.........

I'm not much of a fan of Adele but I think she's talented..........

.......and I congratulate her for having a best selling album.........something very rare these days!!!!
She will never have the best selling album of all time though.... That title has been held by our king for the last 28 years and that will remain the case forever....

And, I also don't understand that how is she so popular? What the hell did she do? As Moonwalker Fan said there are other talented artists than her, but anyway this just goes to show that the world we live in is messed up..
Can't stand her, she'll fade away when her next album is exactly the same as the previous 2 and people get bored :)
While there are obviously better albums out there, there isn't a single album released by big labels that was better than 21 in 2011. I think the reason it has become as successful as it has is because when she has the likes of Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Lady Gaga to go up against she is obviously more talented than all of them, Adele appeals to a much broader population, older people enjoy her music aswell as the younger generation, that can't be said for many (if any at all) of the other artists. I love the 21 album, and I'm happy for her success. Whether she can keep the momentum going, only time will tell.
there are 108 other albums..., anyway..., I think her 21 album will reach 20 mill. copies..., but still... its absolutely overrated... and I dont get why people buy this album...., there are hundrads of better albums..., really I dont get it.

Because it's a million times better than any of the other popular albums out there, and while Adele is kind of overrated, she's got more talent and depth in her pinky than all the pop tarts have in their entire bodies.

Her music is not exactly my cup of tea, but if she can get us out of the Bieber/Gaga/Perry/Rihanna rut we've been in as a society for the past few years, I'm not going to complain. On to better pastures, hoffentlich!
I agreed the posts above me. I think timing was right for her. In the sea of club music and the likes of Rihanna and Katy Perry, 21 is refreshing to listen to. Adele is not my cup of tea either. I personally think Sade and Amy Winehouse more interesting.
She will never have the best selling album of all time though.... That title has been held by our king for the last 28 years and that will remain the case forever....

Well isn't that obvious.........Michael is the King and nobody will ever dethrone him!!!!
She will never have the best selling album of all time though.... That title has been held by our king for the last 28 years and that will remain the case forever....

And, I also don't understand that how is she so popular? What the hell did she do? As Moonwalker Fan said there are other talented artists than her, but anyway this just goes to show that the world we live in is messed up..'re saying the world is f--ked up because ADELE is popular?!

I'm sorry, but that's a bit comical. I agree with you 110% in that there are many albums which are definitely MUCH better than Adele's, but she is very clearly the least of our problems when it comes to inflated/popular artists without much talent whose music is more popular than that of worthier candidates. Society should be slitting its figurative wrists over the fact that Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Rihanna are extremely popular despite the fact that there is an entire plethora of artists a million times more talented and relevant than they are--THAT, my good sir or madam, is something worthy of collective despair.

Adele, while she might not be exactly whom I think of when I think musically brilliant, at least has some discernible talent and does not have the compulsion to strut around half-naked or sing raunchy lyrics to get people's attention. I am of the opinion we need someone like that to stick around and even the odds, as they say.

She has enough talent to not fade away soon, I think. As for why people support her instead of supporting the other 108 best-selling albums of all time, I think it's because people want something current and new. I'm willing to bet a lot of the albums in the higher-ranking positions are a bit older than the people you want purchasing them. People also like artists they can relate to, which is why a lot of the really out there artists have smaller fanbases, and the faux artistic but really quite pedestrian ones [i.e. Gaga who likes to pretend she's edgy and different but actually sings about the same things as/thinks like most of her pop music peers] enjoy immense popularity.'re saying the world is f--ked up because ADELE is popular?!

I'm sorry, but that's a bit comical. I agree with you 110% in that there are many albums which are definitely MUCH better than Adele's, but she is very clearly the least of our problems when it comes to inflated/popular artists without much talent whose music is more popular than that of worthier candidates. Society should be slitting its figurative wrists over the fact that Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Rihanna are extremely popular despite the fact that there is an entire plethora of artists a million times more talented and relevant than they are--THAT, my good sir or madam, is something worthy of collective despair.

Adele, while she might not be exactly whom I think of when I think musically brilliant, at least has some discernible talent and does not have the compulsion to strut around half-naked or sing raunchy lyrics to get people's attention. I am of the opinion we need someone like that to stick around and even the odds, as they say.

She has enough talent to not fade away soon, I think. As for why people support her instead of supporting the other 108 best-selling albums of all time, I think it's because people want something current and new. I'm willing to bet a lot of the albums in the higher-ranking positions are a bit older than the people you want purchasing them. People also like artists they can relate to, which is why a lot of the really out there artists have smaller fanbases, and the faux artistic but really quite pedestrian ones [i.e. Gaga who likes to pretend she's edgy and different but actually sings about the same things as/thinks like most of her pop music peers] enjoy immense popularity.

Well, I think Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga are better than Adele and I don't even like them.....
Just because you all think she is talented, it doesn't mean that I should think the same way.... Remember, that opinions are subjective... You don't have to agree with me, but please don't start dissing me, just because you think otherwise...
Well, I think Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga are better than Adele and I don't even like them.....

Adele actually writes proper lyrics.......not like the crap of gaga......

And you think bieber is better the adele????? :wacko:

Silence is better then bieber!!!!

Police sirens have a higher musical quality then bieber!!!!!
^Well, this is your opinion... I don't listen to Gaga or Bieber but I know they are better than Adele...Also, they move about on stage, which is something that Adele hardly does... And also, Adele looks too old for her age...
^Well, this is your opinion... I don't listen to Gaga or Bieber but I know they are better than Adele...Also, they move about on stage, which is something that Adele hardly does... And also, Adele looks too old for her age...

Lol......John Lennon never moved much around the stage, but nobody complains (same can be said of many other artists)!!!!

Are looks really that important????
Billboard 200 (January 9, 2012 - January 15, 2012):
1. Adele - 21 (104,000)
2. David Crowder Band - Give Us Rest (50,000)
3. Black Keys - El Camino (36,000)
4. Drake - Take Care (32,000)
5. Snow Patrol - Fallen Empires (31,000)

^Well, this is your opinion... I don't listen to Gaga or Bieber but I know they are better than Adele...Also, they move about on stage, which is something that Adele hardly does... And also, Adele looks too old for her age...

I don't see where moving about on stage has anything to do with it and how old you look more so, Gaga is quite the stiff dancer although she has made improvements I will say that, Bieber is an ok dancer, but none of them are great and it doesn't make up for their lack of lyrical content, Adele's lyrics are extremely well wrote in comparison, I think its a testimony to Adele's talent that she can just stand there and take peoples breath away, most of the singers known for their voices aren't movers at all, Mariah, Whitney, Aretha etc.
there are 108 other albums..., anyway..., I think her 21 album will reach 20 mill. copies..., but still... its absolutely overrated... and I dont get why people buy this album...., there are hundrads of better albums..., really I dont get it.

There really, really, really aren't. If you don't like it then that's fine, but personally I think 21 was an absolute masterpiece, and should not only reach the top 100, but top 50 as well.