Adam Sandler - who likes him?:D :p


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Szczecin, Poland, Poland
I've been a fan of his since last summer when they released Don't mess with the Zohan. I know his sense of humour is kinda silly, but I like the silliness:D:D Since then I watched numerous of his films. They were all great. But I really loved Click, it's very funny, but at the end it's so sad that I cried like a little baby:p:p:p Damn, I'm as sensitive as Mike:p What do you think of Adam?
I didn't like the Zohan movie, but Click and especially "Reign over me" was really great!
If you haven't seen "Reign over me" then check it out, absolutely great.

Big Daddy is another good movie with him... Waterboy & Happy Gilmore is alright, good movies if you just wanna have something to watch before you go to sleep :)
I prefer his older movies, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and Wedding singer, dont really like his recent movies.
I for one LOVED "You Don't Mess With The Zohan" VERY funny. After his make over in that movie I thought Adam looked cute. Happy Gilmore IS HILARIOUS! OH! 50 First Dates is enduring too. I also love Click and Reign Over Me is heart breaking to watch. The only Adam Sandler movie I haven't seen is Punch Drunk Love. LOL. My ALL TIME favourite film of his has to be The Wedding Singer. It might have been made 10 years ago but damn it I LOVE IT! I'm a big '80's fan so it fits me perfectly! And I LOVE George...LOL! My sister and I would always joke and say, "He'd probably kill himself if he lost his job." LOL!
I didn't like the Zohan movie, but Click and especially "Reign over me" was really great!
If you haven't seen "Reign over me" then check it out, absolutely great.

Big Daddy is another good movie with him... Waterboy & Happy Gilmore is alright, good movies if you just wanna have something to watch before you go to sleep :)

Oh good, I gotta see Reign over me:D Have you watched Mr Deeds?, another ecellent comedy:D
adam sandlers a great comic/actor i loved him in click and the wedding singer i loved his animated movie 8 crazy nights!!! that was hillarious reign on me is a awesome movie very sad i never knew adam did this movie i only discovered that one recently it was on cable if u havent seen it check it out,, i havent seen zohan yet but i will soon!!
Yeah, I will definately check Reign on me, I hope it's as emotional as Click:) As for Zohan, it was very funny, especially when he put piranhas in his underpants;) but it was also embarrasing at many times;P (you know, all that sexual stuff;) making love to lots of older women:p
I really like his old movies, as big DB also stated. Some of his new ones..mehh...
Plus...Click pisssed me off as it had a really mean reference to Michael in it.
I really like his old movies, as big DB also stated. Some of his new ones..mehh...
Plus...Click pisssed me off as it had a really mean reference to Michael in it.

Yeah, true, I didn't like that MJ reference either:/ I posted a comment on youtube where the movie was up, defending MIchael, but of course people commented that they enjoyed that reference... but overall, the movie is my second favourite comedy ever, cause it's really funny! (except that one thing of course)
Yeah, I will definately check Reign on me, I hope it's as emotional as Click:) As for Zohan, it was very funny, especially when he put piranhas in his underpants;) but it was also embarrasing at many times;P (you know, all that sexual stuff;) making love to lots of older women:p
reign on me is very sad it is about adam sandler suffering from post traumatic stress disorder due to him losing his wife and kids in the 9/11 attack and a old college friend befriends him again yrs after college and tries to help him out
Haha, I'm not a huge fan of his movies but I have one of his guitar strings at home.
I was staying at the Hard Rock Hotel in Bali, Indonesia, three years ago and there were guitars all over the place (dûh). So if I would walk from my room to the place where everybody had breakfast I would pass this hall where they hang up all these guitars which used to be from these artists. I remember walking down that hallway and everybody was in the pool and the hall was empty and I was really curious what I would sound like if I would pull one of the strings, like trying to play on it..

So I pulled one of the strings of Hoobastanks guitar and since I don't play guitar, it sounded like crap but I really enjoyed it and felt like a real 'rebel'.
So I walked past the other guitars and since the hall was still empty I decided to pull another string from another guitar. So somehow I pulled a little bit too hard and on a sudden I was left with this guitar string in my hand. I panicked and didn't know what else to do, so I quickly put the string in the pocket of my jeans and ran away to my hotel room. Once I got there I realized I had this guitar string and I got really curious who it was, so I ran back to the hall and quickly checked out the little board underneath the guitar which said 'Adam Sandler'. I was 13 at that time and really had no clue who Adam Sandler was (He's not thát big overhere) and I remember I got really upset I didn't end up with having a guitar string of someone I knew like Linkin Park, ect.
His best film is "Spanglish". "Reign Over Me" was basically sentimental sap which tried too hard, imo. I liked "Zohan". It was stupid, but funny.
"Spanglish" is a comedic drama, yes. It's got some heavy parts mixed with humor, which is most real to life. I'd recommend it for sure.
i thought "Reign Over Me" was brilliant.. my type of movie though. Goes inside the main characters mind and mental state (eg.. Ordinary People, Good Will Hunting, Seven Pounds).
I like the feel that "Reign Over Me" and "25th Hour" have and there relation with 9/11, sort of a tense feel throughout both movies.
I've been a fan of his since last summer when they released Don't mess with the Zohan. I know his sense of humour is kinda silly, but I like the silliness:D:D Since then I watched numerous of his films. They were all great. But I really loved Click, it's very funny, but at the end it's so sad that I cried like a little baby:p:p:p Damn, I'm as sensitive as Mike:p What do you think of Adam?

I loooove Adam Sandler!! :crackingup:
Especially "You don't mess with The Zohan". Gosh! When I saw it at the cinema I laughed so hard that I started to cry...and I don't usually do that in public xD

His new movie "Bedtime stories" is really nice aswell! So darn sweet and hillarious :p
yeah bedtime stories is a perfect kids movie. I love everything ive seen of him, hes a fantastic comic. Ive also seen 50 first dates, that has to be my favorite of his. Ive also seen the Wedding Singer and 8 Crazy Nights..that was quite a ride! Mr. Deeds is great too.