Adam Lambert - Charity Water


Yesterday, Adam Lambert announced his new charity affiliation with the non-profit organization “charity: water.” Adam’s initial goal was to raise $29,000 for the cause by his birthday on January 29. It looks like he underestimated the charitable nature of his fans, because “Glamberts” don’t mess around. It took just under 5.5 hours to meet the goal of $29,000. In fact, the total donations have already surpassed $50,000 in less than 24 hours.
Money raised by charity: water goes towards bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Donors can choose any amount of money to donate and a theme has emerged. Many people are donating amounts such as $29, $129 or $290 in the spirit of his upcoming 29th birthday, which occurs on the 29th day of the month.
Donors have the opportunity to add a comment when they donate and most messages have been “Happy Birthday” wishes to Adam. However, there are also inspirational quotes and gratitude for Adam choosing to help this particular charity. For example:
“I believe that some of the most important words ever spoken were Gandhi's "be the change you wish to see in the world." Happy birthday, Adam, in support of you and your efforts to help change the world!”
“Happy birthday, Adam. Living in a country where we have so many conveniences it's hard for most of us to fathom areas of the globe that don't even have fresh drinking water. It's my privilege to be able to donate money to this worthy cause. Thank you, sweet man, for bringing it to our attention.”
“While we complain about our own needs not met, sometimes we realize that there are people worse off than us. Thank you Adam for reminding us of that and rousing us for this great cause. Happy Birthday!”
At this rate, donations to Adam’s charity: water page will probably exceed well over $100,000 and hopefully more by his birthday. Upon realizing that the goal had been met so quickly, Adam tweeted:
"Ok New goal: 290,000 by the 29th!!! Let's give people in need clean water!!!"
If you would like to donate to the charity as part of Adam’s fundraising efforts, you can do so by clicking here:
