Adam Ant gave MJ some fashion advices.


Proud Member
Oct 14, 2009
Neverland since 1991
I didn’t know this.
I like Adam’s music and I saw some similarities between them. First the cover of their albums:


(notice that Adam released that album in 1994 ;) )

And the same style of jackets:


Then I found out Adam commented he gave MJ some fashion advice, when he called him at 4 in the morning (aw Mike :lol:)

this is the story: :D

The ringing of a telephone cut sharply through my sleep. I fumbled for the receiver. ‘Hello?’ A soft, high pitched voice echoed down the line to me. ‘Hello,’ it repeated. ‘Is that Adam Ant?’ The voice had an American accent and sounded vaguely familiar, but my fuzzy brain reacted angrily.

‘Terry,’ I said, thinking it was one of the Ants’ drummers playing a prank. ‘Stop p****** about. It’s 4am and I’m trying to sleep.’

‘No, it’s not Terry,’ said the voice. ‘It’s Michael. Is that Adam Ant?’

‘Very funny, Terry, now f*** off.’ I slammed the phone down, rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. The phone went again.

‘Hello,’ I barked into the receiver. ‘Hi, no, really, it is me, Michael Jackson,’ said the funny voice, ‘and I just want to ask you…’

‘Terry, if you don’t stop this I’m going to come over there and f****** thump you.’ Bang. Again the phone went down. Again I rolled over. Again the phone rang.

I grabbed the receiver and shouted: ‘Terry! That’s IT!’

‘Er, hi, is that Adam Ant?’ This time the voice was deep, sonorous, American and calm. It didn’t sound anything like Terry.

‘Oh, oh,’ I stammered. ‘Yes, this is Adam. Who are you?’

‘I’m Quincy Jones, calling from LA. Sorry, we probably woke you, but I’m here with Michael Jackson and he’d like to speak with you. Is that OK?’ A pause, and then that same soft voice. ‘Hi, Adam, it’s Michael. Sorry if we woke you.’

‘Oh, no, sorry to have been so rude,’ I apologized.

He said he had just seen the video for our song Kings Of The Wild Frontier. ‘It’s great,’ he said. ‘How did you get the tom-tom sound?’

‘Oh, thanks. Well, we use two drum kits and then add loads of other percussion on top…’

‘That’s great, Adam,’ Michael interrupted. ‘I really like your jacket. Where did you get it?’.

‘Huh? My jacket?’ I tried to think. ‘Berman’s and Nathan’s in London’s Covent Garden. They supply costumes for movies.’

‘Wow. That’s great,’ he replied. ‘How do you spell that? Bowman’s and who?’

‘No, B-E-R-M-A-N-apostrophe-S and N-A-T-H-A-N-apostrophe-S.’

‘Great, thanks. Let’s meet up next time you’re in America, huh? Bye.

"He eventually invited me to his place near LA for the day. He was just a very charming and gracious host, but very shy. "He showed me around his animals - there was no monkey at the time - and we watched the movie WHITE HEAT in his private cinema. That was before it went all crazy for him..."
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Yes, I was aware that Michael liked Adam's Ant music. There is an interview from Smash Hits 1983 which Michael acknowledges his interest in Ant music. It's the only interivew the magazine did with Michael. I bought a copy of a collection of interviews from the 1980s. That's where you can find it or maybe it will be on the internet.

Jimi Hendrix also used to like similar jackets too.
Great Story Lucilla.

Poor Michael, he said that people never thought it was him on the phone and they often hung up on him. What a shame.
Yes, I was aware that Michael liked Adam's Ant music. There is an interview from Smash Hits 1983 which Michael acknowledges his interest in Ant music. It's the only interivew the magazine did with Michael. I bought a copy of a collection of interviews from the 1980s. That's where you can find it or maybe it will be on the internet.

Oh that's great, thanks for that info.
You know, that interview it's so hard to find on the internet. If you have a link I would really appreciate it :)

Great Story Lucilla.

Poor Michael, he said that people never thought it was him on the phone and they often hung up on him. What a shame.

I know! he was probably very used to it, poor baby.
Thanks for the great post. :)

I always thought that Michael & Adam's jackets looked like Jimi Hendrix's too. Did Adam by chance give Michael his..or I wonder if Michael had bought one from the store Adam recommended..?

Jimi Hendrix

Adam Ant

Michael Jackson

I hadn't thought about Adam Ant in a long time--enjoyed the story! I remember having a friend in college who was nuts about Adam Ant.....Anyway, fun hearing that tale. Thanks