About MJ's Records... An issue.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lakeland, Florida
Well, I have a bunch of records from Michael, but, for some odd reason, most of them all skip - even if they're completely clean! I cleaned my needle on the record player, and practically cleaned the whole record player up and it still skipped. It usually always happens on my Off The Wall and Thriller albums. I have three copies of Off The Wall and about four Thriller LPs and they all skip. I've tried other records, since I'm a big vinyl record collector, and they worked completely fine. It's only Michael's albums that I'm having problems with, unfortunately.

Does anyone know why it does that? And, has anyone else had the same problem?

Thanks! :angel:
Maybe the records are scratched or your needle is old.
Could be, but it's only happening to my MJ records. Ugh, it's so odd! And no, the records are in complete mint condition. I am very protective over my Michael Jackson LPs. Oh, well. I just wonder why they are the ones that always have problems.