ABC News' Sam Donaldson announces his retirement


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ABC News' Sam Donaldson announces his retirement

Posted Feb 16th 2009 12:01PM by Allison Waldman
Filed under: News, Celebrities, Reality-Free
One of the most recognizable figures in ABC News is saying goodbye to the daily grind. In his time with the network, Sam Donaldson has done it all, investigative reporter, anchor, host, talking head, and always with a distinctive, pugnacious style. After four decades at the job, ABC's Sam Donaldson is retiring.

He will be missed, especially at the network. Anchorman Charles Gibson acknowledged as much when he told the Washington Post that Donaldson's retirement "really is a loss of the bedrock" for ABC. These days, the big three have struggled to maintain their dominance in the news business with cable outlets offering so much blanket coverage compared to the nets. Sam Donaldson has been synonymous with ABC. He can't help but be missed. To this day, I think Ted Koppell is missed as well.

Donaldson was the White House Correspondent for ABC News during the presidential administrations of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, and he was known for being bellicose and forceful. When President Reagan would feign not being able to hear, it was Sam who would call out the loudest and force the prez to react. He wrote a bestseller about his experiences called best-selling "Hold On, Mr. President," primarily because in press conferences with all three presidents, Donaldson was famous for being tough and determined. I vividly recall his hectoring Bill Clinton, especially during the Lewinsky situation.

Sam is a four-time Emmy award winner, and will continue jousting with George Will and Cokie Roberts on This Week on a somewhat irregular basis -- once a month or so -- and he may continue appearing on ABC's Politics Live on ABC's digital and web channel.