Aaron Carter talks about Michael....again


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York

You’ve worked with a lot of wonderful artists. Who do you look up to as a performer?

Hands down, Michael Jackson. Michael is such an amazing inspiration to me. He was such a good guy and he always tried to make a difference in the world. He loved everyone and he cared about, appreciated and acknowledged every single person in his industry. A lot of people don’t do that these days. A lot of people are so selfish, and they’re too afraid to even mention another artist unless they have a merchandising deal with them, or a tour deal, or they recorded a song with them. I think that’s kind of pathetic. You have to appreciate what other people do, and hopefully that’s something I’ll be able to keep up and pass on.
"A lot of people don’t do that these days. A lot of people are so selfish, and they’re too afraid to even mention another artist unless they have a merchandising deal with them, or a tour deal, or they recorded a song with them. I think that’s kind of pathetic."

Hmmm, were you talking about yourself there Aaron? I'm sorry but after that stunt he pulled this past summer (or was it early fall? Not sure how long ago that was, but that doesn't matter) he has lost ALL rights to ever utter the name Michael Jackson ever again. There is nothing he can do to redeem himself in my eyes, the damage is already done.

He can go fade away into the obscurity from once he came, not that he ever had a legitimate career to begin with. He messed with the wrong fan base, good luck even trying to book a high school cafeteria after that disgusting stunt you pulled earlier this year jerk.
No juicy revelations this time now he hasn't got anything to promote eh? God he's just pathetic, I have no time for him after what he pulled a few months back.
Although his comments were nice - not interested after last time!
Does he honestly think we're stupid? Unfortunately, my name is not J. Michael Flanagan thus I am neither a habitual drunk or suffering from Alzheimer's. I still remember the little stunt he pulled a while back. This is, if anything, even worse than anything anyone who dislikes Michael may have done--this is USING him. At least the former are honest if mistaken in their disposition.

But to so obviously use someone who considered you a friend will not exactly endear you in the hearts of the general public.
Pfft! He's lying to himself.
He doesn't deserve our attention or anymore threads on this forum :beee:
Thanks to him, I know several people who still think the crap he said was true. The YouTube channel "sxephil" (YouTube News Channel... gets MILLIONS of viewers every day) had mentioned it in the news lineup, yet failed to mention the followup story where it was proven false. I tried, but of course, no one wants to hear that the "scandalous story isn't true".
Will this interview get as much media attention as his last one did? One can only hope. :pray:
Really, what's the point of interviewing Aaron Carter anyway?
Aaron get over it, WE STILL REMEMBER WHAT U DID LAST TIME! Did he really think we would forget?! pfft the dude needs to get over himself
This kid is has been,,NOWAY we have already forgotten what he said about Michael a few months back..this kid can go to hell.
He's trying to rebuild all the bridges that HE burnt last year.

Thanks to him, I know several people who still think the crap he said was true. The YouTube channel "sxephil" (YouTube News Channel... gets MILLIONS of viewers every day) had mentioned it in the news lineup, yet failed to mention the followup story where it was proven false. I tried, but of course, no one wants to hear that the "scandalous story isn't true".
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