

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Was just wondering do we have any Aaliyah fans on here? Next year will be the 10th anniversary of her death, so hard to believe and I'm still quite cut up over it even after all this time. She was going to be huge, bigger than Beyonce I believe, she was well on her way and then came her untimely and tragic death. She will always be one of my favourite artists, she's up there with all the greats. She was inspired by Michael Jackson and said many nice things about him in her lifetime, she was also close to Janet Jackson and even talked about collaborating with her, Janet was upset when she died just before they got the chance to record anything. Her death was such a tragedy. She was so ahead of her time, releasing songs in 2000-2001 produced by Timbaland which sounded futuristic, artists are only just releasing songs like that now.
I am an Aaliyah fan and I think she was indeed on the right track to becoming huge. I also heard she was very humble. She was the best female singer/dancer of her generation. (I am not saying she was the best singer. I'm saying of that genre of singer/dancer of the group of people who came out around that time, she was the best). her voice was silky and light and her dancing was not just shaking your booty. it was real dancing. She could take risque moves and make them appear sexy as opposed to funky. I wonder what she would be doing musically now?
Next year will be the 10th anniversary of her death, so hard to believe and I'm still quite cut up over it even after all this time. She was going to be huge, bigger than Beyonce I believe, she was well on her way and then came her untimely and tragic death.

She was gone too soon. Maybe she would've been that big maybe not. Who can say? Always wondered about her relationship with R. Kelly.
I am an Aaliyah fan and I think she was indeed on the right track to becoming huge. I also heard she was very humble. She was the best female singer/dancer of her generation. (I am not saying she was the best singer. I'm saying of that genre of singer/dancer of the group of people who came out around that time, she was the best). her voice was silky and light and her dancing was not just shaking your booty. it was real dancing. She could take risque moves and make them appear sexy as opposed to funky. I wonder what she would be doing musically now?

Yeh she always appeared to be humble and down to earth despite her success. She could have easily been one of the biggest female selling artists of all time. It's interesting what you say about her doing real dancing, I never thought about that before but that is sooo true, when you compare her dancing to someone like Beyonce's which isn't anywhere near as complex as Aaliyah's yet Aaliyah always managed to do it so effortlessly and make it look so easy. I just loved her style and the way she carried herself, she could be sexy without being slutty which I think many artists struggle to carry off. I loved how unique her music was for that day, if it were released now I'm not sure people would notice as much because as I say music she made back then is now mainstream whereas at the time she released it in the early 2000's it was like a modern version of R&B, her musical style was to record smooth vocals which sounded almost as if they belonged to classical music and then she'd layer bangin' beats on top, the two shouldn't mix together but they do and incredibly well. She was my favourite female artist and I think she always will be, I still see people copying her style and music today, you only have to look at all the Ashanti and Amerie copycats to see that.
She was gone too soon. Maybe she would've been that big maybe not. Who can say? Always wondered about her relationship with R. Kelly.

A subject of much debate I always feel awkward discussing. I think something went on between them when he was trying to break her into the industry and she got hurt emotionally really badly, that's as much as I know really. They tried to cover it, it didn't work as people guessed what had gone on then after her first album release she had nothing to do with him and began working with Timbaland and Missy instead and with better results.
A subject of much debate I always feel awkward discussing. I think something went on between them when he was trying to break her into the industry and she got hurt emotionally really badly, that's as much as I know really. They tried to cover it, it didn't work as people guessed what had gone on then after her first album release she had nothing to do with him and began working with Timbaland and Missy instead and with better results.

R. Kelly's a dirtbag in my book. Aaliyah was too good (and to young) for him. Thanks for the info.
Baby girl... the best female/slick RNB artist of the 90's and early oo's, she cant be compared to Janet... Janet was too pop, Aaliyah was Rnb/slow jam/NJS groove, she dominated the scene at such a young age, and signed with Jive when she was like 15 or sth, her first album 'Age aint nothing..' is still one of my fav female albums of the 90's

She grew under Kell's wing but Im glad they parted ways cause she needed that new sound and she found it with Timbaland and they killed the Rnb/urban scene, same like Justin did when he moved on from Pharrell to Timb on Future sex...

She was starting to get into acting as well... "Queen of the Damned" and "Matrix reloaded" which wasnt meant to be

Still cant beileve she dated the two R.O.C heads jay-z and dame dash thats when the fued between them began

Fav tracks...

Age aint nothing
Back and forth
Young Nation
Girl like you feat treanch of NBN
come over
One in a million
Erika kane
Are you that somebody
More than a woman
Rock the Boat
Dont know what to tell you
Miss you
"Still cant beileve she dated the two R.O.C heads jay-z and dame dash thats when the fued between them began
I didn't know she dated Jay Z. I knew her and Damon were engaged but I'm not so sure about Jay Z, Maybe it was in the early days. Anyways what does it matter now?
Coincidentally I was just checking out all her videos again yesterday after I heard her song on the radio. Been a while since I last heard them but they still sound 'fresh' if you know what I mean. I actually have one of her CDs too. My favourite song of hers is "Are You That Somebody", I played it over and over again when it first came out and I still listen to it. Such a tragedy that we will never know how her career would have developed, I truly believe she could have been HUGE by now seeing all the things she had already achieved at 22. Her music reminds me a lot of Janet Jackson... but to be honest, I like Aaliyah's more (don't hate me lol).
I love Aaliyah, too! Havin' her albums - she was great!
Missin' her just like Mike...! :(

She was an awesome talent with a unique blend of coolness and style and her music was always on point. I remember watching her episode of MTV Diary and being struck by her humbleness (she talked about her faith and not taking any of her life and blessings for granted), how sweet she was enjoying all them amusement park rides and how nice she was interacting with her team like they were family. Some of them were also lost in the crash. May the Lord bless rest their souls and bless all their families.

Here are my two favorite songs from her. Coincidentally enough they both belong to movie soundtracks – Journey to the past from the classic, in my book at least, Anastasia and Back in one piece with DMX, taken from Jet Li's Romeo must die.

Although More than a woman and Rock the boat are great songs, the videos are difficult to watch because they are related to her passing. I still remember the shock and the sadness i felt when i heard about her accident. A short few weeks later 9/11 took place, those were truly turbulent times.

Aalyiah, we miss you.
I really miss her there will never be another Aaliyah died so young still can't believe it
I still remember when the news broke. It was weird because I had been digging her singles and so bought her new album (at the time), Aaliyah, about a week before her untimely passing. I had fallen in love with it's dark and unique beats and melodies. Her voice sounded so angelic against the darkness. I spent so much time afterward, grieving for the artist I had only begun to know, The more I learned about her, the ore my heart ached.

Aaliyah was a truly exceptional young woman who was on the path to greatness. She had so much going for her and there's not a single person on this earth that had anything negative to say about her. Those who knew her, said she was so full of warmth, joy, and love. It really shined through on the now haunting MTV documentary she did in promotion of her album.

R.I.P. Aaliyah. I hope you're keeping MJ company.
Aaliyah was on this classic from the mid 1990's. Her part starts around 1:37.
"One In A Million" "Four Page Letter" etc was my jam back then. I remember when "Rock The Boat" permiered on MTV. I was soooo sad when she passed. I used to do my hair like hers as well. :)
Although More than a woman and Rock the boat are great songs, the videos are difficult to watch because they are related to her passing. I still remember the shock and the sadness i felt when i heard about her accident. A short few weeks later 9/11 took place, those were truly turbulent times.

I agree those two videos, particularly Rock the Boat are very difficult to watch for me as they were filmed so close to her death. There are scenes in the Rock the Boat vid (where she's dancing on the boat with the backing dancers) which were filmed on the day of her death so it's very eerie to watch. MTV's Diary of Aaliyah is also haunting as in it she talks about what she would like her legacy to be when she's long gone and what she wants to be remembered as. She also appears distracted at times in the documentary, as if her thoughts are far away. Sometimes I wonder if she had a premonition, if she knew something was going to happen. I've struggled with her death eversince it happened as it was such a shock, and it's hard to believe it'll be 10 years next August since her death. Even though she achieved so much in such a short space of time I can't help but wonder what she would be doing now and what else she would have achieved because she still had no much left she wanted to do and this is the hardest part to accept - the fact that she left this earth with still so many goals left.
Aaliyah is maybe going to have a posthumous release.

Is there a new Aaliyah album on its way? According to sources the new album will feature unreleased songs by the late great singer. It will be her first non-compilation CD since the “Rock the Boat.” Producer Jeffrey “J. Dub” Walker, who worked on her 2001 self-titled album “Aaliyah,”
Recently the producer tweeted:

"Just got great news today; the smash unreleased song called “Steady Ground” I produced on #Aaliyah is gonna be on her upcoming album
I love her first album more than others.
I recently got back into Aaliyah's music, and I can't help but think how big she would be if she was still with us, such a shame she was taken way too soon. I love her Aaliyah album, I wish she could have lived to see the success it achieved once she had passed.
:(Well my Aaliyah fans today marks the 11 years since of her death. RIP Babygirl you is one of my favorite female singers that I even know. :chillin: your memory will live forever!