Aaarghhhhh.... Matt Fiddes


Proud Member
Mar 4, 2009
Devon, England
I didn't think I could hate this man anymore than I aldready did but what he's just done is inexcusable and totally unacceptable. I'm not going to put the details here... I'll just say that he's given a full blown interview to Sky saying the he (along with Uri Geller) conviscated drugs from Michael. I couldn't watch it & had to turn over - that man is dispicable!
Nothing matters to me anymore. I don't care what they say. I don't care what they do. Michael's gone and everything is pointless and unimportant without him. Everything.
A lot of these types will crawl out from under their stones, he claims he last saw Michael in March when he made the announcement, we we all saw him then.

I prefer to take the word of people who were working with him on a daily basis on rehearals. We just don't know fact from fiction with all of this and it is just words, it doesn't change anything.

We have to heal and try to keep our lives normal and get through this, and we will.
i feel the same somehow. may be we dont have energy now to protest againt it. but you cannot change people's minds.
it's like you know i was reading a book about Paganini recently before it happened. and i thought that something in his fate reminded me of Michael's fame. both were entertainers that would make the crowd go crazy. and till now all these nasty rumours about Paganini never stop to circulate even in books. like i read many and can distinguish right from wrong now. but i wonder how come that centuries later there are still stupid or nasty rumours that have nothing to do with the truth?

will it be the same for us?
Argh yes this man.
You know I turned on the TV and I was like I know this man, he looked awfully familiar. With the cut hair it just wasn't sinkin until a min in I was like Oh yeah. TBH these folks who are appearing NOW and opening their mouth seriously whether true or false show some respect to the man. I've always said this and I will continue to say it's a shame Michael encountered a lot of fake people in life, who didn't have his best interest at heart.
You know, we don't know whether Michael was taking prescription drugs or not.
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It fits all so nicely with what is being said in the media for the past few days. How convenient. I am sure if some other story emerges about Michael, Matt will recall some memory that supports it.

We have discredited Matt Fiddes on this board on several occasions. He is a parasite, a leech.

We need to STOP giving these people the time of day!
I watched that entire interview, and it seemed a honest interview to me, he defended Mike to the hilt whenever possible. He said the doctors killed him, had too many 'yes' men around him, and if you argued with MJ you were cast aside. Which from everything Ive read about MJ over the years seems to be the case. MJ had too many vultures in his nest.

This guy obviously cared about MJ alot and doesnt have another agenda. I dont see why we're taking shots at the guy?
This guy obviously cared about MJ alot and doesnt have another agenda. I dont see why we're taking shots at the guy?

PLEASE! The only person Matt Fiddes cares about is himself!

He sees how the press is reporting on this story, why would he ADD to the drama with these supposed "drug" stories. What would be the point in that?

In my opinion, the guy just likes hearing the sound of his voice and seeing his mug on television.
I'm sure the poor Jackson family would have loved hearing what Matt had to say to the gutter media this morning - NOT!

How on God's earth is what he said going to help Michael's family and friends!!??

Matt is in it for his own ends, as usual, the same as Uri.
He said some nice things about Michael. Why are you hating him so much? Because he is saying something you don't want to hear? You shouldn't think any less of Michael if this is true. We don't know. He was there with Michael, we weren't. He isn't the only one saying this. We should just wait for the autopsy result.
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PLEASE! The only person Matt Fiddes cares about is himself!

He sees how the press is reporting on this story, why would he ADD to the drama with these supposed "drug" stories. What would be the point in that?

In my opinion, the guy just likes hearing the sound of his voice and seeing his mug on television.

MJ could have been on drugs during that time, how do we know otherwise?

He was asked a question and he answered it the best way he could. If you were with MJ's entourage around that time, and you seen that he was high or whatever, and then you were doing a interview some years later, would you lie and say MJ never touched the stuff?.
Matt Fiddes = Tosser. He always pop's up at his own convient time, why didn't he help MJ when he most needed it, not now when its too late. He was just a hanger on when ever MJ was in the country, just like Uri, I don't believe Matt was that close to MJ, he didn;t even care about the Jacksons when they came over to live in Devon.
He said some nice things about Michael. Why are you hating him so much? Because he is saying something you don't want to hear? We don't know. He was there with Michael, we weren't. He isn't the only one saying this. We should just wait for the autopsy result.

But you are missing the point.

With Michael still not laid to rest, who gains from this TV interview?

Ill tell you - Matt Fiddes that's who!

Even if it is true, what 'friend' goes on national TV and says that about a 'friend' who's funeral hasn't even taken place!?

Matt didn't look too 'cut up' about the death of his "good friend" to me.
MJ could have been on drugs during that time, how do we know otherwise?

He was asked a question and he answered it the best way he could. If you were with MJ's entourage around that time, and you seen that he was high or whatever, and then you were doing a interview some years later, would you lie and say MJ never touched the stuff?.

Sorry. I didn't realise it was compulsory to give interviews to the national media when a "good friend" has only been dead for 5 days. When did that 'law' come into place?
I see your point, yes.

But you are missing the point.

With Michael still not laid to rest, who gains from this TV interview?

Ill tell you - Matt Fiddes that's who!

Even if it is true, what 'friend' goes on national TV and says that about a 'friend' who's funeral hasn't even taken place!?

Matt didn't look too 'cut up' about the death of his "good friend" to me.
you can't compare uri to matt...uri always goes on every news channel , acting like he still friends with michael and always always making these comments saying '' i've never told anyone this but...n then all this drivvle comes out'' He just says the same comments on every interview michael are you a lonley man? or i once hynotised him... etc...just to make a should realise he and michael arent rather hear from david gest...a true friend of the family
MJ could have been on drugs during that time, how do we know otherwise?

He was asked a question and he answered it the best way he could. If you were with MJ's entourage around that time, and you seen that he was high or whatever, and then you were doing a interview some years later, would you lie and say MJ never touched the stuff?.

I don't know and unlike Mr. Fiddes, I ain't TRYING to act like I know!

The problem, for me, is not whether the story is true or not. I just have a problem with folks like Matt Fiddes who run to the media everytime there is a MJ related story, acting like they have been life long friends with MJ. When we all know that's not true.

Matt was probably around MJ for 2 seconds, many, many years ago, but to hear him speak, you would think that MJ and he are as close as "two peas in a pod."

And like I said previously, true or not true, what's the point in Matt repeating those stories on television. When it comes to Michael Jackson, folks always trying to act like they were in, when in fact, they only had limited exposure to MJ.

All of a sudden, Matt was with MJ in March. As if! Totally laughable, in my opinion.
. Why are you hating him so much?
because ppl have done their research on him and know that hes a pathological lier who has lived off the fact he worked for mj for 2 days in 2002 and nothing more ever since.he claims hes mjs uk bodyguard. yet he worked for him once because he was gellers friend and hes not even a bodyguard let alone anything else. u only have to watch the docu with tito to see what a weirdo he is
ll of a sudden, Matt was with MJ in March. As if! Totally laughable, in my opinion.
funny cause no one saw him lol havnt seen him since 2002 lol even though he claimed he was mjs bodyguard everytime he was in the uk
Right now, most people are waiting on the results. We know people are jumping on bandwagon and such. He only making himself look stupid.
because ppl have done their research on him and know that hes a pathological lier who has lived off the fact he worked for mj for 2 days in 2002 and nothing more ever since.he claims hes mjs uk bodyguard. yet he worked for him once because he was gellers friend and hes not even a bodyguard let alone anything else. u only have to watch the docu with tito to see what a weirdo he is

so true!
In fairness he said alot of very positive things about Michael, i think he seems genuine, ppl handle grief in different ways. maybe you just don't want to accept the truth.
i think he seems genuine,
yeah ok. watched the doc with tito. seen all his fake claims about being friends with mj for years and all the times he worked for him. jeez some would fall for anything
He's a fake and a liar. I saw the interview this morning and there's was nothing positive about it. A blind man could see that he didn't care about Michael.

I would love to hear from Steve Harvey, Christ Tucker or David Gest. Those guys were MJ's friends for real. Others can go to hell, for all i care.
Wow Guys, I am clueless. I didn't know matt fiddes was so unliked by most fans.

When I saw scrolling at the bottom of MSNBC( i think), about matt saying in quotes, MJ had a secret girlfriend and that he personally blamed the doctors for "killing" MJ then saying the doc's had blood on all their hands. I thought it would be recieved better among the fans.

Guess, I need to do my homework on the guy, huh?

I agree with those who have said these people need to stop speaking to the media right now.
where the hell were these asses 24 Jun.....they could have gone on tv to call him out then just like they doing know that kind of story will ALWAYS get the media's attention...
For all those wondering why some of us think the guy is fake and not genuine then you need to see the documentary that Channel 4 showed in the UK called 'The Jacksons Are Coming'. Matt Fiddes really showed his true colours in that program, big time. He needs to sit down and shut up.