AAA has passed away


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi all

i have just read this on maxjax

Dear all,

It is with great shock and sadness we bring you this news.

We would like to thank Alex, Jenn's step-brother for informing us about what happened. As some of you may have known, about two weeks ago, Jenn (Super J) became ill. Several days ago she was rushed in to hospital after her condition significantly deteriorated.

Jenn passed away shortly after.

This has come as yet another shock to us. Right now, our deepest thoughts and prayers are with Jenn's family and friends.

Jenn, you were a fantastic person and will be sorely missed. On behalf of everyone at Maximum Jackson - we are saddened, we miss you, love you, and hope you are resting in peace

shocked me ! I remember AAA name in maxjax
I m so sad to hear this. You will be missed AAA. Rest in peace
was this a stroke ?..i think she sent me a message in the past saying she liked my signature. super j. and i rememebr seeing her photo and she looked so young.. i didnt know her, but she always posted great mj photos on that forum and seemed rather active..and i saw her online over here. thats so sad. im sorry to those who knew her. god bless her.
Oh no. :( I recognise the username, that's so sad. God bless her.
I knew Jenn from a Babyshambles forum, she was such a sweet and lovely girl, and so young. I can't believe she's gone, 24 is so young.
After Michael passed she was one of the only people who offered words of support, I can't get my head around the fact she's passed on.
Rest in peace, Jenn. I know you're up there now, jammin' with MJ :) xx
Oh my god. :( Thats so sad. I remembered that username AAA at maxjax. I dont know her, but its so sad that one of Michael's fans passed away. Rest in peace. She can now fly around and jam with Michael in heaven.
Omg, I just read that, what a tragedy... At 24, so young... And judging by the posts such a kind, lovely person, too...

Sleep tight, Jenn, say hi to Mike for us.

Poor Jenn, god bless you girl, hope you and Michael are looking after each other right now.
I am so sad to hear about this.
I dont really know her bvut she was way to young :(.

My thoughts go out to her family and friends.
OMG and i rememeber her nickname...

24...My God only 24...

Please rest in Peace
I read it on their board as well. I recognize her username very much, AAA. :( This is very sad to hear a fellow fan passed away. I hope Jenn rests in peace.