A weird Michael question


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everybody. I hope I don't bore everyone with this story but I need some help. I have been a Michael fan all of my life but about three days before his death something happened that changed me. I was on youtube one night looking at a Michael video when I read the comment Michael is my God. I looked at it and didn't give it a second thought. Then about a day later I heard myself repeat that in my head which sent me into a religious breakdown because I thought I had wronged God. I am a christian and I value God's feelings about me very much. I began to think he was mad at me and I kept appologizing to God but I couldn't feel like I had been forgiven. It took me through weeks of agony to the point where I almost lost my belief in God because I felt like I had committed Idolatry. I love Michael Jackson and I listen to his music all the time and I come on this site almost everday. Not only that but I do this thing where I make up stories about Michael and act them out. You guys proably think I'm a weirdo but I'm actually a writer. I feel guilty now about how much I love him. Are there any fellow christians that can tell me what they feel idolatry/idol worship is? I am having a problem with this because I thought about Michael alot and I just loved him but I don't feel like I worshipped him. Do you guys think I sinned and if I did does that mean I can't love Michael?
Woww... this is a very difficult question. Honestly, I believe no one of us can give you a good answer, since your relationship with God is just yours, not ours. Only you and God know what is really in your heart. But don't be too quick to decide you made the unforgivable sin. God is much more wiser than us and he knows how weak we are. If you allow me to, I would just suggest you to pray and open your heart to God and ask him for help and guidance. No matter what we say, you need to feel HIS love in your heart and then you will feel better and be able to understand what you really feel/need. Don't think you are lost. You are not. Just the fact you are worried about this shows your love and respect for God. Otherwise, you wouldn't mind asking. We all make mistakes every single day. The important thing is to try to fix our wrongs and to learn from those.

Pray, friend :) Pray and ask God for what you know, be it love, forgiveness or peace.
No u didn't sin you are Inconsolable over his passing its hard to bare. Michael was god like he went by things in the bible good deeds that is stated in the bible. What you can do is write out your deepest thoughts from your heart and mind relax a little and pray on it. What you are feeling is his love because this is what he embrace to the world with his music, speeches and charity work trust me you will be fine and very well bless. Start writing so your book can finally be complete. Give the heavenly father a chance to help you and guide you by the way i love u.
No u didn't sin you are Inconsolable over his passing its hard to bare. Michael was god like he went by things in the bible good deeds that is stated in the bible. What you can do is write out your deepest thoughts from your heart and mind relax a little and pray on it. What you are feeling is his love because this is what he embrace to the world with his music, speeches and charity work trust me you will be fine and very well bless. Start writing so your book can finally be complete. Give the heavenly father a chance to help you and guide you by the way i love u.

Thank you for being so nice to me both of you guys that responded. I really needed that. I love you guys. :)
I don't think you sinned. Like you said, you didn't worship him, you just loved him and there's nothing wrong with that. :) peace
Hi everybody. I hope I don't bore everyone with this story but I need some help. I have been a Michael fan all of my life but about three days before his death something happened that changed me. I was on youtube one night looking at a Michael video when I read the comment Michael is my God. I looked at it and didn't give it a second thought. Then about a day later I heard myself repeat that in my head which sent me into a religious breakdown because I thought I had wronged God. I am a christian and I value God's feelings about me very much. I began to think he was mad at me and I kept appologizing to God but I couldn't feel like I had been forgiven. It took me through weeks of agony to the point where I almost lost my belief in God because I felt like I had committed Idolatry. I love Michael Jackson and I listen to his music all the time and I come on this site almost everday. Not only that but I do this thing where I make up stories about Michael and act them out. You guys proably think I'm a weirdo but I'm actually a writer. I feel guilty now about how much I love him. Are there any fellow christians that can tell me what they feel idolatry/idol worship is? I am having a problem with this because I thought about Michael alot and I just loved him but I don't feel like I worshipped him. Do you guys think I sinned and if I did does that mean I can't love Michael?

How about seeing Michael as your musical/artistic God? And then seeing 'GOD' as your general, life God? :scratch:

I'm not religious and not trying to be funny but would it make you feel better if you thought of it this way?
I am a Christian too..and don't worry God has unconditional love. I'm sure that you and God both know who you worship. I'm the same way. I have a very open mind about things spiritual and believe in a lot of stuff. God knows you loved and still love Michael. That's ok. All you are guilty of, is loving an angel that God has sent to this world, and took back.:angel: You're not a weirdo! :cheeky:

God bless and keep Michaeling!:better:
This is a difficult question to answer, but I can understand where your coming from!

If Michael hears me from heaven and thinks "what is he doing singing in my tone of voice?" I'm afraid that God will hear it too and won't like it. That is why I have to know from you guys and everyone else out there if you really want me to record this tribute album!

Personally, I know that Michael isn't my God, but I think that spiritually he is being honoured as a saint! :)

I hope this helps.
I have done something similar where I couldn't help but feel a little guilty too in regards to Michael and Jesus Christ.
In fact, the way I put it was "I see Michael like the Jesus Christ of modern times". And it wasn't only that. I found myself actually praying to Michael in my deepest thoughts for guidance the same way I would to God... yeah.. Believe me, I was like.."hmmm I wonder if this is right?"

But it felt right. Like Jesus, he was one of us. A human who struggled extremely difficult situations I don't think many of us would be able to handle like he did.
All the good and bad thing's I gathered from Michael's journey, really bared a lot of resemblance to Jesus.
And it's just my opinion and not one I force down on anyone. The way I see it, Michael created miracles. Michael was about love. Michael moved us and had us believe in our dreams. He made the impossible, possible.
From beginning to end, there was no sign of him being cruel to any living thing.
Ridiculed and pushed over the edge where his body could no longer take anymore damage. When he passed...it really felt like he died for all humanity.

All due to his inspiring actions.

A great role model of love.

He was so great, I couldn't help but feel this man should be in the pages of the holy bible.
Not to replace Jesus. Of course not. But as a modern successor instead. You know? Someone who kept the torch burning for this era.

I still think of Michael when I go through small dilemmas in my life and get reminded to stay strong. To keep loving unconditionally. I'm not perfect by any means and I don't try to be. But I do believe in fixing myself as much as possible. And Michael Jackson stands in front of my life as a reminder that anything is possible.

Do what you dream. Dream what you do.

God gave us a supersapien. Many of us saw that and appreciated it.
But sadly, many also did not. And now he is no longer with us. The gift was taken back. And I don't blame God one bit. It was an incredible honor and one we will never have the same way again.

Michael left a very powerful imprint. Now its up to us to take this and use it to try and strengthen humanity. Through unconditional peace, love and kindness.
To make it known, he didn't die in vain. And we are not a hopeless species.
We're here Michael. And we will try our best to keep the torch burning for the rest of time.

I will continue to pray to Michael as I pray and talk to God, who graced us with such a beautiful creation. :angel:

"If the people we love are taken from us, the way they live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever." -The Crow
I have done something similar where I couldn't help but feel a little guilty too in regards to Michael and Jesus Christ.
In fact, the way I put it was "I see Michael like the Jesus Christ of modern times". And it wasn't only that. I found myself actually praying to Michael in my deepest thoughts for guidance the same way I would to God... yeah.. Believe me, I was like.."hmmm I wonder if this is right?"
Nice post Nar!
Like I said before, I'm not religious (meaning I don't believe in God). But when I am down, I do 'talk' to Michael. And when I am wishing for something to go right, I do ask Michael to help me. I know he is watching over us all and I know he is keeping us all safe.

I guess we all find our own way to comfort ourselves and our own way of dealing with it all. It doesnt matter how we see Michael, as long as we know he was there for us then, and he is there for us now :yes:
Ok this is weird cuz I've had the same experience too. I go to church but if you ask me to choose between Church and dong or reading something related to Michael, I'd pick the latter. I have been at one point ashamed of it. I felt like I was Loving Michael more than God or Jesus. It never felt wrong but when I think about it, how My first thought b4 going to bed is Mike and 1st thought getting up is Mike and I thought that was wrong. But Now I know its really not. It is a person I Love and admire and who had a huge Influence in the way i'm living right now.

IMO, Michael is Love, and God, I think will be happier if we Love Michael instead of other ppl. who dont have a good influence in our world. I dont know, I just feel sometimes I've let down God but other times, I cant help the love i feel for Michael. Like Nar said, Mike is like the Modern Day Jesus, Not Literally but the way he lived his life, the way he gave and loved.

*iluvmichael1986* I'll try to comment on this again when/If i understand the answer. Because I still am trying to figure out what I feel God is trying to tell me. I need to talk to him and let my self understand what this is.

Thankyou for your post. It is one of the most things that was thinking about.
