A totally misunderstood soul.


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Manchester, England
There is just no doubt about it that Michael was soo misunderstood. Its obviously obvious to us fans. And its known by a few of the general public that Michael really was misunderstood and was just understood to be a lil bit different. But there was always those people of the public and more than anythin, the media that would try and tarnish his character.

If your reading this, I just ask you to put on Childhood. I think this is Michael's most personal song he ever done. Making a comeback from all the BS of 1993. He was definitely going to make the most personal and truthful album he was ever going to make. That song is so untouchable. The lyrics, the production with the instruments and definitely the music video.

It was so sad that people would never take a step back and take a look at how he'd been brought up. Being in the spotlight before the age of 10 and not having that "normal" childhood where you could go out and stay at a friends house. Or you couldnt go down to the local park and spend a few hours with your friends. He always had to work. All the people that misunderstood Michael, I have no doubt, would of had that normal childhood. the childhood that Michael craved for later on in life.

In Neverland Michael could do what he wanted. He had all those amusement rides, unlimited land to roam around on. No limits on what he could do. And he tried to give back to the kids that have trouble with having that "normal" childhood. Why was it so hard for the people to see that?

It was and definitely still is so hard to think how hard he tried in giving his all to charities and the terminally ill children. Such a huge loss to the world.

I was going to base all this just around the song Childhood but just turned out that I didnt and just went on a kind of rant lol.
Was Childhood ever performed live? Ive searched about but found nothing. Or even rehearsed?
You know, I think its more that people misunderstand his pure innocent loving and caring nature. Whats wrong with love? Like someone said, he was like a wounded messanger. His message was love. It is unusual for a star to be so open, open their home to coachloads of children, but it doesn't make it wrong. He brightened the lives of many children, including those disadvantaged and ill. The world is strange, kind of skewed because the public is generally accepting of celebrities who are promiscuous and cheat on their partners, are violent, carry guns, abuse street drugs, etc. but they see something bad with a man who loves children. They call him obsessed with children, but I think he wanted to be a voice for children, and help those in need. People don't care to think 'hang on maybe he was taken advantage of by opportunists, maybe he is innocent', they just assume the worst.

I've seen that society always asumes the worst with men who like children, men are really victimised sometimes I think. I was on holiday and a guy was talking to a group of children, just innocently being silly to make them laugh and a woman next to us made a comment suggesting something about his intentions being sinister, basically suggesting he was a 'p...............'. I feel like its getting to the point, in the UK anyway where if a guy even looks at a kid someone will think they are a 'p'.
I think Michael turned out remarkably well for having lost his childhood. I think his spending time with children and creating the Neverland Ranch worked as a sort of therapy for him. And no, I don't think most people step back and take a look at his life and what he went through, and realize that is why he is the way he is. One of the most misunderstood people on the planet. I always felt I could understand him because I totally get him. I know what it's like to be misunderstood too.
I think he was definitely misunderstood.

But I think he was also very much MISREPRESENTED by the media, but by also all the leeches and immoral people that saw $$$$$$$$ instead of a human being.

In time I believe he will be utterly vindicated about everything. In time Michael will be seen as who he really is/was.
Most geniuses are often misunderstood in their lifetime. It is usually not until years or even centuries after their deaths that people begin to understand the person that they were. The same goes for those who try to spread any message of unity and peace. Michael had the unique honor of being both and his life reflected such.
I think he was definitely misunderstood.

But I think he was also very much MISREPRESENTED by the media, but by also all the leeches and immoral people that saw $$$$$$$$ instead of a human being.

In time I believe he will be utterly vindicated about everything. In time Michael will be seen as who he really is/was.

I agree with this. The media embellished so many things about him.

My mom and I had a conversation the other day about how Michael was so misunderstood. He was also used so much during his life by certain people, and that's so sad. It seems like, at times, he could not do something out of the kindness of his heart without backlash.

There are not many people like Michael. He was a rarity. :(