A thought to ponder and discuss...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
In Annie Dillards book, "Living by Fiction", she suggests that

Buckminster Fuller once suggested that the purpose of people is to counteract the slide toward entropy described in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Human beings put things together, and this keeps the universe from falling apart. This notion, says Annie Dillard, appealed to her, and she elaborated on it, taking Fuller “to mean something even he probably did not intend: that imaginative acts actually weigh in the balance of physical processes. Thoughts count. A completed novel in a trunk in the attic is an order added to the sum of the universe’s order. It remakes its share of undoing” (Living by Fiction [Harper & Row, 1982], p. 124).

Let's talk about health insurance, shall we? Let's say hypothetically, you are a middle-income or low-income resident who pays his/her taxes on time, and owns property. You have a home and a family. Let's say that you lost your job, and your health insurance to go along with it. You can't find any work for quite a while. Meanwhile, you suddenly have a car accident with a resultant horrible spinal cord injury, and you are hopelessly laid up in a hospital waiting to get better. ...meanwhile, the bill keeps pilling up. Your wife/husband receives foreclosure notices..the credit card companies are relentless in their quest to get their money. The hospital bill is in the thousands if not hundreds of thousands. There is no way you and your family will be able to handle this type of expense.

The Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-evident,--that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "...This health insurance issue boils down to the very inalienable Human Rights that we were born with in this country!

When you don't have health insurance, how can you Live, especially if you are disabled? If you don't have health insurance, you don't have Liberty to be able to Live that Life. If you don't have health insurance, you cannot Pursue Happiness, because you are too sick to be able to enjoy the Life that you were given.

I think this entropy theory as it relates to the whole issue of Health Insurance is true. We are here to right wrongs, to undo some of the entropy that happens in our lifetimes...We are here to stop the craziness of people not having health insurance This boils down to our idea of having the basic rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Let's discuss....any Buckminster Fuller fans here?

We are all just one catastrophe away from total destruction. Don't you see this?
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