A theory On MJ and race matters...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Second star to the right.
I just read a really wonderful blog posts someone did on myspace (thanks to mj_brainiac for posting it).


It's one of the most well written commentaries I've seen about Michael and his "issues" in life.

There was a part that speaks to him being somewhat rejected at some point by the black race when they saw his skin getting lighter and lighter, while his nose was getting smaller and smaller.

The blogger went on to point out all the things Michael has said and done to show how much he does love and respect his racial heritage, such as his depictions of love interests in his videos, his constant mentions of his rage against white supremacy and segregation in his music and also his great contributions to black groups and nations all over the world.

The blogger goes on to mention Michaels obsession with his nose, which lead to him having multiple surgeries (none of which he ever seemed completely satisfied with).

This leads me to two of the biggest mysteries and probably what in a lot of people's minds (black or white) solidified their notion that Michael Jackson "didn't want to be black".

On top of the ever changing skin tone (which we know was not his doing) and the ever shrinking nose (which is completely attributed to the mocking he had to endure about it in youth) Michael has been criticized for "only dating white women" and "having his kids via white people".

I want to address these two separately.

Issue #1 - Only dating/liking white women.

1. It's no secret that Michael was madly in love with Diana Ross who is black.
2. In the early days, before he was "MICHAEL JACKSON" he dated Stephanie Mills who is black.
3. He has never portrayed a love interest in any of this videos who is not black.
4. It is said that he and Nanny Grace were involved (though not confirmed) and she is black.

Nobody knows how many women Michael liked or was attracted to over the course of his life.

It just so happens that all of his high profile relationships have been with Caucasian women. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that especially 20-30 years ago as it STILL is today the majority of people in A-list Hollywood are non-minorities.

Michael said it best as in his opinion at the end of the day "it doesn't matter if you're black or white".

Issue #2 - Having his kids via white people.

This one is still and will continue to be a hot button issue as you have people on both sides on the fence.

They are his biological....they aren't his biologically. The mystery continues....

At the end of the day though who really cares?

It's obvious that the man was an extraordinary father and there's not one person who has said otherwise including his children who's opinion on the subject matters the most.

When I think about everything Michael had to endure growing up:

- Insecurities with his looks (big nose...you're so "black")

- The struggle to be accepted in a mainstream industry that was STILL not embracing black artists in the early 80's (the battle to get his video shown on MTV)

- Perceived rejection by your own race because of something you can't control (vitiligo)

With all of this does it cross anyone else's mind that Michael might not have wanted his kids to suffer a lot of what he had to just for being what he was....a BLACK man?

Try to ignore it as you will, in the society in which we live there is documented and proven "advantages" to not being a minority. Of course they aren't as blatant as they were in the past but it's still there.

Even something as minor as not having to deal with ridicule about your skin tone or any changes that might happen to it, about your "nappy hair", which so many blacks still have issues accepting to this day or anyone trying to hold you back from you goals in life because of the color of your skin.

Perhaps Michael recognized the disparity so much that he wanted to take away "obstacles" from his kids as much as possible.

Who knows....

But I will close by saying this I read a comment on this board a few weeks ago when I just joined.

It said something to the effect of

"I didn't like Michael Jackson when he was black...I'm not attracted to black men...when the bad era came around I started really liking him with his caramel skin tone etc...."

Now honestly, if people can be that ridiculous and shallow and Michael was hyper aware of it, why wouldn't he want to have his kids the way he did (be it bi-racial or completely white).

The world is a crazy place, and before we go ridiculing someone for appearing to not accept who they are.....we need to really ask what lead to them becoming that way.
This is great. In another forum, some girl was saying that MJ was a sellout to his race and that aggravated me beyond understanding. How dare anyone say that?

So for the Bad Era.. can't argue there. Michael was pure perfect there.
beyond all of that, look at how diverse mjj's casting was. he's had asian dancers/actors in the bad short film, smooth criminal, black&white and all the way back to the jacksons variety show. native americans, islanders, you name it.

the same goes for the females he hired. jennifer batten, siedah garret, etc. michael jackson was for equality right from the start. he and his brothers were trying to make it in the business at a very prejudiced time.

people are always going to make ignorant statements about things they know nothing about. just ignore them, you know better. :)
oh man, great essay and LOVED the title of it. I will miss Michael so dearly and wish that his great great achievements and love for humanity will be his legacy.

he tried to holla at Vanessa Williams, kinda sorta had a thing with Tatiana from the way you make me feel video, was OBSESSED with Diana Ross, dated stephanie mills, definitely was digging Beyonce real hard, and i'm sure there are others....the man liked women, black white whatever. If diana had said at any point in his life "Michael, take me I'm yours" he would have dropped anyone for her. And she's certainly black
at beyonce to the hot black woman that mj had a crush on list.......

Yup that's right :yes:

Not to get all personal. I don't want to break the rules here. But I will only say this, I think MJ liked a female for who they are, not because of the color of their skin!!