A Tale Of Two Kings


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just seen a TINY bit of this on the TV guide network. I saw a woman say that Michael and Elvis were 2 people that everyone ADORED.. My reaction to this was Why couldn't they see this when Michael was alive. Why couldn't they see what WE saw in Michael.

I sit here every day and hear things like "he was such a wonderful person" from the media and when he was alive they did nothing but bash him and make him out to be some kinda freak. The media is now mass bragging on him when they could have done the same thing when he was alive but they chose to belittle him and make fun of him for every little thing.

They made stuff up about him and are still doing that. I want to write a strongly worded letter to CNN and TMZ and Access hollywood telling them they can go right to hell because it was them who added to his stress and added to his death.

What i want the fans to remember is that Michael was a wonderful person. That he wasn't strange or a freak. What was normal for him wasn't for us. Michael has indeed achieved something no normal human being has ever done. He has achieved Immortality. As long as we remember what he was put on earth for and keep his memory alive he will never die.

I also want to remind everyone that we know nothing about how he died. Listening to the press and reading the papers wont help you figure out anything because they know as much as we do. We will love Michael regardless of what comes out. He has never let us down and he wont start with his death.

I am sorry for my rant but i felt i need to say it and get it off my chest. I'm sorry if its in the wrong spot.
Me too I really feel that life is very unfair! What was weird with Neverland?!?! In so many occasions before Michael passed away many reporters in interviews and in documentaries I watched earlier they were treating Neverland as a very strange and weird place, why would an adult have an amusement park in his house, if I had money to make one I would’ve done that long time ago, what’s so wrong with it!! And when they don’t find bar clubs and Strippers Theater in his house they find that strange as well, it is strange if he is clean! What is wrong with people! After he died they talk about Neverland as a heavenly place… Additionally people really now started to believe that Michael had lupus and vitiligo and he didn’t make himself white!