A sweet part of TII that made me tear up..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The second time I went to see This Is It I completely choked up when Michael was singing "I'll Be There."
The bit that set me off the most...when Michael sang "You and I must make a pact" he said pact correctly, with the t sound at the end. And I couldn't help but think of little Michael singing "pack" and it made me so sad! Is that weird?! I think it was that he had been this little Michael singing in his own little way, pronouncing things the way his family and those around him did, but now he was Michael the grown man and saying it "correctly." Ahh I can't explain it!! It was a sweet (and heartwrenching, considering what has happened) moment for me.
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OMG...this is the song that got me too...cried uncontrollably....I needed to release that pain and it came out then.....I hope you felt a little better after the cry....it really is so sad..I know.....the part when Micheal says....If you ever find someone knew he better be good to you.....I just lost it.
OMG...this is the song that got me too...cried uncontrollably....I needed to release that pain and it came out then.....I hope you felt a little better after the cry....it really is so sad..I know.....the part when Micheal says....If you ever find someone knew he better be good to you.....I just lost it.

:( *hugs* And thanks for your kind words. L.O.V.E.
... When he said he needed to preserve his voice.. and he emotionated himself and started pushing trough it... and people applauding. It was a hard moment for me to observe.. couldn't help the tears.
The second time I went to see This Is It I completely choked up when Michael was singing "I'll Be There."
The bit that set me off the most...when Michael sang "You and I must make a pact" he said pact correctly, with the t sound at the end. And I couldn't help but think of little Michael singing "pack" and it made me so sad! Is that weird?! I think it was that he had been this little Michael singing in his own little way, pronouncing things the way his family and those around him did, but now he was Michael the grown man and saying it "correctly." Ahh I can't explain it!! It was a sweet (and heartwrenching, considering what has happened) moment for me.

Michael always had that midwestern Indiana accent. :lol:

I've always noticed that there are some words he pronounces differently. Like school become schoo in The love you save... And the You and I must make a pact... It totally sounds like pack... :wub: He's such a sweetheart...

I didn't even notice that he said "pact" correctly. I was too busy sobbing at that part... I dont know why but that makes me sad. Just because Mike always pronounce it pack... :(
I miss him so muchhhh too... :cry: :hug:
Michael always had that midwestern Indiana accent. :lol:

I've always noticed that there are some words he pronounces differently. Like school become schoo in The love you save... And the You and I must make a pact... It totally sounds like pack... :wub: He's such a sweetheart...

I didn't even notice that he said "pact" correctly. I was too busy sobbing at that part... I dont know why but that makes me sad. Just because Mike always pronounce it pack... :(
I miss him so muchhhh too... :cry: :hug:

Awww. Sending you all the love in the world. :(
I know, at the TII premiere I noticed Marlon said "the finished produck" It made me go AWWW!
I love the way Michael pronounces things. LOVE it. It just struck me that he said pact correctly this time.
My heart went "thud" at the last scene of the movie before the credits roll. It just hit me like a ton of bricks, and I immediately wished that I never saw this movie at all.

Otherwise, I was thinking MJ is pretty intimidating to be working for. He demands, he begins to talk really fast, or abrupt. He don't play!!!
I'm actually listening to the song right now, just as I clicked on this thread.
Just made me tear up a bit.
I got really emotional when he sang I'll Be There in the movie, though. :(
Reading your replies I just want to scream. It's so unfair.

LisaB said:
My heart went "thud" at the last scene of the movie before the credits roll. It just hit me like a ton of bricks, and I immediately wished that I never saw this movie at all.

*hugs* and hugs to all x

LisaB said:
Otherwise, I was thinking MJ is pretty intimidating to be working for. He demands, he begins to talk really fast, or abrupt. He don't play!!!

He knows what he wants and he isn't settling for anything less than his vision for the fans! There is NO other artist who cares as much as Michael. :(
I'll Be There always gets me going whenever its sung live :cry: But the bit that got me the most in the movie is at the end when his arms are out stretched and "Michael Jackson" came up on the screen in front of him...I just lost it and bawled :cry:
^ yeah. that part was so sad. I mean it was an abrupt/grim reminder of what really is. It really is so odd how I miss someone so much who i never knew.
the part in that performance which makes me cry most is when everyone is swaying :( that should've been me and another 19,999 fans at the o2 arena :cry:
^ yeah. that part was so sad. I mean it was an abrupt/grim reminder of what really is. It really is so odd how I miss someone so much who i never knew.

You may not have physically met him, but you DID know him through his music, through his art, through his good deeds, through his poetry, etc. You KNEW him and what he stood for and everything he gave. I know for me he is/was such a BIG part of my life, such a big influence on me as an individual, so for me Michael is/was family. As I'm sure a good amount of people on here probably feel. I firmly believe family isn't strictly dictated by blood, it's all about who you love and who loves you. So for me, Michael is and was and will always be family. He put himself into everything he did and gave all of himself. We knew him. That's why it hurts so much to think he's not here physically anymore.

SO NEVER feel like you have no right to feel the loss or the emotional push and pull of him leaving this world.

Michael was the epitome of Love, the embodiment of Love, and Love lives forever. Michael = L.O.V.E. = Forever.

If you ever wonder or find yourself thinking that Michael is gone. Just look within your heart and you'll find him there. His message, his love, his light, his music, his everything. And that's where he'll always be.

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OMG...this is the song that got me too...cried uncontrollably....I needed to release that pain and it came out then.....I hope you felt a little better after the cry....it really is so sad..I know.....the part when Micheal says....If you ever find someone knew he better be good to you.....I just lost it.

That part got me, too. What a wonderful on-stage moment for his family. I choked up when he said he loved them.
That song really got to me too...and made me tear up. It was just so sad...I tear up now only by thinking of it.
The second time I went to see This Is It I completely choked up when Michael was singing "I'll Be There."
The bit that set me off the most...when Michael sang "You and I must make a pact" he said pact correctly, with the t sound at the end. And I couldn't help but think of little Michael singing "pack" and it made me so sad! Is that weird?! I think it was that he had been this little Michael singing in his own little way, pronouncing things the way his family and those around him did, but now he was Michael the grown man and saying it "correctly." Ahh I can't explain it!! It was a sweet (and heartwrenching, considering what has happened) moment for me.
Not weird at all. At least not to me. I got chills too.

He may have finally pronounced the "t" in pact but he
still said the "s" in shoulders when singing "just look over
your shoulders honey!" And he sang it twice! Hahaha!
Love that man!
You may not have physically met him, but you DID know him through his music, through his art, through his good deeds, through his poetry, etc. You KNEW him and what he stood for and everything he gave. I know for me he is/was such a BIG part of my life, such a big influence on me as an individual, so for me Michael is/was family. As I'm sure a good amount of people on here probably feel. I firmly believe family isn't strictly dictated by blood, it's all about who you love and who loves you. So for me, Michael is and was and will always be family. He put himself into everything he did and gave all of himself. We knew him. That's why it hurts so much to think he's not here physically anymore.

SO NEVER feel like you have no right to feel the loss or the emotional push and pull of him leaving this world.

Michael was the epitome of Love, the embodiment of Love, and Love lives forever. Michael = L.O.V.E. = Forever.

If you ever wonder or find yourself thinking that Michael is gone. Just look within your heart and you'll find him there. His message, his love, his light, his music, his everything. And that's where he'll always be.


Excellent post!!!
You may not have physically met him, but you DID know him through his music, through his art, through his good deeds, through his poetry, etc. You KNEW him and what he stood for and everything he gave. I know for me he is/was such a BIG part of my life, such a big influence on me as an individual, so for me Michael is/was family. As I'm sure a good amount of people on here probably feel. I firmly believe family isn't strictly dictated by blood, it's all about who you love and who loves you. So for me, Michael is and was and will always be family. He put himself into everything he did and gave all of himself. We knew him. That's why it hurts so much to think he's not here physically anymore.

SO NEVER feel like you have no right to feel the loss or the emotional push and pull of him leaving this world.

Michael was the epitome of Love, the embodiment of Love, and Love lives forever. Michael = L.O.V.E. = Forever.

If you ever wonder or find yourself thinking that Michael is gone. Just look within your heart and you'll find him there. His message, his love, his light, his music, his everything. And that's where he'll always be.


Thank you for this post, I'll try to remember this!
I'll Be There is so beautiful. So beautifully sung and so powerful. I was trying to hold in the tears during that. I know Jackie has seen the film and can you imagine how he must have felt when he heard Michael say that when watching TII? I would have collapsed in tears.