A statement from the worlwide fans to AEG

Yes, this is a way better option. Even though some people might want to get the actual ticket, I'm sure Michael would have prefered us to donate money to a charity organization. It's ridiculous of AEG to try to make money out of Michael's death. If AEG would have asked for a reasonable price for the ticket OK, but the full price, NO WAY. It makes me sad because I would like to have the ticket as a keepsake, but I am not going to support this ridiculous offer by AEG. I hope the petition that has been started against the unfair ticket policy of AEG is successful. If the petition is not successful, then I hope their despicable attempt to make money out of this situation will fire back at them.
I might do this. However, my mum paid for my ticket. Im not sure if she will oblige. If it was my own money I definately would.
I might do this. However, my mum paid for my ticket. Im not sure if she will oblige. If it was my own money I definately would.
Even if you can't donate the money to charity, I would not accept their offer to get the ticket in lieu of a full refund. It's despicable.
This is exactly what Michael would have wanted and we should all stand behind it.
AEG's proposal is a disgrace, they're simply trying to rip off the fans and take advantage of our grieve.
I would but I will regret it if I don't get those tickets, but I have my MJ Tip fund at work which I was going to spend in London when I went but I can't bare to just spend it on nothing now what's happened so I will donate that to one special charity of Michaels.
It's not as much as my tickets cost but i'm not going to open it until July 10th.
Please remember giving money to charity is ALWAYS possible. Getting your ticket for w concert you should have go to NOT.... Think about that also... If you get refund now, you will NEVER be able to get your ticket you was going to visit.
Even if you can't donate the money to charity, I would not accept their offer to get the ticket in lieu of a full refund. It's despicable.

Exactly. I cannot believe they are trying to recoup their losses from our heros passing :(

And my hubby and I agreed that it would be way too sad and upsetting to actually have the ticket :(
This was always my plan... It's the right thing to do, a brilliant idea and what Michael would have wanted.
The tickets for the O2 concerts are worth shit. If you want them for sentimental reasons, go ahead. But don't kid yourself. Tickets for a concert that never took place is not worth as much as they would want you to think. Michael has already had many tours in the past and many fans have saved those tickets. I still have mine from History Tour.

Those tickets are the tickets worth money. And also memories from those concerts.

If anyone who never saw Michael live wants to keep their ticket, I will understand.

But any of you who saw Michael in concert should ask for a full refund.

AEG are playing everyone for a fool, and you should not fall for it.
Remember that they'll be around 500,000 tickets in circulation (of 50% get tickets). Not that rare.
I want one of those tickets. I had two tickets coming my way. So I hope its possible that they can make that possible so they give me a ticket and half my money. I kinda need the money now for MJ vinyls that Im buying.
I still dunno what to do to be honest. When he died i played songs like Heal The World and that made me think maybe i should send them some money ,or any other charity MJ would give money to actually, just to show my respects to Michael. I wasn't even thinking about the concert tickets back then. I decided to wait a few days to think it all over with the refund thing. I know that AEG is bad and i hate them for doing this too us. But on the other hand i don't want to regret it later. I mean this ticket doesn't have money value only but also emotional. So i don't find it wise to decide now while i'm still pissed of AEG.
I intended right away to donate at least a big chunk of the money to charity. But then the devil (or AEG...something like that) gave us an option to get those shiny holographic tickets. I really feel exploited by that, too. And that alone, plus thinking of money that wouldn't go to charity, should make be take a full refund. But at the same time, I only saw Michael once, so many years ago and I was so excited. I need to think a bit longer, but I'm considering getting one commemorative ticket from each of the two shows we were attending and then donating as well.
The point is.......they try to make so much money over our hero's passing.

Who tells us the tickets are real ?? I remember footage of fans who bought their tickets at the O2....they looked different.
I bet they've already spent the money they were GOING to make from MJ coming here, that's why they're acting so hard up now. It's not our fault, so why should it be our problem? I will deffo be getting a refund.
This is a great idea!

I don't know what to do yet. I really want that ticket, but I don't want to support AEG in this..

I haven't seen MJ in concert before, so this is my only chance to at least have a ticket.

Either way, I will give money to charity whether or not I choose the refund.
I'm having one ticket sent to me, but the rest I am having refunded. I am going to donate some to charity, but I'm also going to use it to learn to drive. I'd feel weird spending that money on random crap, and that's something I put off to afford tickets. So yeah, that's my plans. I have no words for what AEG are doing, but I fell for it so what can I say.