A Special Thank you to the Mods!


Proud Member
Aug 14, 2005
Hey guys! I hope nobody minds me starting this topic, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who owns/runs/moderates this board!

I know its not an easy job and you guys all put up with a lot, but honestly, I think we'd be homeless without each other..we needed each other in the bad times, the good times and yes even the frustrating times!

Speaking truthfully, its so nice to be able to come here regularily and see the threads people make..it's so nice to be able to learn from one another, to be able to talk openly about things people (non-fans) just can't ever understand, to receive friendship and even when things are boring, just be able to discuss the music etc..

I truely truely appreciate what you guys do..I really mean that..and I hope this board (clearly the best on the net!), even with its problems, sticks it out and enjoys a long and fulfilling future!

Thank you once again!:)
Hey guys! I hope nobody minds me starting this topic, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who owns/runs/moderates this board!

I know its not an easy job and you guys all put up with a lot, but honestly, I think we'd be homeless without each other..we needed each other in the bad times, the good times and yes even the frustrating times!

Speaking truthfully, its so nice to be able to come here regularily and see the threads people make..it's so nice to be able to learn from one another, to be able to talk openly about things people (non-fans) just can't ever understand, to receive friendship and even when things are boring, just be able to discuss the music etc..

I truely truely appreciate what you guys do..I really mean that..and I hope this board (clearly the best on the net!), even with its problems, sticks it out and enjoys a long and fulfilling future!

Thank you once again!:)

Yes, same here. To all mods - I would like to say :thanks_sign:. You guys make a good job:) MJJC is a great place for all MJ fans from all over the world :girl_pride::clapping:
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Yes, same here. To all mods - I would like to say :thanks_sign:. You guys make a good job:) MJJC is a great place for all MJ fans from all over the world :girl_pride::clapping:
i also agree 100%. you guys are awsome:clapping:
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I would like to add my thanks as well, you do a difficult job and provide a haven where Michael Jackson is respected, that means alot at a time when so many people disrespect this man elsewhere.
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Aww, thanks guys :hug: MJJC has some great members so it's all worth it :yes:

I'll leave this here for the others to see before moving it :yes:
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well thanks guys :)

This has been really nice to see today, I've had some hard times the last couple of days and haven't felt like doing much anywhere but this has cheered me up :flowers: So thankyou. :)

We have so many great members that it makes this place so worthwhile so thankyou all :)
I also wanted to give my sincere thanks to all of you mods:) :flowers:
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i just got a good lookin out from one mod..and help to thank a friend from another mod..

so i am very appreciative. thank you very much.
I agree, I want to thank the mods for keeping this a (mostly) positive place :)
I love coming here everyday and I hope you guys keep doing the great job you're doing!
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.................ThXxX mods and staffers! Great Job!:D:clapping::D
I have to say after seeing how badly moderated another MJ board is, I have even more respect for you guys.