A Special Dedication


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I believe it's important to take time out once in awhile to thank those who are in your life.. those guardian angels who lift you up and support you throughout everything you go through, the highs and the lows of life.
So, I want to take a moment out to tell those very special people just how much I love them and how grateful I am that they are in my life.

Mom.. Without you,I would not make it. I love you so much, and I'm so grateful that god gave me a mother who loves me unconditionally. You are so beautiful and strong,abilities that I think I have gotten from you. I owe you everything for all that you've done for me. Thank you with all of my heart for loving me and standing by me through it all. :wub:

Michaela> :wub: My little angel, You taught me what true love is all about, and what pure beauty really is. You're ten now, and Every single day that you live is a blessing from God and a light upon this earth. I love you,Boo :wub:

To J > Hey you *Grin Thank you so much for being there for me. You always encourage me to hang in there and believe in myself. You push me to be the best I can be, and I love you very much for that. I wish you, Desiree,and Peyton nothing but the best. Ain't nothin' to it but to do it,Cuz :lol: Never forget our motto!!!! :lol:

Maria.. :angel:< You are definately a special light from god.. and I am blessed and proud to call you my friend. We may live oceans apart, but You are as close as the next beat of my heart. Please take care, hon :)
I love you very much!! :wub:

Cass> You will forever remain my sis in my heart* Thank you so much for all you ever did for me,especially putting up with me when I wasn't exactly the friend I needed to be. I love you very much,and I always will.

If there is anybody I left out, I want you to know,with all of my heart, you are not forgotten. *Warm Hugs*

Oh yeah... There is one more person who shall remain nameless cause they get embarressed easily :lol: I love you so much. You are such an inspiration to me, and I love the colors you add to my life. You are definately my "home" ... and I will never forget you...even if you are too damn shy :lol: :wub:

I invite everyone to leave their special dedications to their loved ones and friends in this thread :)
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I believe it's important to take time out once in awhile to thank those who are in your life.. those guardian angels who lift you up and support you throughout everything you go through, the highs and the lows of life.
So, I want to take a moment out to tell those very special people just how much I love them and how grateful I am that they are in my life.

Mom.. Without you,I would not make it. I love you so much, and I'm so grateful that god gave me a mother who loves me unconditionally. You are so beautiful and strong,abilities that I think I have gotten from you. I owe you everything for all that you've done for me. Thank you with all of my heart for loving me and standing by me through it all. :wub:

Michaela> :wub: My little angel, You taught me what true love is all about, and what pure beauty really is. You're ten now, and Every single day that you live is a blessing from God and a light upon this earth. I love you,Boo :wub:

To J > Hey you *Grin Thank you so much for being there for me. You always encourage me to hang in there and believe in myself. You push me to be the best I can be, and I love you very much for that. I wish you, Desiree,and Peyton nothing but the best. Ain't nothin' to it but to do it,Cuz :lol: Never forget our motto!!!! :lol:

Maria.. :angel:< You are definately a special light from god.. and I am blessed and proud to call you my friend. We may live oceans apart, but You are as close as the next beat of my heart. Please take care, hon :)
I love you very much!! :wub:

Cass> You will forever remain my sis in my heart* Thank you so much for all you ever did for me,especially putting up with me when I wasn't exactly the friend I needed to be. I love you very much,and I always will.

If there is anybody I left out, I want you to know,with all of my heart, you are not forgotten. *Warm Hugs*

Oh yeah... There is one more person who shall remain nameless cause they get embarressed easily :lol: I love you so much. You are such an inspiration to me, and I love the colors you add to my life. You are definately my "home" ... and I will never forget you...even if you are too damn shy :lol: :wub:

I invite everyone to leave their special dedications to their loved ones and friends in this thread :)

Absolutely breathtaking~~~

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
Thank you. I just opened my heart and allowed it to speak to the people in my life who have touched me and helped me along the way. Life is so short ,and Time is too limited not to tell all the people that has been there that they matter to you.. even if in their heart,They know they do. It's still nice to hear it from time to time.