A song I wrote for Michael.


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
It's more like an poem put to a melody. Here are the lyrics.

My Dear Michael.

Lay down and sleep my dear Michael,
For you'll never wake from this peace you're destined for,
Now you can fly like you always wanted to,
Nothing can stop you anymore,
Lay down and sleep my dear Michael,
No pain, no fear's with you anymore.

Lay down and sleep my dear Michael,
In our hearts you shall sing forever more,
Nothing can get in your way now,
Continue to dance in heaven til the end of time,
In that bitter June afternoon it was time to go,
But your legacy won't be forgotten or repeated,
Like an faithful song you'll carry on,
With our love to grow on.

Lay down and sleep my dear Michael,
You'll never worry another day about tomorrow,
No anxiety in your way, no pressure, no vain to stop your soul,
Lay down and sleep my dear Michael,
Now in heaven you shall feel the love you always wrote of,
In the hands of God where you will not be misunderstood, alone or judged.

Lay down and sleep my dear Michael,
For you'll never wake from this peace you're destined for.
^ I'm glad you liked it.

I tried reading this to my friend on the phone but i couldn't, i just cried.
My sister read it instead.