A song for Prince Paris & Blanket


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I lost my Dad almost 4 years ago and I know that I had the same relationship with him as they did with Michael. I was 31 when he died so I can not even imagine losing him at such a young age as they did. Can't even imagine. I am getting married next month and this will be the first "Big Event" in my life that he will miss-well at least in the physical sense, I know he will be with me that day in his way, just like Michael will be with them on any "Big Event" day in their lives.

To me this is the single greatest song ever written in dedication to a father who has passed away. It's called "The Old Man".

The version I picked to show here is from the group Celtic Thunder. John McDermott does an incredible version too (he holds his Dad's hat while singing the song and actually cries at the end) but for some reason I've always liked this version more.

This song is just so spot on to the relationship I had with my Dad, and I know they had to theirs. Each time I hear it I cry. Even now 4 years later. But at the same time each time I hear it I feel better for having heard it too. I makes me think of times we had together, and all he did for me when he was here with me. And I know that this will do the same for them.

And maybe anyone else on here who has lost their Dad.....

So here it is-grab a kleenex you will need it.....

What a truly wonderful song-


And not to push the whole-maybe one day one of Michael's children will be in showbiz thing-but if it did even happen and one of them did become a singer-can you even imagine seeing them sing this??? There will not be a dry eye in the house I tell you, not one.......
awww when i was younger the father daughter song that always got me was "I don't want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith. Steven tyler wrote it for his daughter because he was always touring and stuff. I think this is also a very good song for them. =)