A small ghost story I'd like to share


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
After hearing a story like this one, I think it'll make you start to think for real if something is out there after death. It freaked me out a little but it makes me start to believe more that maybe there are spirits out there that we'll see when we die.

My dad told me this today. A friend of his went to a funeral two days ago. His wife was working so he had to bring his 3 year old son with him to the burial at the graveyard. The little boy is a really good kid who would just stand beside his dad and not make a fuss.

During the funeral he got a tap on the shoulder. The woman behind him said "your little boy is after running down the path". He looked around and saw the kid a few yards away standing at somebodies grave. He walked over to him and said "Jamie, what are you doing over here?". And the boy said "The man was calling me." He looked around but there was nobody else around. When he looked down at the gravestone he read the name that said "Tim Buckley". He got the fright of his life because that was HIS name too.

I don't know what to make of this. My dads friend wouldn't lie about it. And for a 3 year old to make up a "man" calling him to his grave which just happened to be the same name of his father. It really is freaky. What do you think?
Ohh that is sort of freaky. I'd have been totally freaked out if it happened to me. These things seem particularly more freaky when it involves small children, considering little kids are supposedly able to see the dead. :bugeyed
Kids are smart.. Reminds me of the story a lady posted here (I can't remember her username, sorry) when her little boy who was much to young to understand death told her that she saw Michael Jackson dancing in the sky.

I think children have a sixth sense if thats something to beleive in.
Thats freaky!
Ive experienced things myself before. My dads friend is always telling us storys about how she saw dead people when she was younger and now its come through in her to small children! Her daughter tells them shes had dreams were shes met her nan who died before she was born and she can describe her nan to them and tell them things no one would have told the little girl about the nan! Shes even said her nan has told her to give them messages and tell them things!
I do believe strongly young children are perceptive to ghosts and the supernatural world!
I would love to see/experience something extraordinary. When i was 12 my dad passed away, and i remember that around midnight i would sit outside on the stairs of our balcony. It would be very dark, i would sit there and often cry for my dad. It would be calm, no leaves would move, and i would say "papa if you are listening please come, please for once come and embrace me" and then all of a sudden out of no where it would get really windy. Thats something that has always stuck with me from that night. I love the wind, especially strong powerful ones. Its something that has stuck with me ever since. I never got scared, i was ready to see my dad. I never did though. :(
Yeah, things are always freakier when kids are inolved. Little Girl Ghosts are the worst for me :bugeyed
I would love to see/experience something extraordinary. When i was 12 my dad passed away, and i remember that around midnight i would sit outside on the stairs of our balcony. It would be very dark, i would sit there and often cry for my dad. It would be calm, no leaves would move, and i would say "papa if you are listening please come, please for once come and embrace me" and then all of a sudden out of no where it would get really windy. Thats something that has always stuck with me from that night. I love the wind, especially strong powerful ones. Its something that has stuck with me ever since. I never got scared, i was ready to see my dad. I never did though. :(

This was so sweet to read.
I'm terribly sorry about your father. :(

I really do believe that there is something else after death. I've experienced things, and my father has in the past many times.

The OP's story is just chilling. I wonder what it means?

And I definitely believe that if any of us are capable of having that "sixth sense", it'd be children. They have open, loving, curious and accepting minds.
Oh that is creepy! :bugeyed Yeah, I do think kids are more open to the supernatural before they have been taught to believe otherwise. I do believe in spirits and life beyond death myself.