A Review On The Reviewers & The Impact of 'Michael'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Throughout his lifetime Michael Jackson was driven to create the most unique vision. Michael's entire catalogue is proof that he never second-guessed his artistic vision. Each single and each album have their own identity. The strong imagery that Michael Jackson created for his audience was intentional, and it was always his vision, the right vision.

Think of any Michael Jackson song...

Now close your eyes and what can you see?

Can you see the homeless man transform into a wealthy man, thanks to the flip of a coin?

Or can you see that sparkly-legendary white glove, covered with rhinestones, and matching socks?

Can you feel that legendary beat thump into your heart, can you hear that gentle voice spell its words out with passion and determination?

Can you feel the graceful slide of the powerful moonwalk?

This is Michael Jackson at all his glory.

Michael will never be one of those 'dead' artists that will have their second best songs released - and accepted.

Michael Jackson would never make a CD with just the music. He would always include the new dances, the new video, the new costumes, the new pictures and even the new hair cut.

Nothing will ever be as perfect as Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Beat It or any other Michael Jackson track.


Because Michael Jackson didn't make it his way. Everything was based on what producers thought would be Michael's way, but that's something his estate don't understand. Only Michael knew his way, and we all know that. This is why the album is not doing so well, because it's not 100% Michael. His heart is not in this project, and deep down inside we all know that Michael would have never released this music. It's divided all of us, some believe we are entitled to hear what Michael disgarded, other's believe it's an insult to his legacy.

Why couldn't the estate release these song's untouched? With notes, demo's, studio outtakes, and a general feel as to how the greatest of all time worked on his masterpiece. This Is It worked so well because we saw Michael, with his raw talent on display.

Who knows what is actually Michael with this new CD? Do I like the tracks, yes I find them very enjoyable, even the Cascio tracks are rather good (except for Breaking News) but it will be very difficult to ever take a posthumous album seriously knowing in the back of my mind that Michael would have never released it. He will also never create a video clip or anything to go with it, which makes me even more sadder.

To those reviewers who compare these songs to his classics (and there have been a few) you are the biggest idiots to have ever graced god's earth.

To those who are bringing down Michael Jackson's legacy because of his estate, family and Sony, shame on you, you are doing more harm than good.

And to those who support the album and enjoy it for what it is, well done. You have managed to dodge the bullshit and appreciate Michael.

'Michael' may not be what The King would have released, but just enjoy it for what it is - an album that was quickly put together by a bunch of money hungry people to quickly gain a buck off of MJ. I gave them my $20, I didn't give it for them though, I did it for MJ's legacy and his children, because surely some of it will go to them.
Michael has been my all...and I've been a loyal Michael Jackson fan/defender all through, fighting his battles alongside...and it has always been a roller coaster ride(to put it mildly!), but this situation is just so, so sad and heart-breaking..I've been hoping that NO ONE would touch any of the KING's unfinished songs, that Sony/Estate would release ONLY that material Michael finished himself and was about to release, but
could not do it earlier because he had even more amazing songs that ultimately found their way to his previous most amazing albums!

I would NEVER want ANYONE to tamper with his unfinished work and present them as 'his' creation or in his name! Its not about 3 tracks not being genuine, to me NONE of the tracks is genuine because they do not have the King's approval!

But now that the album has been released, the best we as fans can do is hope that it will do good for Michael's legacy(whether it is by making people relaize that it was always Michael's creative genius that gave the world the greatest musical masterpieces and that it is missing on the new album because it is NOT a Michael Jackson album, OR whether it happens by people liking the new album), in either case i hope and pray it will make people love, honour, admire him more...

I am watching things quitely, praying very, very hard that everything turns out well for our beloved and for his reputation as the King of Pop, however if I must take a side between a 'Protest' and a 'Support' campaign, I'd very, very sadly and with a broken, crying heart join the protesters. No one, absolutely NO ONE has the right to work on Mike's unfinished stuff and present it as "his" creation! It is neither fair to him, nor to the spirit of music or the fans!

Please guide us to the right path Michael :angel:, this all is turning out so painful..love you and miss you every moment...

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I agree of most of this, I bought it but can't enjoy it because of exactly the reason you mention. It's just not Michael Jackson. And it was him I was interested in. Not others intepretation. I would enjoy the raw unfinished material more though.
Why couldn't the estate release these song's untouched? With notes, demo's, studio outtakes, and a general feel as to how the greatest of all time worked on his masterpiece. This Is It worked so well because we saw Michael, with his raw talent on display.

Because, let's face it, it wouldn't sell that well. We, fans, would prefer pure Michael, but general public wants music they can jam to. They want a finished quality product.

This Is It was different, because it was visual. People always wanted to see Michael, not only in concerts, but wherever he went and whatever he did. His whole personality fascinated. That's why This Is It worked so well. But with music, I think people are not ready to buy unfinished product. Maybe a few decades later Michael will be finally recognized as a great artist, a genius he was, and then his raw material will be priced highly (I hope so). But right now, it's not. I just hope, if that time comes, they will still have all his demos safely sitting somewhere in the vault.

an album that was quickly put together by a bunch of money hungry people to quickly gain a buck off of MJ.

Actually, I got an impression that they made the album with love and respect. I mean, of course money play a part here - the estate should pay off the debt after all, and they made an agreement with Sony. But they don't come off as "greedy". All the materials they released so far, from their statements to the booklet to HMH video, were very respectful and attentive to Michael's wishes and values. (That is, if you don't buy into the "fake vocals" theory, of course).

And I really don't understand all the hate on "Breaking News". If you think it's an imposter, that's one thing, but even people who believe it's Michael seem to collectively diss the song. Why? In my opinion, it's the best track on the album. It has a catchy tune and the lyrics are very poignant.