A positive thing about the allegations Michael faced..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I try to find a positive in everything and if there were any positives at all to the allegations that happened in 93 and 03 its that i found out even more about Michael as a person, and in doing so fell in love with him even more, which i didn't think was even possible. I found out even more so how truly special Michael is. How much he loves people, how caring he is, how genuine and unique he is but most of all: how INNOCENT he is. The peter pan, child-like, innocent image he portrayed of himself wasn't a 'put on' it really was the real him. He really WAS peter pan. He really DID look at the world through innocent eyes like that of a child.

I have always thought Michael was special. But i didn't realise just how special he was until i found out more about him due to the allegations/trial etc. And in a weird way i wouldn't be as in love with Michael if the allegations hadn't of happened. Sorry i dont know any other way to put it, but i hope that made sense!

Does anyone else feel the same way?
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I agree with you 100%!!!!

The more they try to tear down Michael, the more I love him....

It just amazes me how strong he is because if I was in his situation... I wouldn't even know what I would do to myself.

When I watch videos of Michael having fun, it really warmths my heart. He is just something so rare and beautiful. I don't know if it's just me but there are times when I even forget the allegations happened. I don't even associate any of that with Michael.
I became a fan during the allegations, so that should tell you something. Seeing how he was wrongly accussed it made me love and fight for him even more.
I loved Michael before the allegations and during the allegations I was mad like hell has no fury. I never believed anything I heard because My love for him just grew stronger..
These allegation were so unecessary and I did not need it to see what a kind loving person Michael was. But I believed god allows things for some reason, wether it is to strenghtened us i do not know.

I was one of those guilty of thinking of MJ of being super human. When these allegations came out in 05, i kept saying to myself Mike had some thing up his selve. Then as the case went on and these boys never denied the accusation I finally realized how naieve Michael was. That he trusted these low life ppl and he really believed that there was some good in them. Then is when i saw that he was really a childlike gentle person not fit for the evils of this world.
I hate to admit it, but it's the same with me. I didn't grow up with him as an influence, so I just didn't really know much about him. I only started digging deeper because I wanted to form my own opinion on the case. After that, I simultaneously fell in love and became outraged. Out of anyone it could have happened to, he deserved it least.
You know what it is bitter sweet for me. Everyone had an era with Michael Jackson, eg: Thriller era, Bad era, HIStory era etc... Its horrible but the trial was another era and that is the era I remember. I was born in 1987 and became a fan in 2003 so "my era" is the Bashir doc and Trial. I'm grateful I got to experience the Michael Jackson excitement of trying to get tickets to his concert first hand because I never thought I would since previous to that I was too young. That I am grateful for, to one day share with my children the day I tried getting tickets to MICHAEL JACKSON'S concert is just bliss. We were so lucky to live in his lifetime!

My dream was to see him in concert, funny how it seemed to good to be true but you know what I'm just happy that I can say yes I was around when Michael announced his last tour and I will be able to always share the experience of that excitement build up leading towards it.

So to answer your thread, yes the day I watched the Martin Bashir doc I fell IN LOVE with him but yes the trial made me love him and get to know him SO MUCH MORE. But I would had rather Michael not have gone through that pain because I'm sure I would still love him just as much as I do today.
I agree with you guys.The adversity MJ went through only showed what a class act he actually was. He always remained a gentleman, merciful, forgiving, and well mannered
despite all the doo doo being flung at him.
'He always remained a gentleman, merciful, forgiving, and well mannered
despite all the doo doo being flung at him.' aint that the truth.
Wow, I am amazed that people fell in love with and became fans of MJ during the Trial! How cool of you guys to have such a open mind during that terrible period for our michael. I read some people became fans of him on other MJ boards too. I was so happy then as well.

I have been a fan of MJs since I was 4yrs old in 1987. I am now 26yrs old now. I wish I got to see him live and go to a concert but never had. OH I WISH I HAD THE CHANCE TO.

But, thanks for sharing guys it made my heart happy to know there are smart people out there that saw the truth during the trial that wasn't fans yet!
I loved Michael before the allegations and during the allegations I was mad like hell has no fury. I never believed anything I heard because My love for him just grew stronger..

me too...

I still cant believe how was he handcuffed :cry: That just tore me apart... he was so sad during this time. I wanted so badly to give him a hug. I fell even more in love with him and admire his strength.
Although i perfectly see what you mean and understand it, i have trouble with it.
Because things like these, there just ain't anything positive about it. I have been
a huge fan since my 5th or so, born in 1982, so much MJ on tv all the time, great times.

I was at school during the first allegations and i remember that i wore a MJ shirt, and
some guys at school just didn't want to have that..so of course they had to take all the crap out on me. But i didn't care..it never changed my opinion on MJ. But at that time i was too young to really research things myself(i dont even know if there was internet already) after awhile a period started where i just kinda 'paused' on MJ things. No music at all really of any sort.

When once again he got accused i was like 'nooooo way man' . That's when i simply decided to go do research and pretty soon i got here and found all the sites that i needed. Anyway...it's great that people actually became fan of him during those times. Seeing through the lies of the media and believing in logic and truth.
you are right,especilly with the trial we had the chance to know and understand Michael as a human being:)
Oh yeah absolutely, Michael going through hell twice was TOTALLY worth it if it made a few people think "hey, he's a pretty cool guy afterall".

No seriously, whatever works for you.
I became a fan during the allegations, so that should tell you something. Seeing how he was wrongly accussed it made me love and fight for him even more.

Exactly the same here, i felt like i had to defend this innocent creature, he was really a naive person, he became more child like in his latest years, like he really became a kid, just a young soul, that doenst mean he was not smart, dont get the wrong idea, but i only regret he intead of saying "love no violence" all the time (But i wouldnt love him so much if he didnt, im contradictory sometimes), but i wish he would have sent everybody to hell!!!, but he didnt, he was really against that kind of violence, and i guess his strengh was just break after the trial, even though he was innocent and found innocent, he was HURT, he just couldnt deal with the world, i hate that just when he was recovering himself (this last ten month or so), some unqualified excuse for doctor/s took his life away
I became a big fan of him around 2000 thanks to the internet and Peer 2 peers that were big back then. The opportunity presented itself for me to listen to his songs and watch his music videos constantly.

But I do remember Jackson's escapades of the 90s, people always bring up his career height being in the 80s, but MJ is perhaps the only artist I know who could do world premere videos and have it televised on broadcast and cable stations nationwide.

I remember when I first saw the world premiere of Black or White, it was so amazing, I felt racial relations would improve by the empowerment that video had. But yet it's often overlooked today.
When I think about it I cannot feel but frustration...I understand your point but I cannot find any comfort in what you're saying. IMO the first trial in 1993 forever change the public's perception of MJ. Although fans always believed in his innocence, there were still many who believed he was guilty. And the trial in 2005 was even more painful...I cannot imagine how it is like to be wrongfully accused of such ugly accusations. All Michael did was care about children, about people, try to make things better for humanity. You looked at his face and you could see his kindness. And what he received for that...so much hatred and ridicule. It makes me so angry when I think about what he went through. So much injustice in this world...
Oh yeah absolutely, Michael going through hell twice was TOTALLY worth it if it made a few people think "hey, he's a pretty cool guy afterall".

No seriously, whatever works for you.

No one said it was worth it or that we wouldn't trade it, given the chance. Our point was that something positive came out of it. A positive to MJ's passing is that he's no longer lonely, in pain, suffering or being hurt by people he thought he could trust. Does this mean we're glad he's gone? Come on, now, *of course not*.
how can you say there's anything positive? the accusations, the public humiliation, the MJ jokes everything that came with it destroyed his soul and made him cry almost every night
maybe it made him look fierce and strong to you but there was a lot of pain and suffering beyond it. and look how it ended - so much fight for his life and he ended up having his life taken away by an incompetent doctor
Michael Jackson DESPITE the allegations was and is the biggest entertainer in history, one of the most loved people of all time... When he died, the whole world stopped!

"When news broke that Michael Jackson has died of apparent cardiac arrest, the outpouring of first shock, then grief, was the largest, most instantaneous of its kind the world had ever known. Though the deaths of John F.Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. affected history more, and the deaths of Elvis Presley, John Lennon and Kurt Cobain signified the end of epochs, no single death has ever moved so fast around the globe as swiftly as Michael Jackson’s." – Rolling Stone issue sep 2009.

THIS just makes me think if he was larger than life going through all of that negative publicity, just IMAGINE how big he would of been if the allegations never happened?

This is what makes me sad (what if) because he never deserved such horrible accusations!
I became a fan when he got arrested in 2003. I admire his strength, that's why he's my idol.

It did made sense what you said.... but you konw what?

If Michael would have put a Strong Fan base as allie.... he would have been best for him in a way... cause fans loves him and care for him, therefore, we could have taken care of him, told him things his entourage probably did not, and be there anytime....

my suggestion...
I try to find a positive in everything and if there were any positives at all to the allegations that happened in 93 and 03 its that i found out even more about Michael as a person, and in doing so fell in love with him even more, which i didn't think was even possible. I found out even more so how truly special Michael is. How much he loves people, how caring he is, how genuine and unique he is but most of all: how INNOCENT he is. The peter pan, child-like, innocent image he portrayed of himself wasn't a 'put on' it really was the real him. He really WAS peter pan. He really DID look at the world through innocent eyes like that of a child.

I have always thought Michael was special. But i didn't realise just how special he was until i found out more about him due to the allegations/trial etc. And in a weird way i wouldn't be as in love with Michael if the allegations hadn't of happened. Sorry i dont know any other way to put it, but i hope that made sense!

Does anyone else feel the same way?

I used to mention this very phenomenon during the 2003-2005 period from Bashir to the trial.
As bad as Bashir tried to manipulate the footage people really got to see Michael's genuineness & become fans of him for the first time. They got to see the man despite the noise.

I said to haters constantly that Michael was gaining new fans in his tribulations. Taking off of Geraldine Hughes book I called the recovery period The Redemption when the world at large admits openly to appreciating Michael & loving him outright. Not just the loyal core fans.

2009 was going to be the fulfillment of that prophecy but I just wish it didn't have to be the way it turned out. Now it's openly admitted again but at what cost?

The Peruvian shamans were right. Michael did become stronger in 2009 but why did it have to be this way?

John Lucas
Agreed. And I think I love him even more for never giving up inspite of the alligations. This man never gave up, he knew where his heart was and he knew he had us and god on his side. That proves even more he was innocent, he never gave up. He never hid.
I try to find a positive in everything and if there were any positives at all to the allegations that happened in 93 and 03 its that i found out even more about Michael as a person, and in doing so fell in love with him even more, which i didn't think was even possible. I found out even more so how truly special Michael is. How much he loves people, how caring he is, how genuine and unique he is but most of all: how INNOCENT he is. The peter pan, child-like, innocent image he portrayed of himself wasn't a 'put on' it really was the real him. He really WAS peter pan. He really DID look at the world through innocent eyes like that of a child.

I have always thought Michael was special. But i didn't realise just how special he was until i found out more about him due to the allegations/trial etc. And in a weird way i wouldn't be as in love with Michael if the allegations hadn't of happened. Sorry i dont know any other way to put it, but i hope that made sense!

Does anyone else feel the same way?

I have always been a fan of Michaels before the allegations and during the allegations I have always defended him. His strength and courage always shone through during the trial. Even now I love him even more as I am constantly defending him. This does make sense to me and yes the more the media critise and try to humiliate him the more I love him. I didn't think it was possible but everyday I feel like I love him more and more and I am proud of it.

This is the Michael Jackson spirit I love. Even in the darkest hour he kept positive and smiling. He always saw the positive things when others only saw bad and negative stuff.

Keep smiling keep the MJ spirit.
after the 1993 allegations he ended up in a clinic half-dead from drugs
in 2005 he almost died during the trial and his lawyer said Michael would call him in the middle of the night crying, saying he was afraid for his future and his children's future
I don't understand the "kept positive and continued to smile" comments, yes he was strong and kept on fighting but he went through hell