A nice Michael moment today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las Vegas
Today I decided to visit one of my favorite places to go here in Las Vegas when I want to relax and sort of get away from it all. It's Lake Las Vegas which is about a 20 minute drive from the Strip.

It's often not crowded at all, but today when I got there I noticed things were different than usual. I went inside the Loews Las Vegas Resort and saw hundreds of people there competing for the Hip Hop and Dance World Championships, and hundreds more watching inside the ballroom where the semifinals were being held. There were teams from 30 countries competing so there was a very international flavor in the room.

When I entered the ballroom there was a break in the competition so nobody was on stage except for the host of the show. Moments later the host says to the audience "Hey, how 'bout some Michael Jackson!" and the DJ starts playing song after song of classic Michael. Wanna Be Starting Something, Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, Enjoy Yourself and others. The audience started cheering, many of them got up and danced, and some even went up to the stage and took the microphone from the host and sang along with Michael. It was quite a sight. There were young kids and older folks, people of many different nationalities all just having a good time and enjoying the great music Michael gave us. It's a shame none of this was filmed, you guys would have loved it.

Eventually it was time for the Hip Hop dance teams to go back on stage for the competition, but I almost felt a little sad for them, especially the first group that had to go on after "Michael". When Michael's music stopped playing it was almost like air being let out of a balloon. People didn't want it to end.

The "Michael moment" was such a fun and unexpected happening, and it brought back yet again how many people's lives he touched everywhere around the world, and will continue to for generations to come.
Aw, that sounds like so much fun! Wish I could have been there! Or that it was at least caught on tape. Ahh, Michael will forever touch people...and people will forever rock out to his music.
Awww, thanks for sharing that with us all. Yeah, it's little things like that, that really show you what joy Michael's music brings people's lives.

At work they call me MJ, short for Mary-Jo...I asked them to refrain from calling me that for a while but they just say, "Mary..he's in a better place and you should celebrate his memory! MJ forever! lol." Well, I see their point, and it doesn't get to me anymore. My mind still races all day with thoughts about him...but I'm trying to make them happy ones just as he's like them to be. It's true, hsi legacy will live on, and so will my feelings being a proud MJ fan.

MJ will love MJ forever. :cry::wub:
That's just so lovely...
I can't help thinking "where was all this when he was alive and could see it?", but that's just me, I'm too bitter for my own good.
It's wonderful how he's being celebrated, it really is.
Takes me back to the time in the very early nineties - my Christmas / New Year primary school party, I was nine years old... "Heal the World" came on and everyone spontaneously held hands and danced and sang out loud to the chorus... All my female teachers cried, heh heh...

Michael lives.
Who cares what the news reports say - HE LIVES!
This is indeed proof that Michaels music will live on and on.It must of been so great to of witnessed that :)