A news(?) site quoting fans from here about what we said around 25/06/09


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Manchester, England
Kind of proves that people from other websites who do news on the internet and blogs etc do scan the boards for what the latest things are.

Lol there are 3 quoted from here I think. I was one of em. There are loads of quotations to the bottom of the page where it says the name and where theyve got it from.


Found about this quite a few months ago but only just thought Id post it.
I feel you Yeezy on your post on that site. Others as well.
MJJC is a huge and popular forum; I'm surprised more quotes werent used
from us.

Thank you for posting.
The media people to lurk around MJ boards to get new ''information'' and tidbits they oversaw that's nothing new.
The media people to lurk around MJ boards to get new ''information'' and tidbits they oversaw that's nothing new.

That's true, they do that on many artist boards. I had one of my quote show up on televison one day and I did'nt know it was gonna show up. And I was embarassed because it made me look like an crazy fan of the other artist. Hence why some people should be careful what they post sometimes.