A new movie on ‘karma’ to talk about Michael-releasing Mar 15


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
I just read in the newspaper today that a movie titled ‘Karma-the new revelation’ that is releasing on Monday, March 15 will amongst other things (quoting the paper)-“explain karma’s role in the de*** of entertainment icon Michael Jackson. Filmed in over a dozen countries, the movie is presented by Acharya Zen”.
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I don't know what can they say. I just hope they are not saying that his death was due to crap that he was accused ie the Idiots that say the reason why he died is because of the kids he allegedly hurt (that makes me so mad when people say that because he did'nt hurt anybody.).
it's so easy for the enemies of Michael Jackson to make that interpretation, and know that they are lying, while they're doing it. it's a good thing that the majority of true justice happens in the invisible world, and not in the visible one...especially to people who think Karma killed Michael. and to those who think they are 'enlightened'. it really is about what you can't see, as opposed to what you think you can see.
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Well, I wont be watching.

The only reason why they mentioned Mike was because they know it'll interest people.


Stop using his name for your crappy movie.
If I'm right about the impression I get from the vague description in the original post, this is why I'm not fond of the concept of karma, or more specifically the way it is used. Any time something bad happens to someone you have a problem with, it's "karma." It's like they're waiting for something bad to happen to that person so they can claim it was karma, and something bad will ALWAYS happen to the person because bad things happen to EVERYBODY. Sometimes, it's just masochism under the guise of a spiritual belief.

"I just found out that this person who I don't like has developed a brain tumor."

"Must be karma LOLZ."

Meh. I'm sure lots of racists think it was karma when Martin Luther King got shot, too. You can say it for anybody.
most dont even know the true meaning of karma. the western version is different to the original. this can only be negative if going by western karma. kinda contridictary considering what happened to chandler.and as mj said karma is a load of crap

(we really need a "pie in the face" smiley)
Interesting...but I don't get it. What exactly are they implying about Michael? I can't tell whether they mean this in a positive or negative light and whether they just want money. What's the movie even about? Are they saying that Michael had an early death because of karma? Michael didn't do anything wrong, so I don't believe that.

If anybody does happen to see this movie, please explain how the Michael example/reference is used because I don't think I want to see this.
The film had little to do with Michael he is mearly mentioned in it
along with others _ its is just showing how Karma is not revenge but
mearly a teacher that can lead men back to their center or redemption
if they pay attention to the signs

Karma" by Acharya Zen is a film that can inspire and empower you to overcome all of life's challenges
and fulfil your dreams by doing the right thing -- With wisdom from our greatest minds from the The Buddha
and Jesus to Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell.

thanks qbee. in what context specifically is he mentioned/ how do they relate to him? I find this interesting because Michael said he didn't believe in karma according to the transcripts I've read of the rabbi's tapes
The film had little to do with Michael he is mearly mentioned in it
along with others _ its is just showing how Karma is not revenge but
mearly a teacher that can lead men back to their center or redemption
if they pay attention to the signs

Karma" by Acharya Zen is a film that can inspire and empower you to overcome all of life's challenges
and fulfil your dreams by doing the right thing -- With wisdom from our greatest minds from the The Buddha
and Jesus to Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell.


Thanks! :D
Sounds like they only used Michael's name to draw attention. From what qbees is saying. I am so tired of that. Heck Michael may not even be mentoned in that movie.
imo and i really hope its wrong. But i think they used Michael as an example of "Karma". As in he got what he deserved for allegedly hurting his accusers. Calling his Death Karma.

Like i said i hope i am wrong but i fear i am not.
Bah, Karma's nothing more than a bunch of crap. There's been plenty of innocent people who have wrongly met their fate too soon and there are plenty of depraved bast--ds who are out there soaking up the sun as we speak. Some are even in military school, I hear.

Anyway, my whole point is that this movie was probably going to be a flunker and they just decided to stick Michael in it somehow in hopes of raising public interest. Even if Karma was a legitimate concept--how is one to go about making a film of it?

Moreover, I'm willing to bet good money that whoever directed this knows nothing about Michael or the situation at hand. The only thing he probably knows is that he wants money and pinning "karma" on Michael's death is a fast way of going about getting some.

Sad, but probably true, judging by the pattern I see in the world.