A new earth has been discovered?

wow I find all this stuff so fascinating...but I often dont grasp it :p
So are there a whole a heap of planets of there we just know about?
Hell yeah! Down with climate change legislation! If we ruin this planet let's just leave and set up camp on another Earth-like planet.
and we will be travelling all around, escaping the responsibility, polluting another planets?... don't think it ever happen..
and we will be travelling all around, escaping the responsibility, polluting another planets?... don't think it ever happen..
I always viewed the human race as a virus. Seriously it fits. We consume, evolve, and contaminate our host. If all goes to plan and evolution takes us to different worlds, then we are also going to spread, we are behaving like a virus. :mellow:
I always viewed the human race as a virus. Seriously it fits. We consume, evolve, and contaminate our host. If all goes to plan and evolution takes us to different worlds, then we are also going to spread, we are behaving like a virus. :mellow:

I've never heard it put that way before :lol: It's actually quite fitting and true though.
There is probably many planets like ares. It would be ignorant to think otherwise I believe. But I think we will never leave for a planet outside of our solar system. Its possible to "terraform" another planet though. Mars for example.
We will never get to another planet. Ever. There are hundreds of planets that are in the area of there own solar system of similarity to us where we are at the right distance from our own sun. So in theory there definitely could water/ice. Just like ours. They will be millions of light years away. If we send signals or what ever it will takes millions of year for it to get there and take millions of years to get a signal back if thats possible for them to do so.

But then again who is to say we havent come in to contact with other intelligence. Like saying about Roswell and all other stuff thats happened. I believe the US government has things hidden from the rest of the world. But what that is in my lifetime I will probably never know.

What is happening over at Area 51? Thats what I really wanna know.
I always viewed the human race as a virus. Seriously it fits. We consume, evolve, and contaminate our host. If all goes to plan and evolution takes us to different worlds, then we are also going to spread, we are behaving like a virus. :mellow:

haha yep a virus but we can be controlled

Extremly interesting but its like light years away and once we get the technology to travel at those speeds our planet (earth) will either be ruined or we would have saved it and thus not needng a new planet or we would have evolved/adapted well i think that.... also they dont know exactly know what the atmosphere there is like and if there is life already on the planet!

Exciting and scary at the same time for me lol
There is probably many planets like ares. It would be ignorant to think otherwise I believe. But I think we will never leave for a planet outside of our solar system. Its possible to "terraform" another planet though. Mars for example.
We will never get to another planet. Ever. There are hundreds of planets that are in the area of there own solar system of similarity to us where we are at the right distance from our own sun. So in theory there definitely could water/ice. Just like ours. They will be millions of light years away. If we send signals or what ever it will takes millions of year for it to get there and take millions of years to get a signal back if thats possible for them to do so.

But then again who is to say we havent come in to contact with other intelligence. Like saying about Roswell and all other stuff thats happened. I believe the US government has things hidden from the rest of the world. But what that is in my lifetime I will probably never know.

What is happening over at Area 51? Thats what I really wanna know.

If they can develop space fold, then traveling according to light years, would be nullified. The whole science behind space fold sounds ridiculous at first, but it's quite remarkable how some of the worlds finest scientists have figured out possible ways to develop such a way of travel by certain means that do not exist today, but might much later in the future. Who knows ??
I always viewed the human race as a virus. Seriously it fits. We consume, evolve, and contaminate our host. If all goes to plan and evolution takes us to different worlds, then we are also going to spread, we are behaving like a virus. :mellow:

Unfortunately too many people think this way. And they are they same people who say 80% of us have to be culled for the planet to survive. I'm not down with that. I'm not down with this hateful, left-wing view of the human race. The human race is an intelligent species who managed to take what we could get from nature and give ourselves an excellent quality of life. Maybe not all of us can enjoy that excellent quality of life, but even the worst off amongst us are better off than if we had never used the resources nature has given us and advanced as a species. It really saddens me to think what some people must have dealt with to have such a negative view of the human race. Because I've run into some pretty bad people, I've heard a lot of horrid stories of what "human beings" can do to their fellow man. But as long as the majority of the people I encounter are basically good, then I'll maintain a positive view of the human race. And so far the good far out way the bad. That's why I want to protect the human race. Not protect the planet at the cost of the human race. This planet has survived much worse than us. And even if it doesn't, I'm so confident in the human spirit that I believe we'll be able to move on from this place and find somewhere else. As sci-fi as that sounds. But look at how much we've already accomplished. Who says planetary immigration is out of the question?
Unfortunately too many people think this way. And they are they same people who say 80% of us have to be culled for the planet to survive. I'm not down with that. I'm not down with this hateful, left-wing view of the human race. The human race is an intelligent species who managed to take what we could get from nature and give ourselves an excellent quality of life. Maybe not all of us can enjoy that excellent quality of life, but even the worst off amongst us are better off than if we had never used the resources nature has given us and advanced as a species. It really saddens me to think what some people must have dealt with to have such a negative view of the human race. Because I've run into some pretty bad people, I've heard a lot of horrid stories of what "human beings" can do to their fellow man. But as long as the majority of the people I encounter are basically good, then I'll maintain a positive view of the human race. And so far the good far out way the bad. That's why I want to protect the human race. Not protect the planet at the cost of the human race. This planet has survived much worse than us. And even if it doesn't, I'm so confident in the human spirit that I believe we'll be able to move on from this place and find somewhere else. As sci-fi as that sounds. But look at how much we've already accomplished. Who says planetary immigration is out of the question?

The bolded parts are precisely why I believe the human race behaving like a virus. Everything in this life moves in a circle. Except for us. We are leading a life that will end. There is no regeneration after pollution. Our evolution is coming at the expense of this planet that we inhabit. The worst thing? We can't stop. I myself would not live in the wild simply because I, along with everyone else, can't go there anymore. I'm not saying we are bad people, I'm not even blaming anyone for this pollution since I myself am a part of it.
I'm saying that we are behaving like a virus.

So you say we move to another planet (which isn't far fetched at all), what then? We will either repeat the same cycle and kill off our new home OR we consume that planet for the benefits of our current one. Either way we are killing our host. Our only hope is to find a way to make or evolution process a cycle (like every other living creature) rather than a line. Until we do, I say, again and again and again, we are behaving like a virus.
I need you guys to just be careful not to get into the realm of political intolerance by naming the entire left wing as hateful or anything... okay?

Don't worry. I'm not the guy that knows how to "tick" people off anyway :p