A more optimistic look at TII vs other tours


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
How many of you think that in the future, the This Is It rehearsal tapes should be viewed equal to those finished tours he actually performed in front of crowds? It has become annoying when I see the "what would have been/could have been" statements. Putting the unfinished stage oufits and special effects aside, it seemed like he put a lot of effort into his performancs even though they were just rehearsals, especially when it came to his vocals (singing live in most cases) and his dancing. Maybe he even put more effort into these rehearsals than previous ones, perhaps to prove the world, AEG and even himself that he could do it again after being out of the spotlight for so long. So in a way, I guess I am trying to picture these rehearsal tapes as a personal concert, just for us, no screaming fans to sing over, just pure Michael! After watching the trailer of the extended vocals to Human Nature, I don't think anyone can argue that he wasn't giving us all he had because he sounds amazing (regardless of how many clips it took to get what we end up seeing/hearing)! Heck, after we watch the film, even if it appears he wasn't giving his all some of the time, we all know Michael at 75% is better than any other artist at 100%. What do you guys think?
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no, it's rehearsals and michael isn't giving 100% even if michael at 50% is better than most artist i'm sure he himself wouldn't want this on par to actual performances of his.

i guess we could compare the technology like the effects and lighting but not the actual dancing