A message for my king


Dearest king Michael,
Tonight.. I have been reflecting on the relationship that we shared. It was truely a beautiful and blessed one. I wanted to thank you (again) for all the amazing memories. And also what you brought to the world. Thank you for your deep passion and sense of humanity. As human beings we shared so much in common, growing up we both endured loss of childhood, we love singing and dancing, artistry, making magic, and even share a common bond for our love of Peter Pan.. Oh Michael what will I do without you :cry: My heart has been torn the last couple months as I have had a very hard time here without you. I feel I lost my best friend, my other half.. but I still feel your spirit within me. You gave me hope that there is life after this. (there must be more to life than this) I find comfort that you may truely be at peace and happy somewhere no one can hurt you now. I really hope this is the case. I had so much more to share with you and know you had so much going for you too. Which makes it so hard :cry: We shall unite again on the other side. I will still protect you and defend you no matter what. I have already made alot of changes in my life and have been giving alot more of myself to others, donating to charities, helping out people. I pray for you every day :angel:
I love you forever and hope to make you proud, my King!
love, Shayla