A memorial for Michael Jackson (in Munich, petition)


Proud Member
Mar 11, 2009
I don't know if someone already posted something about it, if not... well, please support :)

We need your help! Every single signature counts...Vote...for Michael!

Near the hotel "Bayerischer Hof", where Michael stayed some nights, at the Orlando Di Lasso monument a wonderful memorial in honour of MJ is existing.... The memorial fairies care for this special place every day and many people show their respect and light a candle. The memorial is tolerated by the city and mayor Christian Ude and we are very very grateful for that. Thank you! However the memorial is not official and we are aware of the fact that this current situation might not last forever. That's why we started this campaign and we need your help and support to realise this dream. We would like to have an own and official memorial/monument for Michael Jackson. Michael was such a wonderful human being with a big heart. He deserves it!

We launched a petition in order to get as much signatures as possible.
Please, vote for Michael Jackson's memorial: http://www.mypetition.ch/signatures.php?idsig=XyP3GwDPYWJa4T8THree

If you want to help, then please spread our message in twitter, facebook etc.
Michael has done so much for all of us and he always fought for his dreams. Now it's time for us to fight for him and to give him something back!
We can make it!

Their FB fansite
A Video of the memorial
Pardon ... first, I must reply in my native language

Nicht öffentliche (nicht via Bundestag) Petitionen haben in Deutschland http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online-Petition#Online-Petition_beim_Deutschen_Bundestag noch relativ wenig Aussichten auf Erfolg.

Sollte nicht lieber direkt mit der Stadt München "verhandelt" werden? (und wenn, .. dafür müsste ja auch eine Geld-Sammlung eingerichtet werden!)
So unterstützungswürdig ich das auch finde, aber echte Chancen zur Verwirklichung sehe ich, in unserem bürokratischen Staat, nicht wirklich .. leider! :(


I believe, non-public petitions in Germany do not have little chance of success.

Should not be negotiated directly with the city/Major of Munich?
(And if, a collection of money would also be needed!)
I support a german memorial place in general, but I see no real opportunities to achieve, in our (german) bureaucratic state, not really .. unfortunately! :(
Thanks for the info, interesting.

I'll send them the link, I don't know if they are informed about that. Otherwise they could, because somewhere I read something about donations.

...aber wie auch immer, ich schicks denen mal zu, Zusatzinfos können nicht schaden :) danke dir!
Thanks for the info, interesting.

I'll send them the link, I don't know if they are informed about that. Otherwise they could, because somewhere I read something about donations.

...aber wie auch immer, ich schicks denen mal zu, Zusatzinfos können nicht schaden :) danke dir!

Jepp, gute Idee! / Good idea!

Bitte, gern geschen! :) / you're welcome