A man to be executed in China for drug smuggling.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland

The thing is. This man has bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression. It can make someone highly erratic and there are times they will do things even when they are not sure their doing them. People with bipolar are highly influencial and easily tricked.

My mother has bipolar, so I know how they can be. They are going to kill this man and he's innocent. i know he is. But...what can we do? Their going to kill him tonight....at 2:30am...

I am strictly AGAINST the death penelty. It's vile, cruel and disgusting. No one deserves to die. and we are not gods, so we should not decide who lives and who dies. If you believe someone should die for their crimes, then your no better than a murderer. You may not hold the gun, but blood will still be on your hands.
I can't believe they killed Akmal Shaikh.. shot by firing squad apparently. How DISGUSTING.

He either had bipolar or schizophrenia. His symptoms of things he has done in the past seem more to me like schizophrenia.

in 2005 Shaikh's life started to unravel further. He suddenly packed his bags and left for Poland, says his brother, where he announced plans to set up an airline despite having no means to do so. Given his complete lack of money, business plan or experience in the aviation industry, the venture soon foundered, but he was undeterred.
Having turned his back on his family, he stayed on, sometimes sleeping rough, moving from Lublin in the east to the capital, Warsaw. At some point he acquired a girlfriend, who told the Observer she soon became concerned by his "really silly and crazy" behaviour, such as the time he sent her a fake letter purporting to show he had won £1m.
He then started a prolonged email campaign, sharing his delusions with celebrities and government officials he had never met, firing off endless dispatches typed in an enormous 72-point font. Hundreds of emails sent by Shaikh to the British embassy in Warsaw from 2005 reveal the state of his mind. In the messages, obtained by Reprieve, he claimed to have spoken to the angel Gabriel and explained that he could have foiled the July 7 bombings in 2005, had he only been allowed to hold a press conference. One email appeared to be a letter to Father Christmas.
Some messages were copied in to a group of 74 organisations and individuals, including Tony Blair, Sir Paul McCartney, George W Bush and the BBC programme Top Gear.
But among the nonsense contained in the emails was information Shaikh's lawyers claim proves he had become involved with criminals who took advantage of his vulnerability. One mentioned a character called Carlos, who was going to help Shaikh achieve his dream of making it big in the music industry. Carlos, wrote Shaikh, had excellent contacts, and he knew a producer in Kyrgyzstan who could help him fulfil his dream of becoming a pop star. Though Shaikh had no singing experience, and even less musical talent, he recorded a song, an off-key track in English, Arabic and Polish called Come Little Rabbit, which, according to Reprieve, he truly believed had the potential to bring about world peace.
Today, two men who helped Shaikh record the song said it was clear he was psychiatrically ill. Gareth Saunders, a British teacher and musician who sang back-up on the song, said, "he clearly thought this song was going to have a very positive impact on the world".
He added: "It would be totally unlike him to get mixed up in drugs. However, it would be totally typical of him to fall for some kind of story that some drug dealer might spin to him concerning making his record in China … He would be so desperate for human contact that if some shady character came up to him to talk, Akmal would have gone on and on about his song, and it would have been easy for someone to see that he could be exploited."
It is Shaikh's case that back in 2007, "Carlos" told him that he knew people in the music industry that could assist and in September that year paid for a flight for Shaikh to Kyrgyzstan. There, his passport was taken by a gang of men – an act which did not unduly worry Shaikh, who believed he would soon be so famous that he would be recognised at every border crossing. When his passport was eventually returned, he was introduced to a man called Okole. This man, Shaikh claims he was told, ran a huge nightclub in China that would be the perfect venue for the debut performance of Come Little Rabbit.
En route to China, the two men stopped in Dushanbe, in Tajikistan, where they stayed in a five-star hotel – which Reprieve say Shaikh believed was a sign of his celebrity status. There, Okole told him he would have to fly to China alone as the flight was full. Shaikh claims Okole gave him a suitcase and promised to follow on the next flight.
On 12 September 2007, Shaikh flew into Urumqi and was stopped by customs officials on arrival. He was searched and his baggage scanned. Two packets containing around £250,000 worth of heroin were found in his luggage.
Shaikh told the officials that he did not know anything about the drugs, and that the suitcase did not belong to him. Reprieve say he helped the Chinese authorities with their inquiries and even set up a "sting" operation, telling Chinese officials to wait for Okole as he was due to arrive on the next plane. But Okole never turned up and Shaikh was arrested.
Though he was sentenced to death shortly after, the Foreign Office was not notified for many months, and in August 2008, Reprieve took on the case.
Chinese law says a defendant's mental state should be taken into consideration if they are accused of serious crimes, but the Chinese authorities have refused repeated requests for Shaikh to be evaluated by a doctor. At his first appeal hearing this May, Shaikh insisted on reading a long, rambling and often incoherent statement to the court. His performance was so strange that judges laughed.
Though he has never been assessed by a psychiatrist, Foreign Office officials were eventually allowed to spend 15 minutes with Shaikh. From their description of Shaikh's behaviour, Dr Peter Schaapveld, a London-based consultant clinical and forensic psychologist, compiled a medical report in which he was able to deduce with "99% certainty" that he was suffering from a mental disorder that could either be bipolar or schizophrenia. Despite that diagnosis, at 2.30am, Shaikh is due to be put to death.

He was apparently manipulated into taking a suitcase.. a gang in Poland paid for his trip to China and told him he would become a popstar.

This is the song he thought was going to make him a star.. it is called 'Come Little Rabbit' and apparently its about world peace -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFv0eS5p9hs


Thing is the Chinese authorities would not allow him to have a full mental health assessment, this violates their own law.

I have heard people say that even if he is mentally ill it is better that he is not on this earth as he is worthless..?! What the hell?!
It's disgusting! and apparently China dosen't like people outside their country to tell them what to do cause it's none of their buisness. None of our buisness?! They executed one of our (British) people!! It's got everything to do with us!!

and worthless cause he's mentally ill? Oh, I guess that means my baby cousin should be killed cause she has autisim. Or my mother, father and grandmother should be killed because they have clinical depression. Or I should be killed because I have high anxiety!
Things like these make me want to cry and scream.

"With such confusion don't it make you wanna scream..."
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So it's going ahead then? Last I heard the British authorities were trying to stop it.
It's already been done from what I last heard. :(
apparently China dosen't like people outside their country to tell them what to do cause it's none of their buisness.

Yeh I heard their statement:

Jiang Yu telling a press briefing in Beijing: “No one has the right to comment on China’s judicial sovereignty.
“It is the common wish of people around the world to strike against the crime of drug trafficking.
“We express our strong dissatisfaction and opposition to the British Government’s unreasonable criticism of the case. We urge the British to correct their mistake in order to avoid harming China-UK relations.”

Umm how about the Chinese government correct their mistake, and yes we do have a right when it is barbaric like this - you have one of our citizens who is mentally ill, you ignored that, and are about to shoot him. They didn't even tell him he was going to be killed, his family told him the day before it happened.

Gordon Brown tried to help, as did the Foreign Secretary, with the Foreign Office minister..

Mr Brown at once criticised China for going ahead with the execution. "I condemn the execution of Akmal Shaikh in the strongest terms, and am appalled and disappointed that our persistent requests for clemency have not been granted," he said. He added: "I am particularly concerned that no mental health assessment was undertaken."

I don't know how true this is but it seems pretty likely considering what happened - Sky News said that Chinese authorities do not put as much weight on mental health issues as other countries. Sky News also said that 1,700 known executions (there are suspected to be a high number of unknown executions) happened in China in 2008 accounting for 72% of the worlds executions, and that after execution the persons organs are taken and sold.

I think Akmal was used to make a point that China does not give in to pressure from anyone.

The whole thing is sick.

Summary -


EU critisises -


'China has warned Britain that it must stop its fierce condemnation of the execution of Akmal Shaikh for drug smuggling, or risk harming diplomatic ties between the two countries' -


The Chinese ambassador has been summond to the British Foreign Office today. Nothing will happen because of the super power that China is, but something should happen. This guy was taken advantage of and paid with his life.
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hardly surprising from china. i remember watching the massacre on the square decads ago.
So China are threatning us now? We're only involved because they killed one of OUR citizens! There was NO justice in that poor mans execution!

Quite frankly WE'RE the ones who should cut ties with China! They killed a mentally ill man!! They are barbarians! They kill people for the stupidest most minor offenses!
For the record, I DO believe those who commit crimes should be punished. But killing them will NOT solve anything. It'll only hurt more people. Besides, what makes execution any different from murder? Killing is killing no matter what you call it or what your reasons are. Taking a life is wrong!

The only time I agree with taking a life is if someone is terminally ill and only upon request of the person who is sick. Thats a mercy killing, sparing someone the pain of their illness that will eventually kill them.
So China are threatning us now? We're only involved because they killed one of OUR citizens! There was NO justice in that poor mans execution!

Quite frankly WE'RE the ones who should cut ties with China! They killed a mentally ill man!! They are barbarians! They kill people for the stupidest most minor offenses!

moneys more important. if they can give them the olimpics (sp) they will do anything. where will the west get all those crap toys and clothes from
For the record, I DO believe those who commit crimes should be punished. But killing them will NOT solve anything. It'll only hurt more people. Besides, what makes execution any different from murder? Killing is killing no matter what you call it or what your reasons are. Taking a life is wrong!

yeah ia gree murder is murder whether the state or the individual does it. its created on the pretence of religious fundimentalism. 50 years of hard labour is worse tha enternal sleep
yeah ia gree murder is murder whether the state or the individual does it. its created on the pretence of religious fundimentalism. 50 years of hard labour is worse tha enternal sleep

Yeah..The reason I'm against the death penelty is because alot of innocent people have been wrongly convicted and killed..Not only that...It dosen't give the prisoner the chance to repent..I believe people can change....But if they are sentanced to death, then they'll never have that chance...
Is it true that he had no mental health issues in a previous report? As my Grandad said yesterday "It seems that as soon as the penalty for the crime becomes deadly, they have something wrong with them".

I don't know what to think.
I heard about this in the news.. it's so wrong. I'm also definitely against death penalty.
So China are threatning us now? We're only involved because they killed one of OUR citizens! There was NO justice in that poor mans execution!

Quite frankly WE'RE the ones who should cut ties with China! They killed a mentally ill man!! They are barbarians! They kill people for the stupidest most minor offenses!

YOUR citizen happened to be involved in drug trafficking which is why he was persecuted according to China's law. Drug trafficking is never minor offense. For Christ's sake this guy was found carrying 4 kilograms (9 lb) of heroin. I wouldn't consider that minor offense at all.

That mental illness was only claimed by him and he had never been diagnosed of mental disorder by a psychiatrist before the arrest. I don't think it is right for you to state that he was mentally ill as if it is a proven fact.

BTW, I never know UK passport also works as permit for drug trafficking. I have a feeling your perspective would change totally if it was a Chinese citizen trying to smuggle heroin to UK. MJ treated people from all nations equally and he was never biased by nationality nor races. I have to say I found some of the comments here really disappointing.
Of course this has been in the news a lot recently and its turning into a UK vs China war. I disagree with China not because they killed a British citizen but because I disagree with the death penalty. I dont care what country has it, they shouldn't have it. Its sad that people are fighting over this. No nation is better than the other. We're all human sharing the same planet.
This isn't just about the death penalty and his mental state. Rational people everywhere should be outraged over the murdering of someone over a non-violent drug offence.
Well this is the reason why I think the nobel peace price should better go to someone unknown in China (and believe there are many) or many other countries risking their lives while fighting for human rights than for the alikes like Obama and Gore.

Western countries just usually are themselves enough and ignorant to countries far away and millions of ppl suffering there every day... unless of cuz it meets someone from them.

But the right ppl need some more support, for the right reasons, some more attention and some more awakeness at the right moments!

I'm so sorry for this man. But I'll pray for him and I do believe he's in a better place now and at peace! So rest in peace!
China is unforgiving though, they have no mercy when it comes to things like that.

Was this guy clinically proven to be schizophrenic/bipolar? I thought that the British government were just pleading that?

I really think that the punishment should fit the crime, and personally I thought that this was very harsh!!

HOWEVER, think about it another way.. if he HAD have smuggled drugs in, how many young adults/kids could have got hold of those drugs, become addicted and died themselves?

I have mixed views on this.
Is it true that he had no mental health issues in a previous report? As my Grandad said yesterday "It seems that as soon as the penalty for the crime becomes deadly, they have something wrong with them".

I don't know what to think.

His previous medical records didn't show he suffered from a mental illness because he was never diagnosed or treated.. he slipped through the cracks.. that is a failure of people around him who were witnessing his behaviour and didn't encourage him to see a doctor.

If you read about this case from the proper sources you'll see lifelong evidence of his previous behaviour suggest he was indeed mentally ill. Clinical psychologists made a medical report of the information they were provided with and made an initial assessment of a form of delusional psychosis..then Bipolar or Schizophrenia.

The point was that China were refusing to even assess his mental state despite evidence of his behaviour. The Chinese authorities originally were willing to allow him to be assessed by a local doctor, but the court subsequently refused. Psychiatrists flew out to China to request that he at least had an assessment of his mental health.. they were refused access. Britian campaigned for China to assess him themselves even, but they refused, seems they just looked at his previous medical records, which obviously showed nothing because he had never gotten help for his state. The full case file on Akmal Shaikh from Reprieve's research, was sent repeatedly to the Chinese authorities, along with letters from mental health organisations, Akmal's doctor - http://www.reprieve.org.uk/static/downloads/2009_12_28_Letter_from_Dr._Harris_re_Akmal_Shaikh.pdf and and other statements which were apparently ignored. More info - http://www.reprieve.org.uk/akmalshaikh

I have a feeling your perspective would change totally if it was a Chinese citizen trying to smuggle heroin to UK. MJ treated people from all nations equally and he was never biased by nationality nor races.

No it would certainly not. Besides, the UK does not have the death penalty, thank goodness. If my country had the death penalty I'd be campaigning against it.

And what has MJ and being biased to nationalities or races got to do with this? I actually don't think MJ would support the murder of this man.

This isn't just about the death penalty and his mental state. Rational people everywhere should be outraged over the murdering of someone over a non-violent drug offence.

You are right.
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YOUR citizen happened to be involved in drug trafficking which is why he was persecuted according to China's law. Drug trafficking is never minor offense. For Christ's sake this guy was found carrying 4 kilograms (9 lb) of heroin. I wouldn't consider that minor offense at all.

That mental illness was only claimed by him and he had never been diagnosed of mental disorder by a psychiatrist before the arrest. I don't think it is right for you to state that he was mentally ill as if it is a proven fact.

BTW, I never know UK passport also works as permit for drug trafficking. I have a feeling your perspective would change totally if it was a Chinese citizen trying to smuggle heroin to UK. MJ treated people from all nations equally and he was never biased by nationality nor races. I have to say I found some of the comments here really disappointing.

please dont bring mj into something that has nothing to do with him.and as others say thankfully we dont have the death penalty here. and as others say i dont agree with death penalty for drug trafficking or the death penalty at all. most who end up doing it are poor and end up not having much of a choice while mr big sits in his mansion.but this is china so its really not surprising.nothing will happen cause of trade thats why the west has always tried to sit on the fence with them, i was in a shop the other day looking at at big name brand top. cost £100 although it was a little top. guess where it was made lol and made no doubt for all of £1