A little "help" maybe?=)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok, so I'm doing a presentation in my history class.. Write and present about a historical person.. And I'm writing a presentation about Michael.. I thought, i will be fun, I'll get a good grade, and i could maybe "learn" my class to like Michael more.. The only problem is that it's supposed to 10 minutes max, so little time, so much to say.. Sooo, I was wondering, what do you guys thing is the most important things to write about? If you could give me some ideas, and maybe help me a little on my way?=)

Appreciate it!:)
You can say a lot in 10 minutes ..:)

Discuss Michael's genious accomplishments in the musical industry and how and how much
he is respected by his piers and those who knew him. Speak about how he used his talent
to better our world. Speak about the messages of love and hope in his songs, his his generous
charitable contributions that are still in effect per his will. Let them know he has inspired his fans
and others others to do the same and carry on his legacy.

Dont waste a lot of breath on the accusations exept to say he hounded
and constantly persecuted by the Tabloid media Express that He was falslely
accused by the greedy who wanted to exploit his love for children. He was
found not gulty by a jury of his piers and aquited of any wrong doing In a court
of law.

Thats your outline _just fill it in with some facts :)
Thanks.. Yeah I actually wrote down some.. But thank you veeery much! :)
He had no childhood , because he was working with entertainment since he was 5 years old.
It was important for him that children in the world could enjoy their childhood.

This is from a letter he wrote:
"Maybe I look at the world through rose colored glasses but I love people all over the world. That is why stories of racism realy disturb me.
You hurt my heart and soul when you told me of your boyhood in Texas. Because in truth I believe ALL men are created equal, I was taught that and will always believe it.
I just can't conceive of how a person could hate another because of skin color. I love every race on the planet earth. Prejudice is the child of ignorance.
Naked we come into the world and naked we shall go out. And a very good thing too,
for it reminds me that I am naked under my shirt, whatever it's color."

He gave all the money from Victory tour and dangerous tour to charities
He read lots of books and had 10.000(?) books in Neverland.Black history, philosophy and many more.
His lifeguards says he had always something to teach them.
You can say a lot in 10 minutes ..:)

Discuss Michael's genious accomplishments in the musical industry and how and how much
he is respected by his piers and those who knew him. Speak about how he used his talent
to better our world. Speak about the messages of love and hope in his songs, his his generous
charitable contributions that are still in effect per his will. Let them know he has inspired his fans
and others others to do the same and carry on his legacy.

Dont waste a lot of breath on the accusations exept to say he hounded
and constantly persecuted by the Tabloid media Express that He was falslely
accused by the greedy who wanted to exploit his love for children. He was
found not gulty by a jury of his piers and aquited of any wrong doing In a court
of law.

Thats your outline _just fill it in with some facts :)

This is a good 'outline' Just fill in statement and facts to these. Don't mention the trail unless asked - answer factually and how qbee said.
Good Luck.
This is helping.. It's starting to take a great form! :D It just that it has to be only ten minutes, so I needed the help to put out some of the most important things out.. Thanks for the help guys.. :) By the way, only thing i'm telling about the trial is that he was found guilty. Not saying more.. Thanks you guys again.. :D
This is helping.. It's starting to take a great form! :D It just that it has to be only ten minutes, so I needed the help to put out some of the most important things out.. Thanks for the help guys.. :) By the way, only thing i'm telling about the trial is that he was found guilty. Not saying more.. Thanks you guys again.. :D

NOt guilty, just a typo right ? LOL!
Good luck with it. Let us know what grade you got!
NOt guilty, just a typo right ? LOL!
Good luck with it. Let us know what grade you got!

OMG, i cannot believe it.. LOL.. Huge mistake.. :doh: Laughing at myself!

Thanks.. I will let u know, for sure!! :D