A life wiithout Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
I know it hurts all of us right now and Hopefully when We get the results from the test, I hope we can all be somewhat at ease about things but this is going to hurt the heart strings for sometime and what ever took Michael away from us and The person responible will pay for this will soon come to light.I know they didn't say as of yet that it wasn't foul play but it makes you think of who they say gave him that Demerol shot or who caused this to be happening now making all of us sad and bewildered.
Another Thing.I blame the Media,The ego Driven Photags and The grifters who loved to leech on to Michael's good graces. I hope they are satisfied now,Because they won't have to try to stop Michael from giving us that comeback that was promised.Even in Death, Michael Will get the respect somewhat,too bad we won't see how farther this man would have gone if people wouldn't use him in such a way.Like I said ,It will take a while to get over.In My Life,I just lost my Grand Aunt and I am trying to cope with that but after hearing about Michael,I have to regroup and remember him as he was.I knew but I didn't want to believe it and Now by the Internet and TV outlets showing the very last Photos and videos of Michael,I think it should be private.It was wrong for Newspapers to show John Lennon in the morgue,It should be wrong to show Michael in distress and put on to a Helicopter and into a Medical van covered with a white sheet. That was so heartbreaking to me and I believe some fans would find that act offensive.We are all mourning him and some are celebrating his life.I wish they would give respect to the fans and the family and friends of this man at this time. If they continue to report more disrespectful info on Michael,They are all scums of the earth and lost my respect entirely.
Just know that I'm with you all on this,I hope Michael will be at peace and that his memory will not be mared with more allegations and acusations and He is not here to defend himself and prove these jackasses wrong.
:angel:MJJ will be missed.
Rest In Peace My Angel.
Well I will never have a life without Michael. Because everytime I listen to his music, see his videos, watch interviews or just some other footages, he'll be there. Whenever I or anyone else think about him, he'll be there. And whenever you don't think about him he'll still be there.

By him not being here physically it's now made sure that he will always be present, spiritually, in your mind, your heart, soul or whatever. I really do believe that, I have to. Otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do. He's here with us, with all of us who care about him. He has to be.