"A Life For L.O.V.E. - Michael Jackson Stories You Should Have Heard Before *original thread linked*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
This thread is to direct members attending. Please visit the original LEGACY PROJECT POST please :yes:



From the authors of "It's all about L.O.V.E." comes a brand new book about Michaels humanitarian efforts and the influence this has had on his dear fans.


Released in conjunction with Michaels 55th birthday this book is a celebration of a side of MJ that isn't widely reported. His humanitarian efforts.

The book has been two years in the making and contains stories from friends of Michael. Also contained in the book are selected fan stories of humanitarian efforts inspired by the man himself! With contributions from Ireland, Germany, USA, UK, Denmark, France, Italy, Guatemala, India, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia, Philippines and The Netherlands this book truly proves Michael touched the world :)

As fans for so many years, we have been part of the MJ-Community and have been observing what is going on. After deciding on working on this book project, we have of course had a closer look at all the charity ambitions by fans that were introduced and talked about.
We wanted to include a mixture of inspiring individual actions - like yours or that of Seány O'Kane, who has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro on Michael's birthday in 2010 and raised £3,000 by doing this - and presentations of organizations that were inspired by Michael. We tried to pick some of the biggest, well-known MJ-inspired organizations, which already have done incredible work in raising money, organizing events or shipping goods. But there are also some smaller projects introduced, that nonetheless work hard to keep Michael's message of giving alive. We tried our best to review all projects and organizations we included, check their websites and credibilities to give fans reading the book the opportunity to not only get information about them but also to be inspired to maybe do something themselves, to donate to one of the organizations or even become a part and help. It's just incredible how much good was done in Michael's name so far and we feel that this deserves attention! Unfortunately it was, of course, impossible to include all charity projects by fans, there are so many. Not being included does not mean that the organization is not credible, not worth it or the like! There are probably a lot of projects that we haven't even heard about. But we hope that we were able to show a part of the beautiful diversity of ideas that fans have to carry on Michael's message!

What kind of stories can I expect?

In the stories people who knew Michael, were his friends, worked for him or who received the singer's help and encouragement recount their personal memories. The stories are of different lengths and styles, some are very detailed and tell about specific events, others talk more generally about what kind of a human being Michael was. Each story adds a picture to the puzzle to getting to know Michael Jackson, his character and his humanitarian efforts.

Are all stories true?

Of course we could not check every single detail of each story, but the authors assured us that their accounts were truthful. We also did not accept any story we had doubts abouts.

Are there any pictures in the book?

Yes, there are well over a hundred b/w-pictures included, most of them never before released. There are pictures of Michael taken by the authors on different occasions, photos of the authors themselves, illustrations of handwritten messages or autographs by Michael and other pictures that accompany the stories. The book also features many pictures of Neverland that have never been seen before.

What is the aim of the book?

The whole world celebrates Michael's musical legacy and his groundbreaking achievements in the entertainment industry, yet little is publicly known about the fact that he also broke records with his charitable accomplishments and that he used his tremendous popularity, influence and amazing success to call attention to social and political problems. We wanted to help to change that.
We also hope that this book inspires its readers to go out and do something themselves! It doesn’t matter whether you support a charity organization by donating money, join one of the initiatives introduced in this book, give your time to voluntary work or just make a homeless person smile by providing them with a good meal. We can all do something, just as Michael sang as a child already, “in our small way”.

What happens to the revenues?

ALL revenues (about 2,50€ per book) will go to charity in Michael's name! Neither we as editors nor the contributing authors will earn one cent from this book. Our goal is not only to spread Michael's message and inspire people by reading about his behavior, but also to continue his message of giving by donating the fruits of our labor to charity.

Why only 2.50€?

Because that is the revenue. Sadly, the printing eats up the largest part of the book's price, as it is with every book published. This money goes directly to the publishers. We can only donate what we get and so the FULL revenues will be given to charity.

Which charity is going to benefit from this book?

We picked a charity that most people are acquainted with and that Michael has supported in his lifetime as well: Make-A-Wish. We have cooperated with them for our last book "It's all about L.O.V.E. - Michael Jackson stories you were never meant to read" and have experienced their excellent work firsthand. We can guarantee that the money we will collect with the book will end up where it is needed. The direct transfer of the revenues to Make-a-wish is already arranged.
You can read a message from the Chairman of the board of Make-A-Wish Germany in the book.

Here are some selected bits from the book!

"...Finally, the music for “Heal The World” began. When I was wheeled onto the stage, Michael held my hand. Normally I couldn’t feel anything in my right hand as I had lost the power in it a few years before, but that night I could actually feel Michael’s hand. He also turned to me as we headed offstage and told me he loved me - and I knew that he meant it.
A few hours after the concert, I could feel a burning sensation up and down my right arm. The next day I had power back in my right hand. I truly believe I got my power back from simply holding Michael’s hand..."

by Christine Dowling

"...Throughout the year busloads of kids and adult chaperons from the central coast and the inner-city Los Angeles area, many who have never been out in the countryside before, came to Michael’s ranch to enjoy a day full of fun and excitement. Michael hosted such events regularly, usually a few times a month and they were also scheduled during times when Michael himself was not at the ranch.
The buses normally arrived around lunch time and we set up tables with all kinds of food in the garden underneath the old oak trees for them to fortify themselves for the exciting day..."

by Curtis Gordon

"...I don't think anyone really expected a response to this effort, especially one as generous as what we got. I remember the day that the letter came in the mail. My mother opened it immediately, as she was walking into the house. Michael had not only written me a letter, but he had contributed a significant amount of money into the bank account that was used specifically for the fundraising events..."

by Mallory Cyr

"...One early morning, while still in bed, my husband and I were awakened by our ringing doorbell. Wrapping myself in my robe, I ran to open the door, presuming to find one of my husband’s co-workers. To my shock, there stood Michael Jackson. He smiled broadly, as if I should be expecting him. I said his name aloud, several times, looking at him for verification that he was indeed who I thought he was. He nodded, continuing to smile knowingly at me. Still confused, I looked around. No photographers, no crowd, no commotion. Just a lone vehicle and driver sitting in my driveway. Once more I looked at him, simply asking “Michael Jackson”?..."

by Nancy Grabtree

"...One evening we saw a movie together in his private theater. Michael was very philosophical, he often talked about philosophy and life. He asked me to tell him about the children I had photographed around the world while I was working for the United Nations - many stories of pain and suffering and about the different kinds of people and children I have met. Michael was always very compassionate towards the less fortunate children. His message was that children should not suffer. Therefore, we all should get involved in giving to the children of the world who need our help. He said, “John, there are people who get a lot of joy when they get gifts and things from others - and there are people who love to give to others. I want to be the second kind.”..."

by John Isaac

"...Daniele and I were allowed to watch the incredible show from one of the stage sides, together with Debbie Rowe and Luciano Pavarotti. During the show, a member of the staff gave Daniele a gift bag, including the program of the HIStory Tour. They were all very nice to us and some of Michael’s dancers even gave Daniele a “high-five” a few times.
Towards the end of the concert, during “Heal the World”, Michael came towards us. Daniele was sitting on a chair (unable to walk very well because of the weakness due to his disease), Michael kneeled before him and kissed his right hand several times. Afterwards he picked him up and twirled with him while going towards the center of the stage in front of 40.000 people; there they posed for some photos and then he carried him back behind the scenes before the end of the song. It was an unforgettable concert..."

by Antonietta Parisi

"...And as we finished giving out the last loot bag to an 11-year old orphan, a new line of more kids and even adults formed. Michael's bodyguard, Wayne, said, "We can leave now!" And calmly MJ replied, "We can't leave when there are still people in line. It's Christmas, dude."..."

by Gwen J. Carino

"...Another memory from my time with him in Las Vegas is when we were in the “Caesar’s Palace”, again shopping. This time he went to one of those trendy clothing shops. Michael looked around and then said to the staff that he wanted to buy “the whole rack of this” and “the whole rack of that”. I was standing by and wondering all the time what in the world he wanted to do with all those clothes in all those different sizes and colours. In the end he had bought almost the whole shop and spent more than $400.000. To me it just did not make sense at all, until I heard him talk to his assistant. He told her to let the clothes be wrapped up into little presents and gave her an address of an orphanage somewhere at the east coast of the US..."

by Wayne Galley

"...I was the only one who was given a hug from him, and it seemed to last so long. Half way through he took a step up to be on the same level that I was on, right at the top of the stairs. I tried to take in and remember everything, any scent, the feel of the hug, his strength and most of all just how kind, caring and loving it felt. There was such true warmth and care in that hug, as though he already knew me and everything I had been through. It felt like meeting an old friend you’d known for years but who hadn’t seen you since becoming so ill and wanted to hug you as hard as they could in the hope that they could share their health with you, in the hope everything would be ok for you from now on. There was pure concern and love for everyone felt through him, as odd as it may sound to some..."

by Julie Windsor

Where and how can I buy the book?

You can buy it via various amazon stores, for example amazon.com as well as through various other online bookstores. You should also be able to get it at a bookstore near you with the following ISBN: 978-3-8495-5196-4
If you can speak German, please order the book through the website of the publisher. This procedure assures the highest revenues, which consequently means: more money for charity!

Please help these wonderful people by leaving comments about the book on amazon or other stores.

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mjj.book

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MJJBook

More info & contact details on their website: http://www.mjjbook.com

This is such a wonderful book to have been involved with and I hope it does well spreading the LOVE that Michael has brought to so many of his fans!!
